Vice President of Fauci-Funded Ecohealth Alliance Says COVID was Engineered, Fauci Still Attacks as "Conspiracy Theory"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Git yer popcorn . Dr. Andrew Huff and Eco Health Alliance are Ground Zero in the Fauci-Rand Paul wars over NIH funding Wuhan lab to make a bat virus spread better to humans. Eco Health and Dr. Ralph Baric were the conduits.

Of course Fauci will just double down accusing anyone who criticizes him of "hate" speech which endangers him and his family. He should have thought of that before he decided to become a genocidal monster, who killed millions by bad mouthing HCQ and Ivermectin for Covid when he knew they worked.
“What we’re dealing with now is just a distortion of reality, conspiracy theories which don’t make any sense at all pushing back on sound public health measures, making it look like trying to save lives is encroaching on people’s freedom,” Fauci said on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show.”
Fauci on COVID conspiracy theories: ‘What we’re dealing with now is just a distortion of reality’

Steve Hilton Investigative Report on Fauci-NIH Funding to Wuhan Lab for gain-of-function research, February 2, 2021 (View at Bitchute)

Let's get that runted serial killer in front of a Jim Jordan with subpoena power and a gavel.

It's time for some payback.... and if that includes locking up that little shit for 200 years (on each count), that's a risk I'm willing to take.

fauci serial killer.jpg
It’s a complete distortion of reality, I mean, a world where untruths have almost become normalized, how we can see something in front of our very eyes and deny it’s happening,” Fauci said.

like, two weeks to flatten the curve??

So when is Elon releasing all the 'files'....?
Let's get that runted serial killer in front of a Jim Jordan with subpoena power and a gavel.

It's time for some payback.... and if that includes locking up that little shit for 200 years (on each count), that's a risk I'm willing to take.

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Only a demented, depraved psychopath would allow this. I don't want him just to resign then he would be walking around free still able to menace society. He needs to be locked up.


I'm not trying to defend Fauci... didn't like from the 1st moment I saw him on TV

But those dogs.. I don't see how u can say their heads were "locked" into that flimsy device.
I am sure once the Republicans have a few performance based Congressional hearings...they will be bringing Fauci up on mass murder charges....

One can assume since he was working under the direction of the Trump admin, that this must go to the top...but we all know Trump had zero control over anything in his admin....because he is a weak cuck

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