Warren is heartless to those who save for college

Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
High IQs Create All the Wealth of the Plutocracy; That's Why They Brainwash Everybody to Not Care How the Most Valuable Students Are Treated

Not only was his yapping out of bitter jealousy, but he had no right to try to buy a job for his kid that belongs to smarter kids who can't afford to have their parents pay, or, most of all, has too much self-respect for his talent to not demand a high student salary by business and society, which need to get the smartest students educated, no matter what incentive it takes.
Pocahontas doesn't give a shit a bout the people that worked hard to put their children through college without having any debt. They aren't going to vote for her.

She only cares about the filthy ass welfare queens that will vote for her in order to get somebody else to pay their bills.
Sissy Rebellion by Diploma Dumbos

"Level the playing field"? Only slavish peasants let the plutocrats set their sons up halfway to the finish line. You bootlicking plebeians will never admit it, but one of the ways the patricians do that is through making college unnaturally difficult on every student who wasn't born rich. It does the bosswipes good to humiliate talent; their too stupid to realize it causes some of our most valuable human resources to go to waste because of the ungrateful and insulting attitude that educationist have to intelligence.

And the HeirDads do more than give their guillotine-fodder brats free tuition. Unless the few students who are intelligent enough to actually belong in college get the same allowance the Preppies get, they will live like teenagers afraid to grow up. They will never become mature adults; their nerdy unmanliness will cause their sons to want to become women. Their gold-digging wives will boss them around; so will their bosses because anyone who would work without pay to get a job is nothing but an economic sissy who will let his employers push him around mercilessly.

More cliche hacking class warfare. Worthless
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
What he could have told her is, she's full of shit. She's only doing what all Democrat candidates do. Looking for voting groups from which to suck more VOTES. In this case, it's college grads who owe $$$ on student loans.
Warren is an advocate for college students
Republicans are not
Pocahontas doesn't give a shit a bout the people that worked hard to put their children through college without having any debt. They aren't going to vote for her.

She only cares about the filthy ass welfare queens that will vote for her in order to get somebody else to pay their bills.
She cares about the affordability of college educations.
She has been involved in higher education for 30 years and understands the struggles students and families go through
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
What he could have told her is, she's full of shit. She's only doing what all Democrat candidates do. Looking for voting groups from which to suck more VOTES. In this case, it's college grads who owe $$$ on student loans.
Warren is an advocate for college students
Republicans are not

No she isn't. She's an advocate for wiping out trillions in debt and rewarding students with unaccountability. This is what dems do. Free stuff for everybody. Never mind the consequences.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
High IQs Create All the Wealth of the Plutocracy; That's Why They Brainwash Everybody to Not Care How the Most Valuable Students Are Treated

Not only was his yapping out of bitter jealousy, but he had no right to try to buy a job for his kid that belongs to smarter kids who can't afford to have their parents pay, or, most of all, has too much self-respect for his talent to not demand a high student salary by business and society, which need to get the smartest students educated, no matter what incentive it takes.

His father was exactly right and you're exactly wrong.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
What he could have told her is, she's full of shit. She's only doing what all Democrat candidates do. Looking for voting groups from which to suck more VOTES. In this case, it's college grads who owe $$$ on student loans.
Warren is an advocate for college students
Republicans are not

No she isn't. She's an advocate for wiping out trillions in debt and rewarding students with unaccountability. This is what dems do. Free stuff for everybody. Never mind the consequences.
This nation was built on free education

Pricing education so it is only available to the wealthy is not in our nations interest
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
High IQs Create All the Wealth of the Plutocracy; That's Why They Brainwash Everybody to Not Care How the Most Valuable Students Are Treated

Not only was his yapping out of bitter jealousy, but he had no right to try to buy a job for his kid that belongs to smarter kids who can't afford to have their parents pay, or, most of all, has too much self-respect for his talent to not demand a high student salary by business and society, which need to get the smartest students educated, no matter what incentive it takes.

His father was exactly right and you're exactly wrong.
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

You pathetic and jealous flunkies of Low-IQ economic bullies want to turn everyone smarter than you into a wimpy, depressed, and humiliated college student living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
High IQs Create All the Wealth of the Plutocracy; That's Why They Brainwash Everybody to Not Care How the Most Valuable Students Are Treated

Not only was his yapping out of bitter jealousy, but he had no right to try to buy a job for his kid that belongs to smarter kids who can't afford to have their parents pay, or, most of all, has too much self-respect for his talent to not demand a high student salary by business and society, which need to get the smartest students educated, no matter what incentive it takes.

His father was exactly right and you're exactly wrong.
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

You pathetic and jealous flunkies of Low-IQ economic bullies want to turn everyone smarter than you into a wimpy, depressed, and humiliated college student living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up.

You need help with your anger.
It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know it’s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.

Absolutely agree, but "free" isn't the way forward
The Most Valuable Human Potential Should Pay; They Should Be Paid More Than They Can Make at Any Other Job

Ruling-class mind control over all alternative views has prevented all of you from realizing that "highly paid students" is the only way forward—and upward to push the ruling class out of our way. Dumbed-down college graduates are incapable of making analogies, but don't be afraid to compare this fake benefit to how few high-school blue-chip athletes would play in college if all they got was free tuition and had to live the miserable, inadequate, and childish student lifestyle.

This man's premise is bogus.

Just because people have suffered due to injustices in society does not mean that we should not move forward with remedying those injustices.

Nor does it mean that we're obligated to pay reparations for all those who suffered from those injustices for all of history.

Your take is bogus.

Taking out a student loan is not a fucking injustice. Compared to the rest of the world it's a blessing. They made the choice. They need to live up to their obligations. The rest of us shouldn't have to pay for the poor choices of others.
In Order to Give Due Rewards to the Next Generation's Most Potentially Productive, Confiscate the 1%'s Inheritance

Being forced to make that choice under duress relieves them of the responsibility of paying it back to the educationist slavers. Besides, going to college is no more of a choice than to wannabe on the college football team. Students have to be chosen, recruited, and paid by those who will benefit from educating brains, not brown-noses (all the mediocrities who choose to go to college but would never be chosen) or bluebloods.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

Father is saying to Warren - "Because I did the right thing, met my obligations and paid for my choices, I get fucked."

You have a twisted way of thinking.
We don't actually know anything about the person who asked the question. His child could have gone to a state supported school and received scholarships.

Deflection. A point is being made and it is a valid point. You provided no value to the discussion. Thanks for wasting all of our time.
BS. He's the poster child for the OP and no one knows who he is. Who really paid out of pocket for his kids' entire college educations?

A lot of people who PLANNED for their future. I know that may be hard to believe and maybe it's because you make poor choices so you assume everyone else does. I went in the Military and when I did 6 years I got out. My wife and I had a child and another on the way. My wife stayed at home to take care of the kids as we agreed. I worked and put myself through college. Paid it without loans. Lived pay check to pay check for 18 years saved money and invested and retired 11 years early. It can be done. This country has a lot of opportunity. It takes work.
Serfs Up!

The only thing we should care about is how well you do your job. We have no need to hear your slavish bragging about what kind of unnecessary sacrifices the ruling class imposed on you in order to get that job.

This man's premise is bogus.

Just because people have suffered due to injustices in society does not mean that we should not move forward with remedying those injustices.

Nor does it mean that we're obligated to pay reparations for all those who suffered from those injustices for all of history.

She can move forward by coming up with a plan for more affordable college. There are many ways to do that. No one puts a gun to peoples’ heads to go into debt buying more college than you need. It’s like buying more house and car with high loans. If you can’t afford a four-year private college replete with all the amenities and takes a plane to get to, don’t go into debt for it. Community College plus two years at a four year state school that can be commuted to daily is an option.

Broad brush loan forgiveness is reckless and irresponsible which is pretty consistent with Warren.

The Race Must Go to the Fittest, Never to the Fatherest

Real men would demand to get exactly what the Preppies get or make sure that those spoiled pre-positioned incompetent leaders never graduate.
Father is saying to Warren - "Because I did the right thing, met my obligations and paid for my choices, I get fucked."

You have a twisted way of thinking.
We don't actually know anything about the person who asked the question. His child could have gone to a state supported school and received scholarships.

Deflection. A point is being made and it is a valid point. You provided no value to the discussion. Thanks for wasting all of our time.
BS. He's the poster child for the OP and no one knows who he is. Who really paid out of pocket for his kids' entire college educations?

A lot of people who PLANNED for their future. I know that may be hard to believe and maybe it's because you make poor choices so you assume everyone else does. I went in the Military and when I did 6 years I got out. My wife and I had a child and another on the way. My wife stayed at home to take care of the kids as we agreed. I worked and put myself through college. Paid it without loans. Lived pay check to pay check for 18 years saved money and invested and retired 11 years early. It can be done. This country has a lot of opportunity. It takes work.
Serfs Up!

The only thing we should care about is how well you do your job. We have no need to hear your slavish bragging about what kind of unnecessary sacrifices the ruling class imposed on you in order to get that job.

Yeah. I shouldn't have to try. I need to be more entitled.

Thanks for the insight. Very Helpful.

This man's premise is bogus.

Just because people have suffered due to injustices in society does not mean that we should not move forward with remedying those injustices.

Nor does it mean that we're obligated to pay reparations for all those who suffered from those injustices for all of history.

She can move forward by coming up with a plan for more affordable college. There are many ways to do that. No one puts a gun to peoples’ heads to go into debt buying more college than you need. It’s like buying more house and car with high loans. If you can’t afford a four-year private college replete with all the amenities and takes a plane to get to, don’t go into debt for it. Community College plus two years at a four year state school that can be commuted to daily is an option.

Broad brush loan forgiveness is reckless and irresponsible which is pretty consistent with Warren.

Broad brush loan forgiveness is not going to happen
Making student loan payments fully deductible is achievable

If we can afford to give businesses a 40 percent cut in their taxes, we can afford to let students deduct their student loans
A-Students Must Become Alpha Males and Use Their Brains to Destroy the Present System

100% tax cut for the money corporations will pay recruited high-school grads for a high salary and tuition in college. That is true privatization; what we have now is class-biased indentured servitude (birth privileges also destroy Capitalism).

Zero tuition is unmotivating; the exact opposite must be the solution. Instead of having to pay or not, students have to be paid. That will get the best students and get them to study. The ones we've had for decades are no-talent brown-noses. Such college graduates are the cause of our economic inadequacy, but the ruling class desires slavish bootlickers to do white-collar jobs. The fact that our Diploma Dumbos never get blamed for our decline indicates massive mind control. The Big Lie is the stupidity of getting a job just because you can go four or more years without a job; college "education" means nothing more than that, a test of slavishness.

Actually, an intelligent corporation could do it now even without the substitution for paying taxes. Recruiting the smartest students in the country will soon enable it to dominate its market; such a prescient decision will be like an NFL team getting the whole first round of draft picks.

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