Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Jeff Schweitzer: Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer

That the Grand Old Party is hostile to environmental regulation is no grand revelation. But the most recent assault on the EPA is, even for Republicans and Tea Party enthusiasts, an unusually reckless and irresponsible attack on reasonable attempts to clean our air. We are talking coal ash. Nothing like taking in some lead, cadmium and mercury with each breath and every sip of water to brighten one's day. That is just the price we must pay to reduce government interference into our private affairs.

But coal is particularly nasty. Yes, the attraction to coal is powerful and obvious because the United States sits on a reserve of nearly 250 billion tons of coal, 112 billion of which are high-quality bituminous and anthracite coals; the remainder mainly being lower-energy and dirtier lignite. With such abundance the siren song of energy independence is difficult to resist. However, burning even the highest quality anthracite is dirty business. One 500 MW power plant generates about 3 million tons of carbon dioxide every year. Other toxic byproducts include fine-grain particulates, heavy metals like mercury, lead, chromium and nickel, trace elements such as arsenic and selenium, and various organics like dichloroethane, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and trichloroethylene. Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are common pollutants from coal, and are found at higher levels in anthracite than in bituminous coal. The known health consequences of this toxic brew of air and water pollution are many, and include nervous system problems in infants and children, asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, a suite of cardiovascular problems and kidney disease. The environmental impacts are well documented, and not pretty.

But all of those inconvenient truths are just part of a liberal conspiracy if you believe the GOP.

And one wonders just why anybody believes anything the GOP has to say anymore. Talk about some nasty agendas.
I tried to read that... All I could get was 'blah, blah, blah.' Oh well. I'm sure I didn't miss anything of interest... considering that BrainDeadBoop is only marginally more intelligent than TruthDon'tMatter.
CG, that is just the attitude that the OWS movement needs you to take. Thank you, from myself and the rest. You have defined the enemy of our children wonderfully. Our children are negatively affected by breathing mercury and lead? "Can't hear you, the rustling of the bucks of big energy is too loud".
CG, that is just the attitude that the OWS movement needs you to take. Thank you, from myself and the rest. You have defined the enemy of our children wonderfully. Our children are negatively affected by breathing mercury and lead? "Can't hear you, the rustling of the bucks of big energy is too loud".


whenever one of you frauds goes on about the children, i check my wallet.
MY GAWD, the FEARMONGERING out of the left is becoming more INSANE and idiotic with each passing day.

Biden says if we don't pass this so called jobs bill, more people will be robbed and raped.

that must be that NEW TONE they were all crying about..

and of course the op buys into it hook, line and STINKER:lol:
The future the Teabaggers and GOP wish for us and our children. This has already happened, so we know that they would do it again. Dirty, damned regulations that keep businesses from operating any way that they wish to.
Donora Killer Smog Noted at 50

In house after house, Bill Schempp placed the mask over the faces of neighbors who were wheezing and gasping for air. He'd give them a little oxygen from the tank, then stop.
They'd start to wheeze again, and the firefighter would give them a bit more. But eventually, it was time to move to the next home in Donora, Washington County, to relieve, at least temporarily, the labored breathing of those worst affected by the air pollution that enveloped the town.

"I'm dying, and you're taking my air from me," Schempp, now 81, recalls being told.

Fifty years ago this week, a killer smog created by unchecked industrial emissions and stagnant air conditions filled the then-thriving mill town in the Mon Valley.

Newspapers reported that 21 people died over two days as a direct result of the smog, and more than a third of the town's population, or about 6,000 people, became ill or were hospitalized.
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The future the Teabaggers and GOP wish for us and our children. This has already happened, so we know that they would do it again. Dirty, damned regulations that keep businesses from operating any way that they wish to.
Donora Killer Smog Noted at 50

In house after house, Bill Schempp placed the mask over the faces of neighbors who were wheezing and gasping for air. He'd give them a little oxygen from the tank, then stop.
They'd start to wheeze again, and the firefighter would give them a bit more. But eventually, it was time to move to the next home in Donora, Washington County, to relieve, at least temporarily, the labored breathing of those worst affected by the air pollution that enveloped the town.

"I'm dying, and you're taking my air from me," Schempp, now 81, recalls being told.

Fifty years ago this week, a killer smog created by unchecked industrial emissions and stagnant air conditions filled the then-thriving mill town in the Mon Valley.

Newspapers reported that 21 people died over two days as a direct result of the smog, and more than a third of the town's population, or about 6,000 people, became ill or were hospitalized.

that's awful. we should have something like the EPA. oh wait, we do.

thaqnk god a farsighted democrat had the good sense to...what's that? nixon started the EPA!?!

oh, okay. well, still, it's a good thing that a farsighted democrat signed the clean air act in 1970.

what? nixon again!?!?


Now Del, if you have read anything that I stated previously about Nixon, you would know my opinion of him.

Nixon could have been remembered as one of the great Presidents, had he controled his paranoia. He opened up China, and his environmental policies were groundbreaking. He was a pragmatic politician that, had he allowed that part of his persona, to be primary, would be remembered far differantly than he is today.
Jeff Schweitzer: Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer

That the Grand Old Party is hostile to environmental regulation is no grand revelation. But the most recent assault on the EPA is, even for Republicans and Tea Party enthusiasts, an unusually reckless and irresponsible attack on reasonable attempts to clean our air. We are talking coal ash. Nothing like taking in some lead, cadmium and mercury with each breath and every sip of water to brighten one's day. That is just the price we must pay to reduce government interference into our private affairs.

But coal is particularly nasty. Yes, the attraction to coal is powerful and obvious because the United States sits on a reserve of nearly 250 billion tons of coal, 112 billion of which are high-quality bituminous and anthracite coals; the remainder mainly being lower-energy and dirtier lignite. With such abundance the siren song of energy independence is difficult to resist. However, burning even the highest quality anthracite is dirty business. One 500 MW power plant generates about 3 million tons of carbon dioxide every year. Other toxic byproducts include fine-grain particulates, heavy metals like mercury, lead, chromium and nickel, trace elements such as arsenic and selenium, and various organics like dichloroethane, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and trichloroethylene. Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are common pollutants from coal, and are found at higher levels in anthracite than in bituminous coal. The known health consequences of this toxic brew of air and water pollution are many, and include nervous system problems in infants and children, asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, a suite of cardiovascular problems and kidney disease. The environmental impacts are well documented, and not pretty.

But all of those inconvenient truths are just part of a liberal conspiracy if you believe the GOP.

And one wonders just why anybody believes anything the GOP has to say anymore. Talk about some nasty agendas.
For those thinking posters who actually read this rather than parroted, the ONLY bill related to emissions from coal plants during the 112th, was a bill in a continuing resolution/appropriations.

The GOP naturally voted against that because they wanted a fucking budget from the administration and the Dems.

But, it passed.

What a crock of shit that the OP believed at face value and parroted.

Polly want a cracker?


Ah yes, kill the EPA is an action that just can be ignored. We know that those compassionate 'Conservatives' will never do anything that would harm the environment.
Jeff Schweitzer: Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer

That the Grand Old Party is hostile to environmental regulation is no grand revelation. But the most recent assault on the EPA is, even for Republicans and Tea Party enthusiasts, an .unusually reckless and irresponsible attack on reasonable attempts to clean our air We are talking coal ash. Nothing like taking in some lead, cadmium and mercury with each breath and every sip of water to brighten one's day. That is just the price we must pay to reduce government interference into our private affairs.

But coal is particularly nasty. Yes, the attraction to coal is powerful and obvious because the United States sits on a reserve of nearly 250 billion tons of coal, 112 billion of which are high-quality bituminous and anthracite coals; the remainder mainly being lower-energy and dirtier lignite. With such abundance the siren song of energy independence is difficult to resist. However, burning even the highest quality anthracite is dirty business. One 500 MW power plant generates about 3 million tons of carbon dioxide every year. Other toxic byproducts include fine-grain particulates, heavy metals like mercury, lead, chromium and nickel, trace elements such as arsenic and selenium, and various organics like dichloroethane, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and trichloroethylene. Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are common pollutants from coal, and are found at higher levels in anthracite than in bituminous coal. The known health consequences of this toxic brew of air and water pollution are many, and include nervous system problems in infants and children, asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, a suite of cardiovascular problems and kidney disease. The environmental impacts are well documented, and not pretty.

But all of those inconvenient truths are just part of a liberal conspiracy if you believe the GOP.

And one wonders just why anybody believes anything the GOP has to say anymore. Talk about some nasty agendas.

I highlighted, in brown, all the bullshit in that post.

Ty for continuing to make it clear that liberals hate the working man and the poor that are and will be fucked over, again, by your short sighted stoopudity.

edit; funny, the color change didn't take. The universe must have known that it was all total bs and didn't need any highlighting to enhance that fact.
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Progressives are the biggest shameless lying motherfuckers on the planet. One of the best ways you can tell there lying, well, they lie about everything but if you need a hint, whenever they tell you "it's for the Chillunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!" they're lying
Jeff Schweitzer: Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer

That the Grand Old Party is hostile to environmental regulation is no grand revelation. But the most recent assault on the EPA is, even for Republicans and Tea Party enthusiasts, an unusually reckless and irresponsible attack on reasonable attempts to clean our air. We are talking coal ash. Nothing like taking in some lead, cadmium and mercury with each breath and every sip of water to brighten one's day. That is just the price we must pay to reduce government interference into our private affairs.

But coal is particularly nasty. Yes, the attraction to coal is powerful and obvious because the United States sits on a reserve of nearly 250 billion tons of coal, 112 billion of which are high-quality bituminous and anthracite coals; the remainder mainly being lower-energy and dirtier lignite. With such abundance the siren song of energy independence is difficult to resist. However, burning even the highest quality anthracite is dirty business. One 500 MW power plant generates about 3 million tons of carbon dioxide every year. Other toxic byproducts include fine-grain particulates, heavy metals like mercury, lead, chromium and nickel, trace elements such as arsenic and selenium, and various organics like dichloroethane, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and trichloroethylene. Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are common pollutants from coal, and are found at higher levels in anthracite than in bituminous coal. The known health consequences of this toxic brew of air and water pollution are many, and include nervous system problems in infants and children, asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, a suite of cardiovascular problems and kidney disease. The environmental impacts are well documented, and not pretty.

But all of those inconvenient truths are just part of a liberal conspiracy if you believe the GOP.

And one wonders just why anybody believes anything the GOP has to say anymore. Talk about some nasty agendas.
For those thinking posters who actually read this rather than parroted, the ONLY bill related to emissions from coal plants during the 112th, was a bill in a continuing resolution/appropriations.

The GOP naturally voted against that because they wanted a fucking budget from the administration and the Dems.

But, it passed.

What a crock of shit that the OP believed at face value and parroted.

Polly want a cracker?



They shot it down because they want no regulations on anything that would lower profits, no matter how bad it affects other citizens. From asbestos to smokestack emissions, the GOP for the most part, has sided against the citizen.
Jeff Schweitzer: Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer

And one wonders just why anybody believes anything the GOP has to say anymore. Talk about some nasty agendas.
For those thinking posters who actually read this rather than parroted, the ONLY bill related to emissions from coal plants during the 112th, was a bill in a continuing resolution/appropriations.

The GOP naturally voted against that because they wanted a fucking budget from the administration and the Dems.

But, it passed.

What a crock of shit that the OP believed at face value and parroted.

Polly want a cracker?



They shot it down because they want no regulations on anything that would lower profits, no matter how bad it affects other citizens. From asbestos to smokestack emissions, the GOP for the most part, has sided against the citizen.
First of all, it wasn't shot down.

It passed.

Secondly, they shot it down because the Dems attached it to a continuing appropriation. Try getting informed, Christ, you can't even read that it fucking passed. Apparently, neither can the OP.

The OP and the quoted piece are a crock of shit.
Did y'all hear what wingnut John Stossel said about wanting to eliminate the FDA, and that if someone was selling tainted food, "word would get around"?

"My daughter died from eating at this restaurant - don't eat here" is not how a modern society runs.

Fucking wingnuts.
I tried to read that... All I could get was 'blah, blah, blah.' Oh well. I'm sure I didn't miss anything of interest... considering that BrainDeadBoop is only marginally more intelligent than TruthDon'tMatter.

So the dangers of pollution are just propaganda and 'theory'?


Toxic Air: Time to Clean Up Coal-fired Power Plants _______________________________________________
Did you know that the coal-fired power plants, found across the country, emit health-threatening toxins into our air every day? Toxins like arsenic, mercury, acid gases and lead. The American Lung Association’s new report Toxic Air: The Case for Cleaning Up Coal-fired Power Plants, reveals the hazardous air pollution emitted from power plants and why now is the time to clean them up and protect ou health.

The report highlights the long list of uncontrolled pollutants from these plants including dangerous pollutants such as arsenic, mercury, dioxins, formaldehyde, acid gases and PAHs, just to name a few. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required on March 16 to issue a proposal to finally clean up these hazardous air pollutants. This comes more than twenty years after Congress added requirements to the Clean Air Act—with strong bipartisan support—that these toxic emissions must be stopped.

Hazards revealed

The Lung Association’s report reveals the real public health threat from coal-fired power plants.

>> Coal-fired power plants that sell electricity to the grid produce more hazardous air pollution in the U.S. than any other industrial pollution sources.

>> More than 400 coal-fired power plants located in 46 states across the country release more that 386,000 tons of hazardous air pollutants into the atmosphere each year.

>> Particle pollution from power plants is estimated to kill approximately 13,000 people a year.

“Power plant pollution kills people,” said Charles D. Connor, President and CEO of the American Lung Association. “It threatens the brains and nervous system of children. It can cause cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

“It’s time that we end the ‘toxic loophole’ that has allowed coal-burning power plants to operate without any federal limits on emissions of mercury, arsenic, dioxin, acid gases such as hydrogen chloride and other dangerous pollutants,” said Charles D. Connor, president and CEO of the American Lung Association.

“People living closest to these plants, especially children, seniors, pregnant women and those with chronic disease face the greatest risk, but it doesn’t stop there. Pollution from coal-fired power plants takes flight and travels far into other states—threatening public health.”

Time for EPA to act

The Clean Air Act requires that hazardous air pollutants from coal-fired power plants be controlled. Because EPA is overdue in delivering its proposal for cleaning up these plants, the agency is under a court order to propose these regulations by March 16. Without the new rules, no national standards exist to limit these pollutants from these plants.

The Lung Association report identifies modern pollution control technologies that that are currently in use in some plants, which are readily available for installation at other plants. The law sets the cleanup requirements based on actual performance facilities, but each power plant will select the specific pollution control strategies to reduce their emissions.

“The American public has waited long enough—more than two decades. We are counting on EPA to protect all Americans from the health risks imposed by these dangerous pollutants once and for all.”

Jeff Schweitzer: Warning: Drinking Tea Party Rhetoric May Cause Cancer

And one wonders just why anybody believes anything the GOP has to say anymore. Talk about some nasty agendas.
For those thinking posters who actually read this rather than parroted, the ONLY bill related to emissions from coal plants during the 112th, was a bill in a continuing resolution/appropriations.

The GOP naturally voted against that because they wanted a fucking budget from the administration and the Dems.

But, it passed.

What a crock of shit that the OP believed at face value and parroted.

Polly want a cracker?



They shot it down because they want no regulations on anything that would lower profits, no matter how bad it affects other citizens. From asbestos to smokestack emissions, the GOP for the most part, has sided against the citizen.

You moron

You have yet to learn that by increasing the cost of doing a business, that business has to pass the cost onto the consumer.

In other words, the GOP just stopped the dems from fucking over the poor again.

wake the fuck up and smell the tyranny.
I see. Citizens dying from cancers from asbestos and dirty coal plants is good. More profits. Children having their cognitive abilities impaired by lead and mercury emissions. Better yet for profits. Your morals are showing.

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