Washington Post fact-checker: Four Pinocchios for claim that Joe Biden confused Trump with Bush


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Biden was addressing host George Lopez as "George", not talking about George E Bush.
The falsehood was picked up by Fox and the right wing message board USMB, among other right wing rags.
4 is the highest level of falsehood that a false claim can be rated:
More proof “factcheckers” are a lefty joke.

Anyone with at least a double digit IQ can watch the video and clearly see he was talking about Bush.......but hey, if you want to argue he thinks he is running against the guy interviewing him be my guest. :cuckoo:
Biden was addressing host George Lopez as "George", not talking about George E Bush.
The falsehood was picked up by Fox and the right wing message board USMB, among other right wing rags.
4 is the highest level of falsehood that a false claim can be rated:
More proof “factcheckers” are a lefty joke.

Anyone with at least a double digit IQ can watch the video and clearly see he was talking about Bush.......but hey, if you want to argue he thinks he is running against the guy interviewing him be my guest. :cuckoo:

His wife was mouthing Trump right next to him

Good grief
What kind of country are we going to be? Four more years OF GEORGE

Listen with your own ears for fucks sake. Why do you need someone else to tell you what you heard with your own God damn ears???


Well to be fair, 4 more years of George Lopez as a talkshow host would be pretty damn abysmal
Biden was addressing host George Lopez as "George", not talking about George E Bush.
The falsehood was picked up by Fox and the right wing message board USMB, among other right wing rags.
4 is the highest level of falsehood that a false claim can be rated:

I watched the video, asshole. Are you trying to tell us our ears did not hear what they heard? You wannabe postmodernist fools really need to snap out of it and fast. You all are very close to receiving a gift you never want to open.
Biden was addressing host George Lopez as "George", not talking about George E Bush.
The falsehood was picked up by Fox and the right wing message board USMB, among other right wing rags.
4 is the highest level of falsehood that a false claim can be rated:

Complete unadulterated BS media spin
Whoever controls the media controls the mind ~ Jim Morrison
Biden was addressing host George Lopez as "George", not talking about George E Bush.
The falsehood was picked up by Fox and the right wing message board USMB, among other right wing rags.
4 is the highest level of falsehood that a false claim can be rated:

Because Frackless Fingering Joe never forgets what office he's running for

How many have died of covid

Where he is

What he's talking about

You know the thing

Lines of.his speeches

On and on....
What kind of country are we going to be? Four more years OF GEORGE

Listen with your own ears for fucks sake. Why do you need someone else to tell you what you heard with your own God damn ears???

I did listen with my own ears.
And you listened to a little clip making it seem as if Biden was talking about George W Bush.
George Lopez is George. Repeating lies in a message board doesn't make the lie true.
Biden was addressing host George Lopez as "George", not talking about George E Bush.
The falsehood was picked up by Fox and the right wing message board USMB, among other right wing rags.
4 is the highest level of falsehood that a false claim can be rated:

I watched the video, asshole. Are you trying to tell us our ears did not hear what they heard? You wannabe postmodernist fools really need to snap out of it and fast. You all are very close to receiving a gift you never want to open.
You watched the misleading video. How does you watching it make it true that Biden spoke about W?
I'm surprised there's a thread apologizing for this idiotic fuckup. Normally the marxist shitstains avert their eyes and scream "Raycism!!!"

This kind of cringeworthy nonsense has pushed the Chinaman back underground. The handlers just can't stand another minute of this fucking vegetable making a laughingstock out of the party.

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