Was Einstein wrong?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This is the most exciting thing I have ever read.

An international team of scientists has recorded neutrino particles travelling faster than the speed of light, a spokesman for the researchers said on Thursday -- in what could be a challenge to one of the fundamental rules of physics. Antonio Ereditato, who works at the CERN particle physics centre on the Franco-Swiss border, told Reuters that measurements over three years showed the neutrinos moving 60 nanoseconds quicker than light over a distance of 730 km between Geneva and Gran Sasso, Italy.
"We have high confidence in our results. But we need other colleagues to do their tests and confirm them," he said.

Particles recorded moving faster than light - CERN | Reuters

I can't even imagine what their faces looked like when they saw the readout.
Would "scientists" fudge data by a millionth of a second to keep those grants rolling in or to get their names in journals? They did it with global warming.
That's the cool thing about Science.

It's "Progressive".


It's also non-partisan. Pity that you're too fucking stupid to get that basic concept.

Why do I get the impression you are either a California transplant, or a poser.
We Californians don't go around behaving like your snotty ass.

I live here and yes. They do. They really, REALLY do.

But fuck all that human shit. This is so much more important if it's confirmed.
It's also non-partisan. Pity that you're too fucking stupid to get that basic concept.

Why do I get the impression you are either a California transplant, or a poser.
We Californians don't go around behaving like your snotty ass.

I live here and yes. They do. They really, REALLY do.

But fuck all that human shit. This is so much more important if it's confirmed.

Yep think of the bandwidth on a nutrino based internet!
Faster than the speed of light, more powerful than a locomotive...
Roll over Einstein: Pillar of physics challenged
Sep 22,`11 - A pillar of physics - that nothing can go faster than the speed of light - appears to be smashed by an oddball subatomic particle that has apparently made a giant end run around Albert Einstein's theories.
Scientists at the world's largest physics lab said Thursday they have clocked neutrinos traveling faster than light. That's something that according to Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity - the famous E (equals) mc2 equation - just doesn't happen. "The feeling that most people have is this can't be right, this can't be real," said James Gillies, a spokesman for the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The organization, known as CERN, hosted part of the experiment, which is unrelated to the massive $10 billion Large Hadron Collider also located at the site.

Gillies told The Associated Press that the readings have so astounded researchers that they are asking others to independently verify the measurements before claiming an actual discovery. "They are inviting the broader physics community to look at what they've done and really scrutinize it in great detail, and ideally for someone elsewhere in the world to repeat the measurements," he said Thursday. Scientists at the competing Fermilab in Chicago have promised to start such work immediately. "It's a shock," said Fermilab head theoretician Stephen Parke, who was not part of the research in Geneva. "It's going to cause us problems, no doubt about that - if it's true."

The Chicago team had similar faster-than-light results in 2007, but those came with a giant margin of error that undercut its scientific significance. Other outside scientists expressed skepticism at CERN's claim that the neutrinos - one of the strangest well-known particles in physics - were observed smashing past the cosmic speed barrier of 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second). University of Maryland physics department chairman Drew Baden called it "a flying carpet," something that was too fantastic to be believable.

CERN says a neutrino beam fired from a particle accelerator near Geneva to a lab 454 miles (730 kilometers) away in Italy traveled 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light. Scientists calculated the margin of error at just 10 nanoseconds, making the difference statistically significant. But given the enormous implications of the find, they still spent months checking and rechecking their results to make sure there was no flaws in the experiment. "We have not found any instrumental effect that could explain the result of the measurement," said Antonio Ereditato, a physicist at the University of Bern, Switzerland, who was involved in the experiment known as OPERA. The researchers are now looking to the United States and Japan to confirm the results.

This is the most exciting thing I have ever read.

An international team of scientists has recorded neutrino particles travelling faster than the speed of light, a spokesman for the researchers said on Thursday -- in what could be a challenge to one of the fundamental rules of physics. Antonio Ereditato, who works at the CERN particle physics centre on the Franco-Swiss border, told Reuters that measurements over three years showed the neutrinos moving 60 nanoseconds quicker than light over a distance of 730 km between Geneva and Gran Sasso, Italy.
"We have high confidence in our results. But we need other colleagues to do their tests and confirm them," he said.
Particles recorded moving faster than light - CERN | Reuters
Particles in what atmosphere vs light in what atmosphere, really.

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