CDZ War with Russia?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
How is it that the "intelligentsia" in this country have gone from a Russian "reset" to a return to the Cold War in the last two months? Are they really so brain-rattled that they now prefer active confrontation as opposed to Obama's policy of "leading" from behind? What about Iran, which has been much more antagonistic towards the U.S. than Russia? Should we get tough with them, too?

One can only hope that the hysteria emanating from Hillary's loss will soon subside and its victims will somehow recover from this epidemic. Is that too much to ask for?
I'm thinking obama wants to start President Trump off with as many crises as he can so that we will think we were better off with him in the Oval Office. The man doesn't care what happens to our country, but only his legacy.
The reset was called off when Russia openly invaded the Ukraine. Iran, meanwhile, is a Russian ally and if you pay attention, you'll notice that Trump hasn't said a word about Iran since the election.

Poland is worried that Russia will target them next. That's why we made an agreement with them 2 years ago and move in troops recently.
The reset was called off when Russia openly invaded the Ukraine. Iran, meanwhile, is a Russian ally and if you pay attention, you'll notice that Trump hasn't said a word about Iran since the election.

Poland is worried that Russia will target them next. That's why we made an agreement with them 2 years ago and move in troops recently.

The duly elected government of the Ukraine was usurped by the George Soros led E.U coup that led to the puppet that was installed after this illegal invasion. Crimea balked and decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the globalist ran E.U and that totally pissed them off because the Crimea Peninsula was the sweetest plum on the Ukraine tree.....Soros runs to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting Russia to be punished for denying him and the E.U the land mass that is Crimea thus the economic sanctions and all the military build-up. The Ukraine was a buffer against NATO would you feel if China annexed Mexico that would allow them to put Chinese troops on our border? Would you be fine with that? So why would Russia be fine with having Ukraine in NATO?

MOD EDIT: Please Remember this is CDZ - No insults, no putting down other posters, no flaming.
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How is it that the "intelligentsia" in this country have gone from a Russian "reset" to a return to the Cold War in the last two months? Are they really so brain-rattled that they now prefer active confrontation as opposed to Obama's policy of "leading" from behind? What about Iran, which has been much more antagonistic towards the U.S. than Russia? Should we get tough with them, too?

One can only hope that the hysteria emanating from Hillary's loss will soon subside and its victims will somehow recover from this epidemic. Is that too much to ask for?

Russia has a lot of benefits as a friend. They are our only ride to the Space Station right now. Doing all the car pooling. AND they are the best hedge against China getting snippy and uppity. Tread carefully with the political stunts..
How is it that the "intelligentsia" in this country have gone from a Russian "reset" to a return to the Cold War in the last two months? Are they really so brain-rattled that they now prefer active confrontation as opposed to Obama's policy of "leading" from behind? What about Iran, which has been much more antagonistic towards the U.S. than Russia? Should we get tough with them, too?

One can only hope that the hysteria emanating from Hillary's loss will soon subside and its victims will somehow recover from this epidemic. Is that too much to ask for?

Yep, probably too much to ask for. Russia is hardly the threat that the old USSR was, but Putin has his foot in the door in Ankara and is on his way to splitting up NATO and weakening the EU. Having the Kremlin's Employee of the Month in the White House may open the way to another big step forward. Trump's line that Putin is really a nice guy who just wants to do deals with the US is close to reason. Even the Donald isn't that naive.
How is it that the "intelligentsia" in this country have gone from a Russian "reset" to a return to the Cold War in the last two months? Are they really so brain-rattled that they now prefer active confrontation as opposed to Obama's policy of "leading" from behind? What about Iran, which has been much more antagonistic towards the U.S. than Russia? Should we get tough with them, too?

One can only hope that the hysteria emanating from Hillary's loss will soon subside and its victims will somehow recover from this epidemic. Is that too much to ask for?

Russia has supported Iran and has had a pretty good relationship with them. Going up against Iran would essentially be going up against Russia. Proxy wars.

Yes, they do prefer active confrontation.............because they won't be doing any fighting.
Trump's election win has already hurt Russia...The rise of the value of the dollar hurts oil sales and bond markets for those crafty Ruskies, already hurt by sanctions over Ukraine and low oil prices....The Ruskies are struggling to keep afloat in the world...
Putin has been attacking the Ukraine and sparring with the US because the Russian economy has tanked due to low prices for crude oil. He is distracting Russians with propaganda and blaming outsiders for their problems. Sound familiar?

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