The actual goal for our country with the democrat party energy policy.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The goal of the leftists who control the democrat party is to make energy expensive, unreliable and limited......forcing Americans to make the choices for their lives that fit the democrat party plans for Utopia....

Americans forced to live in small apartments, using public transportation, with smaller families, limited ability to move around on their own without permission.......all part of the plan...

The mark of a developed country is reliable, affordable energy. Despite this undeniable fact, the Biden administration and what Robert Bryce calls the anti-industry industry are rushing pell-mell to destabilize our electric grid, while charging Americans more and more for less and less electricity. This impoverishment of ordinary Americans is not an unfortunate by-product of liberal energy policies. Rather, it is the central goal of those policies.

Bryce writes at Substack about the deliberate devastation of our electric grid:

On May 4, members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission delivered stark warnings to the members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The agency’s acting chairman, Willie Phillips, told the senators, “We face unprecedented challenges to the reliability of our nation’s electric system.”
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie echoed Phillips’ warning, saying the U.S. electric grid is “heading for a very catastrophic situation in terms of reliability.”
The principal cause is the premature retirement of coal plants, which is driven entirely by anti-consumer regulation:

We need to keep coal, if we don’t want Americans to be poor people shivering in the dark. That is, however, precisely what the Biden administration and the “green” lobby do intend.

Exactly one week after that May 4 hearing, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposed rule that could force the closure of every coal-fired power plant in America as well as most of the natural gas plants if they cannot cut their emissions by 90%. Here’s how Politico reported on it: The new rule will require, “most fossil fuel power plants to slash their greenhouse gas pollution 90% between 2035 and 2040 — or shut down.”

Yet places like Harvard generate their own power, rationing is just for the great unwashed.

How do you reduce & control a population?
Food & energy. They are restricting/attacking both capacities at the same time in the name of "climate change".

The irony is that coal is actually cleaner than the excavation of rare earth minerals that are needed for electric "clean energy" cars. It is amusing to watch though.
Is coal a rare earth mineral?

Rare Earth Elements from Coal, Kentucky Geological Survey ...

Coal and coal preparation products are also potential sources of rare-earth elements. REEs are a group of elements (shown in purple on the periodic table below) unknown to most people. They include the lanthanide series elements (cerium through lutetium), yttrium, and scandium.Jan 5, 2023

Rare Earth Elements from Coal, Kentucky Geological Survey ...​

Is coal a rare earth mineral?

Rare Earth Elements from Coal, Kentucky Geological Survey ...

Coal and coal preparation products are also potential sources of rare-earth elements. REEs are a group of elements (shown in purple on the periodic table below) unknown to most people. They include the lanthanide series elements (cerium through lutetium), yttrium, and scandium.Jan 5, 2023

Rare Earth Elements from Coal, Kentucky Geological Survey ...

No, rare earth minerals are extremely difficult to separate from the ore. Coal is not.
The current energy policy was created in 2005 under Bush and the GOP-led Congress it is nothing new nor is it a conspiracy.

Energy Policy Act of 2005
The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 (Public Law 109-58 ) calls for the development of grant programs, demonstration and testing initiatives, and tax incentives that promote alternative fuels and advanced vehicles production and use.

Key Federal Legislation - Alternative Fuels Data Center​

How many years will the earth's coal run out?

When will fossil fuels run out?

114 years

Conclusion: how long will fossil fuels last? It is predicted that we will run out of fossil fuels in this century. Oil can last up to 50 years, natural gas up to 53 years, and coal up to 114 years.Jan 18, 2021

When will fossil fuels run out? - MET Group

They've been saying that for decades ie peak oil, etc. Never happens.
Extraction of rare earth minerals, open mines, is on an order of 100 times exponentially worse than refining oil. Not even close.
How do you think they get coal? Have you ever checked out pollution from oil extraction?

In addition to helping form ozone, VOC emissions from the oil and gas industry include air toxics such as benzene, ethylbenzene, and n-hexane, also come from this industry. Air toxics are pollutants known, or suspected of causing cancer and other serious health effects.Sep 29, 2022

Basic Information about Oil and Natural Gas Air Pollution ...

There are significant environmental impacts associated with coal mining and use. It could require the removal of massive amounts of top soil, leading to erosion, loss of habitat and pollution. Coal mining causes acid mine drainage, which causes heavy metals to dissolve and seep into ground and surface water. are significant environmental impacts,into ground and surface water.

Coal - WWF are significant environmental impacts,into ground and surface water. are significant environmental impacts,into ground and surface water.

the diff is that cleaner forms of energy are being used, the ones you hate for some reason.

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