Was this really the breast decision?

i still dont get what this has to do with nativity scenes?

He isn't talking about you specifically but the left wing in general. Surely you know how nativity scenes have been removed from public places or criticized because it might offend people who aren't christian right? So, he's simply saying that it's crazy that a nativity scene offends some lefties but an exposed breast in public doesn't?
why should a woman have to hide to breast feed? i breast fed and no one could tell.....you simply toss a blanket over your shoulder and smother the child...

what the fuck is wrong with a country that sees breast feeding as 'sexual' or abnormal? what the fuck is wrong with a country where you prefer infants feed with chemicals than breast feed?

i think your attitude is fucked...but that is just me.
It's normal everywhere else on the planet. Not sure about Islime= to murkin Xtian taliban.
I see girls nursing in the park or in the supermarket on a weekly basis. Nobody pays any attention.
I know. Occasionally some WalMart or Target douche will take offense and ask them to move along. Big deal. For the most part, it's an accepted practice. The only people who are making a big deal out of it are the ones who are obsessed with using their tits and kids to draw attention to themselves.
There is nothing obscene about breast feeding Moms. The milk comes naturally consequently that is the absolute healthiest source of food for babies. Let the babies have it..

Has anyone said babies shouldn't eat?

When deciding Moms should move to the dressing room.... perhaps a dressing room is not available? When should the baby eat? At your convenience?

Happy babies are well fed babies and do they love Mom's breast milk or what. My children ate each time it was necessary. When they are teething whoaaaaa bring on the nutritious breast milk. Mom is a demanding job 80-120 hours a week possibly.

Do you have children? Did you ever breast feed?

Well, as a mom of 3. Who is also a conservative. Who has also nursed her children and who is not "outraged" over nursing moms or whatever i offer the following points. First, as the mother, I am supposed to be aware of the fact that a baby needs to eat frequently. DUH! So, i guess that since i choose to have children and be a mom i can plan my shopping trips to be short and to the point . There is not some national right or entitlement to uninterrupted shopping. At least not yet, lol. So, i always PLANNED for the fact that my baby had to eat. DUH! And, again, i usually just went to my car. It was warmer, i could turn on the heat, it was more private and comfortable. And, i am not against women nursing in public. At times it is necessary but can and should be done discreetly. Not because it is distasteful but because it is an intimate act of love between a parent and child and we don't need anymore PDA than necessary as it is. And, i also know nursing moms who turn militant and seem to think everyone should fall down and die in front of them and part the red sea because they are nursing their babies as if this is some heroic feat.
If you want to go back to that thread and further explore your 'feelings' on the matter go ahead, miss.

You made the allegations so you prove it ass wipe.

One more example of you wanting to watch other people do shit because you can't seen to even manage to back up your own fat mouth on your own.
Using rightwing logic, a lot of people on this thread hate women. Or fear them.


Again, where on earth is this coming from? What syllogism are you using to prove this assertion?

this is just bigotry.

We are dealign with a hard wired tabu regarding bodily function. Tabu that exists regardless of political affiliation.

You just want to assert that Conservative= misogynist. Whether there is any real evidence for it or not.
If you want to go back to that thread and further explore your 'feelings' on the matter go ahead, miss.

You made the allegations so you prove it ass wipe.

One more example of you wanting to watch other people do shit because you can't seen to even manage to back up your own fat mouth on your own.

Did you read what I wrote, miss? If you want to revisit your hysterical 'Ooooh, don't watch football on TV! It's stupid! Ooooh!'rant then go back to that thread and do so. Your type can be so damn emotional...
a lot of people on this thread hate women. Or fear them.

So far, only Skullfuck of the alternative lifestyle has demonstrated that.

There you go projecting again.

Let's see In Kunt Hair's mind if you don't like kids then you're gay. If you don't like to waste your time watching TV then you're gay.

Tell me what other tell tale signs of homosexuality do you want to enlighten us with. You seem to know them all for some reason and you're certainly privy to all the "code" words of the gay community.
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Why so defensive about it? Accept yourself for what you are. Just ease off on the hostility to traditional families.
Why so defensive about it? Accept yourself for what you are. Just ease off on the hostility to traditional families.

I have no problem with people wanting kids. I have a problem with people expecting everyone else to make exceptions for their kids.

There is absolutely nothing special about having kids people have been doing it for millions of years.

But aside from that what mental malfunction do you have that you can't process simple statements like I don't like kids but I do like women? Is it that you can't separate gender from reproduction or is it an issue with your mother?
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a lot of people on this thread hate women. Or fear them.

So far, only Skullfuck of the alternative lifestyle has demonstrated that.

There you go projecting again.

Let's see In Kunt Hair's mind if you don't like kids then you're gay. If you don't like to waste your time watching TV then you're gay.

Tell me what other tell tale signs of homosexuality do you want to enlighten us with. You seem to know them all for some reason and you're certainly privy to all the "code" words of the gay community.

There are a whole variety of subtle signs.

If a guy likes to french kiss other guys, that's a sign.

If he likes to put other guy's dicks in his mouth, that too is a clue.

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