War Against Iran Is Necessary - Soon!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I am certainly no fan of Lindsey Graham (he's a immigrationist), but his ideas about Iran are correct. And he was challenged by a writer in an article in the Atlantic, who attempted to refute Graham, in the article linked at the bottom of this page. I will now refute that author's article. It's necessary to first click the link and read the article (not too long), in order to understand what this OP is talking about.

1. No, the end of the Iraqi war was NOT "a broken Iraq with large swaths of its territory controlled by ISIS" Absolutely not. It was an Iraq with a US won war and Iraq under US control. It was only after the political blunder of pulling troops out in 2011, and creating a vacuum that ISIS moved in. Had the troops stayed there would be no ISIS.

2. Iran’s “capacity to wage a series of terror attacks across the Middle East aimed at us and our friends", is only on the basis of the current security situation. But is war against Iran were to ensue, it wouldn't until US national security, et al, would be strengthened to war levels, which is now not the case. So the author is using a false parameter for judgement.

3. Oh so "you would have given Iran the best possible reason to continue the nuclear program" ? Well, what do you know about that ? EARTH TO AUTHOR: like Iran needs a reason to continue their nuclear program. Like they're not going to, NO MATTER WHAT ? Sheeeesh!

4. Here's a good one too. >> "a full assault would require such drawn-out preparations that the Iranian government would know months in advance what was coming." Time for a history lesson. And a question for the author. Do you think the World War II Japanese didn't know months in advance what was coming ? You think Nazi generals thought Roosevelt and Eisenhower were going to sit it out ?

5. Here's another beaut >> "the U.S. government has no way of knowing exactly how many sites Iran has," 2 words answer that. So what ? You mount a full scale invasion of Iran, you fight the Iranians, you defeat them, you take over the country 100%, And you scour every square foot of the country, leaving no stones unturned, with Jack Bauer in charge of interrogations. You destroy everything that resembles nuclear. And you keep there troops there forever. If troop can still be in Germany and Japan 70 years after world War II, they can stay in Iran where they really are needed. And anything less than this, is going to imperil the American people with the risk of nuclear attack (if not annihilation). It simply must be done.

6. Iran would not have a vendetta against the US. Does Germany have one now ? Does Iran ?
Even Vietnam doesn't , and they could justify one. The young Iranian people hate the jihadist lunatics who rule them. Those old rulers will die off, or if need be we could expedite that.

Lindsey Graham on War with Iran and the Lessons of Iraq - The Atlantic
As I've said numerous times.

In 2001 there were four enemies of the US that were OPEC members.

In 2002 there was a coup against Chavez, leader of Venezuela.
In 2003 the invasion of Iraq.
In 2011 the bombing and helping to oust Gaddafi.
Iran has suffered sanctions, as has Venezuela recently.

So, is there any surprise that the right feel Iran needs to be invaded? Is there any surprise that they hate this deal with Iran that takes away their excuse for invading?

It's ridiculous, thinly veiled attempt at invasion, we know why, it's not because of nukes, it's not because of their religion, it's because they're OPEC and hate the US.

The funny thing is though that the Saudis are the main player in OPEC going against the wishes of the US. But as they're "allies" the US won't do anything.
Have we learned nothing from decades of military intervention?

War is ALWAYS the health of the STATE...which is why a dipshit warmongering fool like Sen. Graham supports war against Iran.
Let the ragheads deal with their own problems for once.

With any luck at all, they'll wipe themselves out and rid the planet of their kind forever.
I think it is a great idea to let them have their approximately 120 billion dollars back. They have already told us what they will do with it. They themselves, not some right winger hack, said they would continue to buy military hardware and continue to fund terrorism. Both of which have been defended by the liberal left as the price of peace.

Think about it. Obama placed most of the sanctions on Iran. But to listen to the left it is the right that caused the problem. The Iraq war had nothing to do with Iran except Iran was very glad we removed the Butcher of Baghdad from power, something they failed to do.

So how has Iran reformed? Anyone? Please tell me how this deal is going to change Iran's leadership. We let them have their 120 billion and the buy the newest in SAM missiles. They then close the strait of Hormuz which would cause the world to stumble and they are even a more fordable foe.

So either they were never really a threat and Obama placed sanctions for nothing. Or we are now just closing our eyes and saying "peace in our time." While funding an admitted terrorist nation. Seems to me we wait for leadership change before funding the radicals now leading Iran.
I am certainly no fan of Lindsey Graham (he's a immigrationist), but his ideas about Iran are correct....

Indeed, you just know they have WMD, they have links to 9/11, you'll be welcomed as liberators, the war will pay for itself...

Sounds a bit familiar though


Isn't the comparison more in line with Obama's failed war in Afghanistan? Are we not going to fund a terrorist nation that admitted did and will fund terrorism with the money they receive?
You want a war with Iran......vote Republican

Bomb, bomb, bomb........bomb, bomb Iran
You want bombed by Iran then vote democrat. Bomb bomb bomb....
Dear Conservatives

you all do know if we go to war against Iran a lot of Iranian fetuses and pregnant women will be killed...do you want abortions done with Military weapons ?

Yes _____

So, according to the left the alternative to not entering into an agreement, which only the US will honer, is to bomb Iran? Reall? Either we agree to fund their terrorism or we bomb them, really?

But of course with Kerry negotiating and the threat of war actually being off the table I am sure Iran is agreeing to everything we like. Like not funding terrorism, although they said they would. Or not building up their military, although they said they would.

Who, BTW is attacking Iran to the point where they need to build their military? Certainly their biggest enemy was removed by no other then the USA. They should be thanking us. They should be fearing what would happen to them if they declined in not funding terrorism or declined in building a bomb they don't need.

The best I hope for is this is a "Mouse that Roared" situation. Where Iran will actually come out of this and build a better society instead of war. But by listening to them that is not where they are heading. At least Hitler lied to Chamberlain, the Iranians are telling us what they are going to do straight up.
Why is it okay for the US to fund terrorism, but not Iran?
Isn't the comparison more in line with Obama's failed war in Afghanistan? Are we not going to fund a terrorist nation that admitted did and will fund terrorism with the money they receive?

Not really, nobody cared about the evil WMD in Afghanistan.

And you guys really love sponsors of terrorism so why should you be upset about that?

Isn't the comparison more in line with Obama's failed war in Afghanistan? Are we not going to fund a terrorist nation that admitted did and will fund terrorism with the money they receive?

Not really, nobody cared about the evil WMD in Afghanistan.

And you guys really love sponsors of terrorism so why should you be upset about that?


"You guy?" Who in the hell are you talking about? Obama has been in office for 7 disastrous years. If the US is funding terrorism, which is BS if you don't back that bit of BS up, then it is Obama doing so. And here he goes again that is the point.

What the hell is wrong with the left that they don't seem to realize that the democrats have been making policy for the last 8 years. Policy that it seems that the left doesn't like so they blame the Right. Really takes quite a detachment from reality.

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