Washington Redskins trademark cancelled

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Washington Warriors, Washington Nationals, Washington Monacan, lots of alternate choices. The FSU Seminoles worked with the First Nation, instead of insulting them.

Ya do realize that those Injuns who object to the name are the extreme minority and most do so only for political reasons..... right?

Five nations were involved; they prevailed thus far. Snyder has, or will, appeal. "Redskins" has been used as a derogatory term, no question:

In 1863, a Winona, MN newspaper, the Daily Republican, printed among other announcements: "The state reward for dead Indians has been increased to $200 for every red-skin sent to Purgatory. This sum is more than the dead bodies of all the Indians east of the Red River are worth." [22] A linguistic analysis of 42 books published between 1875 and 1930 shows that negative contexts in the use of redskin were significantly more frequent than positive usage.[13] However, the use of the word Indian in a similarly selected set of books was nearly the same with more frequent negative than positive contexts.[13] suggesting that Redskin was not a derogatory term, but that most portrayals of Native Americans were negative in general. The term was in common use in movies during the most popular period for Hollywood westerns (approximately 1920-1970), with "redskins" usually being used to refer to Native Americans when war was imminent or in process.[23]

Snyder can continuing using the term, he just doesn't own it, or the logo. :lol:
This is clearly abuse of government. Maria Cantwell high school team name is Redskins. When is the government going after them?
I guess, for some people, gun walking into Mexico isn't wrong if a guy who used to be in the Marines does it.

He missed the turn off. He didn't want to go into Mexico and he declared his guns right up front. Not something you would do if you were trying to sneak them into Mexico illegally. Of course, you have no problems with an American citizen being jailed for taking a wrong turn.

link to real journalism..?
Redskins trademarks canceled by U.S. Patent Office

If this court action stands we will have crossed over to the dark side. The side of tyranny.

Odd. I always considered the name Redskins, a high tribute to Native Americans. :confused:

At one time it was. Even Indians called themselves redskins when dealing with whites. It's only considered derogatory among a very vocal few but hey, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.......

And considered derogatory by those boring history teachers you must have avoided:

The grisly particulars of that genocide are listed in a 1755 document called the Phips Proclamation, which zeroed in on the Penobscot Indians, a tribe today based in Maine.

Spencer Phips, a British politician and then Lieutenant Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Province, issued the call, ordering on behalf of British King George II for, “His Majesty’s subjects to Embrace all opportunities of pursuing, captivating, killing and Destroying all and every of the aforesaid Indians.” They paid well – 50 pounds for adult male scalps; 25 for adult female scalps; and 20 for scalps of boys and girls under age 12.

These bloody scalps were known as “redskins."

A 'Redskin' Is the Scalped Head of a Native American, Sold, Like a Pelt, for Cash - Esquire
"In the Land of the Free we are being held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness."
Robert Griffin III.
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is the term redneck trademarked? no

common law trademark? you might want to look into that.

or maybe people should stop going out of their way to be offensive. I don't think anyone would want to see a team called the san diego white trash.

The Fighting Irish mascot's appearance is based upon the old semi-simian stereotype of Irishmen. I'm sure some people of Irish descent have an issue with it, but no one seems to care about that.


I haven't heard any people of irish decent complaining about it. the irish people I know always liked it.

but then again fighting irish isn't a racial slur. I suspect if the team were the "fighting micks" they'd feel about like the native americans do since that's more on par.

We'll leave you in Charge of defining what is offensive:cuckoo:
is the term redneck trademarked? no

common law trademark? you might want to look into that.

or maybe people should stop going out of their way to be offensive. I don't think anyone would want to see a team called the san diego white trash.

There was a Case about it and Jeff's phrase was "Common Law Trademarked" and he won...

Look it up, Lawyer. :thup:



jeff who? and what case, dear? at what appellate level?

you do know those things matter, right?

You don't know which "Jeff" is Worldwide Famous for "you might be a Redneck"?...



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Next on the Radar of the Kenyan and the "Fundamentally Change America" Left... The Atlanta Braves, The Chicago Blackhawks, The Cleveland Indians, The Kansas City Chiefs, The North Dakota Fighting Sioux, The Cleveland Browns, The Notre Dame Fighting Irish... See, I'm Irish and when someone says the Irish drink and fight too much, my butt doesn't get all hurt and I don't think about legal action... The American Thinskins... It's unfortunately what we have become.


"The group argued that the Redskins should lose their federal trademark protection based on a law that prohibits registered names that are disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable. The case involves six registered trademarks that involve the use of the word Redskins, but it does not apply to the team's logo."...

Really?... Seems like a LOT of things could fall under that one. "You might be a Redneck if" has a "Common Law Trademark" on it that the Feds Respect and a Court has upheld... Give it some thought...

Maybe the United States should just change it's name the "Thinskins".



First and foremost doesn't the federal government have far more important things to deal with than the name of a football team? Second if people keep pushing Snyder to change the name I think he should come up with most moronic, stupid, idiotic name he can think of and change it to that then sell the team with the provision the new owners can not change the name or move the team. I kind of like Washington wipeouts
Redskins trademarks canceled by U.S. Patent Office

If this court action stands we will have crossed over to the dark side. The side of tyranny.

Odd. I always considered the name Redskins, a high tribute to Native Americans. :confused:
sorry, you are wrong.... redskins is a pejorative....

No one is preventing Snyder from using the term, I read he has appealed. Should he lose, he can still use the term, but so can others, on merchandise, if they so choose. Just an example of liberty. :D
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