Was Lyndon Johnson the Worst US President?

I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
For many years I thought LBJ to be the bottom of the barrel, then along came Clinton and upset the apple cart then just when you thought it safe to go back into the water, they sprang Obummer on us,
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.

You need to go read a history book. Generational poverty has been around since slavery ended. Johnson's War on Poverty lifed millions OUT of poverty, combined with the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act, ended Jim Crow Laws and gave black better access to education, and business opportunities, and helped create the black middle class.

Black families were broken apart by slavery, selling off one parent, or selling the children off
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
LBJ is the 4th worst. Woodrow Wilson segregationist and KKK lover is 3rd worst. 2nd worst is Jimmy the feckless Carter and is malaise. And the winner of the worst president ever ....goes to the brown turd Obammmy who threw his grandmother under the bus, created cash for clunkers, paid Solyindra 1/2 billion of tax dollars that ended up bankrupt but the CEO's instant millionaires, blamed Bush for his 8 years of Obammy's failures, and then "spied" on US citizens on his way out of office.
The worst president was Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln was our greatest president.
And Stalin was the USSR's greatest leader for the same reason.
Do you still live in my country? Why? You have said on many occasions that you hate America. You even renounced your citizenship on this very site. Your feelings are clear; have the courage to live by them.
Sad that you admire a mass murdering dictator.
Sad that you don't understand the history of my country. Now, GTFO.
I understand it far better than you.
You keep proving the opposite. Acting like an America-hating douche bag on the internet does not equate to knowledge of or scholarship in history, fool.

Take your America-hating ass to some place you don't hate.
Hating Lincoln is not the same thing as hating America. Lincoln was a dictator and a war criminal. The facts are indisputable.

Stalin was the greatest leader in the USSR?? So you're in favour of brutal dictators who murder 40 million of their own citizens. No wonder you support an assclown like Trump.
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
For many years I thought LBJ to be the bottom of the barrel, then along came Clinton and upset the apple cart then just when you thought it safe to go back into the water, they sprang Obummer on us,

Funny how you ignore all of the Republicans who crashed the economy, ran up the deficit, and transferred all of the wealth to the billionaires, and hate the Presidents who cleaned up the economic messes made by Republicans.

No wonder you think Trump is so wonderful. Worst crash since the Great Depression. $70 trillion for billionaires, and 40 million unemployed. Massive debt and deficits. He's utterly destroyed the economy for working people, and it will take 10 years for the economic recovery.
LBJ had some good programs like medicare. Something no republican would ever give us and they'd love to get rid of it. Every tax break for billionaires and corporations that the republicans give us makes those programs like social security and medicare weaker. As it is, we're second rate compared to first world nations when it comes to affordable medical care and education. It's supposed to be about'we the people', not them them the billionaires.
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
LBJ is the 4th worst. Woodrow Wilson segregationist and KKK lover is 3rd worst. 2nd worst is Jimmy the feckless Carter and is malaise. And the winner of the worst president ever ....goes to the brown turd Obammmy who threw his grandmother under the bus, created cash for clunkers, paid Solyindra 1/2 billion of tax dollars that ended up bankrupt but the CEO's instant millionaires, blamed Bush for his 8 years of Obammy's failures, and then "spied" on US citizens on his way out of office.
The worst president was Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln was our greatest president.
And Stalin was the USSR's greatest leader for the same reason.
Do you still live in my country? Why? You have said on many occasions that you hate America. You even renounced your citizenship on this very site. Your feelings are clear; have the courage to live by them.
Sad that you admire a mass murdering dictator.
Sad that you don't understand the history of my country. Now, GTFO.
I understand it far better than you.
You keep proving the opposite. Acting like an America-hating douche bag on the internet does not equate to knowledge of or scholarship in history, fool.

Take your America-hating ass to some place you don't hate.
Hating Lincoln is not the same thing as hating America. Lincoln was a dictator and a war criminal. The facts are indisputable.

Stalin was the greatest leader in the USSR?? So you're in favour of brutal dictators who murder 40 million of their own citizens. No wonder you support an assclown like Trump.
You're too stupid for me to bother explaining it
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
Yes. The passing of the civil rights act was a HORRIBLE thing to happen to this country.
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
He's right down there with Harding and Buchanan.
you did not refute my statement--you are just babbling

Not at all.

"I want you to take this gun, go out there and fight for my right to own slaves."

Sensible Person "Fuck no, you shouldn't own slaves. that's wrong."
Johnny Reb Inbred Redneck, "Weeeehhhhhaaaa, let's go fight for DIXIE!!!"
Me (Shoots slave owner between eyes just for fun.)
I think it is safe to say that LBJ was the Godfather of generational poverty. He wrecked families and put people on welfare. This is why I'm nominating him the worst US President in my book. I think he knowingly destroyed families to create a reliable voting base. Killing families on purpose for political gain is about as bad as it can get in my book. I feel this is even worse than Obama's corruption of the justice system and using government to go after political targets. I'm not huge into presidential history, was there anyone worse than Johnson? I think I've heard from others on this forum that he did great damage to our method of governance as well, causing problems we are still seeing today. It is hard to image a more damaging president. For my liberal friends who will immediately say Trump is evil, would you at least be kind enough to give a concrete reason why you believe this? Not just that you think he has a bad demeanor, or that you don't like him as a person. Try to give some policy.
He's #3

Hey, you know what? Trump has fixed all of the fuel and oil crap that Carter did.
Now if only he could get the price of diesel back to where it was for almost 100 years.
(to the ratio of gasoline)
Diesel was a little over 1/2 the price of gas for nearly 100 years, maybe less, what changed?
most whites in the South did NOT own slaves

Yet, they all engaged in a mass Natural Selection Event and died for the right of rich people to own them.
Lincoln killed them. Murder isn't "natural selection," you fucking douchebag.
Well, they did commit treason, so...
No they didn't, douchebag. Look up how the Constitution defines the word. Lincoln is the one who committed treason.
LBJ was certinally a lying dishonest pice of shit like all Democrat Presidents but I think we all know that the worthless asshole Obama firmally holds First Place on the list of Worst President.

LBJ did many terrible things but to me the worst was giving the Israelis a pass on attacking the USS Liberty. He did it because didn't want to piss off Jews that were donating to the Democrat Party.

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