Watching Right-wingers Melt Down...Again

Reactionaries hate liberty.

Liberty? Like speaking out against gay organizations like GLSEN and the LGBTQ?...oh wait, to a leftard that's just "hate speech"....(snicker)
All liberty so just deal with it. No one ever said you would approve of what someone does, says, or does or does not do.

No, apparently the fabian socialists that run the leftard clown posse have a real problem with those that are not "on board" with them.
And you have a problem with him not standing? Both of you need to just STFU.

Did I say that I did, dumb ass? You have piss poor reading comprehension skills but I chalk that up to the fact that you are one ignorant piece of YOU "STFU"'ve got nothing.
Go ahead then, defend his right to sit down during the National Anthem? Do it, hotshot.
Liberty? Like speaking out against gay organizations like GLSEN and the LGBTQ?...oh wait, to a leftard that's just "hate speech"....(snicker)
All liberty so just deal with it. No one ever said you would approve of what someone does, says, or does or does not do.

No, apparently the fabian socialists that run the leftard clown posse have a real problem with those that are not "on board" with them.
And you have a problem with him not standing? Both of you need to just STFU.

Did I say that I did, dumb ass? You have piss poor reading comprehension skills but I chalk that up to the fact that you are one ignorant piece of YOU "STFU"'ve got nothing.
Go ahead then, defend his right to sit down during the National Anthem? Do it, hotshot.

I believe I did in an earlier post, dumb ass........
I hope the guy gets fired!
Yeah, liberty sucks. He should be a drone, like you.

He can go and protest without a paycheck. No one is stopping him from doing that. I don't see why I should have to spend money to fund his lifestyle. Fans pay a lot for these people to entertain and they should be entertained so if people jump for 50 mill then he should do it.
The latest non-issue conservatives are treating as a crisis is San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s remaining seated during the national anthem.

He stated his reason for his actions, that his stand “Is for People that don't have the voice,” and it is totally understandable and acceptable, to people of reason and conscience. However, to most conservatives, failure to stand for the national anthem is equal to an act of treason.

Of course, the same right-wingers view corporate America’s polluting of our air and water as acceptable because Big Business does it for profit. The right-wingers consider it to be the fat cats’ right to screw workers and consumers because that is the way of U.S. free market capitalism.

Yes, righties are up in arms over Colin Kaepernick, but when it comes to environmental destruction, needless wars, runaway defense spending, growing poverty, mass shootings, and a host of other issues truly detrimental to public interest, conservatives have no worries at all.

Kaepernick Says His Stand 'Is for People That Don't Have the Voice'


His teammates are rightwingers?

the NY Giants are rightwingers?
All liberty so just deal with it. No one ever said you would approve of what someone does, says, or does or does not do.

No, apparently the fabian socialists that run the leftard clown posse have a real problem with those that are not "on board" with them.
And you have a problem with him not standing? Both of you need to just STFU.

Did I say that I did, dumb ass? You have piss poor reading comprehension skills but I chalk that up to the fact that you are one ignorant piece of YOU "STFU"'ve got nothing.
Go ahead then, defend his right to sit down during the National Anthem? Do it, hotshot.

I believe I did in an earlier post, dumb ass........
In a way and good, that's liberty.
I hope the guy gets fired!
Yeah, liberty sucks. He should be a drone, like you.

I guess I should be forced to clap for his 'stance' on this issue because it is a free country where anyone can express themselves in any way they want. That was irony in case you didn't get that point.

I will admit that it's pretty funny for Colin to make this protest when he is on the verge of being benched in lieu of a QB that doesn't have his skills and the fact that he is a multi-millionaire that lives in a HUGE mansion. That being said, I don't have a problem with him not standing. I wouldn't stand either but for much bigger, better reasons that have far more implications that make Colin's support of Soros sponsored Black Lives Matter absolutely trivial. People need to wake up and realize that our love of country has been used against us and that our country was stolen from us before we were even born. It's an ugly truth and one that I am trying to expose.

$19,000,000 per year?

That could give a lot of the people that dont' have a voice something to say.

(wonder how many houses and cars he has?)
Why do you hate the rich?
Why don't you answer the question?

He won't stand for the flag, does he stand for equality?

Does he share with those less fortunate.

How much would half of his annual salary do for a ghetto?

How many disadvantaged children could he put thru college?
Who the fuck cares? That has nothing at all to do with the issue, which is liberty - stand or not, not your call.

I will defend to the death the right for Kaepernick, and you, to say incredibly stupid things.

$19,000,000 per year?

That could give a lot of the people that dont' have a voice something to say.

(wonder how many houses and cars he has?)
Why do you hate the rich?
Why don't you answer the question?

He won't stand for the flag, does he stand for equality?

Does he share with those less fortunate.

How much would half of his annual salary do for a ghetto?

How many disadvantaged children could he put thru college?
Who the fuck cares? That has nothing at all to do with the issue, which is liberty - stand or not, not your call.

I will defend to the death the right for Kaepernick, and you, to say incredibly stupid things.
Good. That's very liberal of you.
I hope the guy gets fired!
Yeah, liberty sucks. He should be a drone, like you.

He can go and protest without a paycheck. No one is stopping him from doing that. I don't see why I should have to spend money to fund his lifestyle. Fans pay a lot for these people to entertain and they should be entertained so if people jump for 50 mill then he should do it.
Then don't attend the games, dummy.

$19,000,000 per year?

That could give a lot of the people that dont' have a voice something to say.

(wonder how many houses and cars he has?)
Why do you hate the rich?
Why don't you answer the question?

He won't stand for the flag, does he stand for equality?

Does he share with those less fortunate.

How much would half of his annual salary do for a ghetto?

How many disadvantaged children could he put thru college?
Who the fuck cares? That has nothing at all to do with the issue, which is liberty - stand or not, not your call.

I will defend to the death the right for Kaepernick, and you, to say incredibly stupid things.
Good. That's very liberal of you.

Actually, it was very American of me.

I'm pretty sure "American:" and "liberal" don't mean the same thing.
Why do you hate the rich?
Why don't you answer the question?

He won't stand for the flag, does he stand for equality?

Does he share with those less fortunate.

How much would half of his annual salary do for a ghetto?

How many disadvantaged children could he put thru college?
Who the fuck cares? That has nothing at all to do with the issue, which is liberty - stand or not, not your call.

I will defend to the death the right for Kaepernick, and you, to say incredibly stupid things.
Good. That's very liberal of you.

Actually, it was very American of me.

I'm pretty sure "American:" and "liberal" don't mean the same thing.
Liberty comes from Liberalism, the founding philosophy of this nation.
Why don't you answer the question?

He won't stand for the flag, does he stand for equality?

Does he share with those less fortunate.

How much would half of his annual salary do for a ghetto?

How many disadvantaged children could he put thru college?
Who the fuck cares? That has nothing at all to do with the issue, which is liberty - stand or not, not your call.

I will defend to the death the right for Kaepernick, and you, to say incredibly stupid things.
Good. That's very liberal of you.

Actually, it was very American of me.

I'm pretty sure "American:" and "liberal" don't mean the same thing.
Liberty comes from Liberalism, the founding philosophy of this nation.
Why don't you answer the question?

He won't stand for the flag, does he stand for equality?

Does he share with those less fortunate.

How much would half of his annual salary do for a ghetto?

How many disadvantaged children could he put thru college?
Who the fuck cares? That has nothing at all to do with the issue, which is liberty - stand or not, not your call.

I will defend to the death the right for Kaepernick, and you, to say incredibly stupid things.
Good. That's very liberal of you.

Actually, it was very American of me.

I'm pretty sure "American:" and "liberal" don't mean the same thing.
Liberty comes from Liberalism, the founding philosophy of this nation.

Your paucity of historical perspective is duly noted.

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