Warning: Fake News political thread


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Okay, if you're reading, I warned you.

I wish Trumpsters, before they grab their guns and go after the "commies", could have watched AND LISTENED TO Joe Scarborough's tirade on MSNBC just now. I know it's fake news 'n stuff, but it would have made you feel a little better. He just made a few very important points, such as:
  • The Dems BADLY under-performed in the House and Senate
  • The GOP no longer has to fear redistricting, since they did so well
  • 2022 is looking very good for the GOP
  • Moderate Dems are furious and ready to take the party back from the Regressive Left
  • They know that defunding the police and socialized medicine are LOSER ideas
  • This is a 50/50 country, and it looks like we may not go too far in either direction
And I'll add one of my own:
  • It looks like minorities may be re-thinking their allegiance to the Dems, and now the Dems have to WORK for it. Good.
So, in all seriousness, and with respect, we're not going commie in January. Maybe calm down, stop talking about guns, stop believing the scary stuff you're hearing in your "news" universe, and start thinking critically and calmly.
I helped one of the sheetrockers fix his 9mm the other day on one jobsite. He's dead set on the revolution happening, military on his side, maga, etc ad naseum......:eusa_shifty:

It's like this for me most days among the great unwashed Mac

Okay, if you're reading, I warned you.

I wish Trumpsters, before they grab their guns and go after the "commies", could have watched AND LISTENED TO Joe Scarborough's tirade on MSNBC just now. I know it's fake news 'n stuff, but it would have made you feel a little better. He just made a few very important points, such as:
  • The Dems BADLY under-performed in the House and Senate
  • The GOP no longer has to fear redistricting, since they did so well
  • 2022 is looking very good for the GOP
  • Moderate Dems are furious and ready to take the party back from the Regressive Left
  • They know that defunding the police and socialized medicine are LOSER ideas
  • This is a 50/50 country, and it looks like we may not go too far in either direction
And I'll add one of my own:
  • It looks like minorities may be re-thinking their allegiance to the Dems, and now the Dems have to WORK for it. Good.
So, in all seriousness, and with respect, we're not going commie in January. Maybe calm down, stop talking about guns, stop believing the scary stuff you're hearing in your "news" universe, and start thinking critically and calmly.

I like Joe and used to listen to his show a lot. He makes sense.
Okay, if you're reading, I warned you.

I wish Trumpsters, before they grab their guns and go after the "commies", could have watched AND LISTENED TO Joe Scarborough's tirade on MSNBC just now. I know it's fake news 'n stuff, but it would have made you feel a little better. He just made a few very important points, such as:
  • The Dems BADLY under-performed in the House and Senate
  • The GOP no longer has to fear redistricting, since they did so well
  • 2022 is looking very good for the GOP
  • Moderate Dems are furious and ready to take the party back from the Regressive Left
  • They know that defunding the police and socialized medicine are LOSER ideas
  • This is a 50/50 country, and it looks like we may not go too far in either direction
And I'll add one of my own:
  • It looks like minorities may be re-thinking their allegiance to the Dems, and now the Dems have to WORK for it. Good.
So, in all seriousness, and with respect, we're not going commie in January. Maybe calm down, stop talking about guns, stop believing the scary stuff you're hearing in your "news" universe, and start thinking critically and calmly.
You are engaging in slander

if you really fear conservatives with guns then its no wonder you supported leftwing retards like biden and beto o’rourke

conservatives are damned angry over the message of the far left and their physical threats against us

but most of all we are angry about the election fraud that dems are using to try and steal this election

will I take my gun and go looking for trouble?


but am I prepared to defend myself and my home from mobs of lefties while democrats in power look on approvingly?

yes indeed

and I’m ready to contest the 2020 election for as long as it takes
Why do I get the feeling I'm being looked down on from a colossal ivory tower?
A majority of the country doesn't buy into a hardcore partisan ideology.

A majority of the country would rather see communication, collaboration, innovation.

WE think that WE'RE being look down on from a colossal ivory tower. One on each end.
A majority of the country would rather see communication, collaboration, innovation.

You can't communicate, collaborate or innovate with people who aren't interested in listening to you or your opinions.
Some will simply never be a part of such a process. That's up to them.
A majority of the country would rather see communication, collaboration, innovation.

You can't communicate, collaborate or innovate with people who aren't interested in listening to you or your opinions.
Some will simply never be a part of such a process. That's up to them.

They may not be interested in being part of the process if they are being constantly judged for what they believe.
I wish Trumpsters, before they grab their guns and go after the "commies", could have watched AND LISTENED TO Joe Scarborough's tirade on MSNBC just now. I know it's fake news 'n stuff, but it would have made you feel a little better. He just made a few very important points, such as:
  • The Dems BADLY under-performed in the House and Senate
Yeah, Dems couldn't very well perpetrate their voter fraud in places like Kentucky ... it would have been obvious. It was best to bury it in big cities where they could control the process and the ballot count.

You'll be heartened to know there is little chance the fraud will be exposed unless thousands of Dems come forward and admit it, and even then you would try to defend it as anomalies or irregularities.

The scam is just a continuation of the coup first announced by the WashPo mere minutes after Trump was inaugurated. You've cheered it for 4 years.

A majority of the country would rather see communication, collaboration, innovation.

You can't communicate, collaborate or innovate with people who aren't interested in listening to you or your opinions.
Some will simply never be a part of such a process. That's up to them.

They may not be interested in being part of the process if they are being constantly judged for what they believe.
Then they need to grow a little thicker skin, have more confidence in their opinions, or just stay on the sidelines.

I don't care at this point. We've decayed too far.
Some will simply never be a part of such a process. That's up to them.
Mac1958 is a lefty pretending to be a moderate, and complaining about anyone - meaning conservatives - who do not agree with him
Thank you for your input.

Would you like to know what I think of you now?

I don't. Sorry.
Okay, if you're reading, I warned you.

I wish Trumpsters, before they grab their guns and go after the "commies", could have watched AND LISTENED TO Joe Scarborough's tirade on MSNBC just now. I know it's fake news 'n stuff, but it would have made you feel a little better. He just made a few very important points, such as:
  • The Dems BADLY under-performed in the House and Senate
  • The GOP no longer has to fear redistricting, since they did so well
  • 2022 is looking very good for the GOP
  • Moderate Dems are furious and ready to take the party back from the Regressive Left
  • They know that defunding the police and socialized medicine are LOSER ideas
  • This is a 50/50 country, and it looks like we may not go too far in either direction
And I'll add one of my own:
  • It looks like minorities may be re-thinking their allegiance to the Dems, and now the Dems have to WORK for it. Good.
So, in all seriousness, and with respect, we're not going commie in January. Maybe calm down, stop talking about guns, stop believing the scary stuff you're hearing in your "news" universe, and start thinking critically and calmly.

Only problem I see here for Democrats is that if you are going to stay in the middle and try to appeal to those voters Scarborough was talking about, there may not be any discernible difference between them and their Republican opponent. Those people will vote Republican. Sooner or later, taxes, wage stagnation, healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, and race relations will all need to be addressed. The up and coming younger voters are going to demand it. And those demographics are shifting to them...quickly. We've allowed Republicans and conservatives (latest iteration) to boil these issues down into soundbites, memes, and gifs. Then along comes Trump and his clan to poison the well permanently. I give the ACA as an example. It should have been a starting point. Republicans have had a decade to offer up their own plan. I've seen several outlets go out and interview the unwashed masses to ask them if they liked the ACA or "Obamacare" better. Almost all of them said they support the ACA but didn't support Obamacare. Sheesh. This is how rhetoric leads to divisiveness. I care only about policy and what works and what doesn't. Show me one conservative policy success story in the last four decades and I'll consider it.

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