“Watch Out, You Bastards, Bolsonaro is President of Brazil!” – Charges Filed in Brazil for Arrest of Corrupt Socialist Supreme Court Justice


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Formal charges have been filed in a military court against commie Brazilian Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes.

The massive protests against the corrupted elections may be the biggest anti-totalitarian movement in history & it looks like the military is going to intervene to save the country from a fraudulent NWO takeover.

Elon Musk is saying Twits interfered in this election too. In favor of the cheating totalitarians of course.
Is MSM reporting on any of this in a truthful manner? Of course not.

I can't wait to see this play out.
The wailing & gnashing of teeth from the global NWO criminals, their UNiparty lapdogs & the Mockingbird MSM is going to be epic.
They will do all they can to make sure the American sheeple are totally gaslighted over what's happening on the ground there.
They will claim it's illegitimate but never believe a word that comes from their lying mouths.
They are actively trying to make it seem like the fraud of an election is over but the Brazilians themselves aren't having it.

It's about time for a global movement to kick out the NWO reset scumbags & their minions in govt.
I wish it had started here but that's just semantics now.
Once it starts, the lefties may not have anyplace to run.

Sometimes your only option left is to stop the talk & start to rock.

The Brazilian military continues to mobilize, according to posts on GETTR.

A police SWAT unit chanted at Lula supporters “Watch out, you bastards, Bolsonaro is President of Brazil!”, wearing Christian crosses Crusader-style, amping themselves up for action.

Protestors outside the Army Headquarters in Brasilía chanted that “The Brazilian people authorize President Bolsonaro to intervene.”

Mass protests are scheduled for the weekend. The Brazilian military is asking for volunteers to join up.

Retired judge Wilson Issao Koressawa filed criminal charges with the Superior Military Court Thursday night 12/8, asking for the arrest of Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes. Koressawa had previously filed charges against O Globo journalist William Bonner for enforcing mRNA “vaccines”. The case will be heard by judge Artur Vidigal de Oliveira.

Retired General and Deputy Girão Monteiro posted on Twitter: “A message to everyone excited and flirting with communism: We have reacted before. If necessary, we will give our lives to defend the freedom of our people. It is not undemocratic to invoke Art. 142″ of the Brazilian Constitution, which empowers the military to act in conflicts between branches of government. “Those who are breaking the law should be afraid.”

Until MILLIONS of angry Americans get into the streets, nothing is going to change here. If the Left's goons in Blue states try to do mass arrests or they engage in violence against the protesters, we will "rock", indeed!

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