Want Police Reform? Simple, Bust the Unions


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
Chauvin had many complaints and problems in his career and his union protected him. Even now Chauvin and his three pals that are all up on charges, have a union trying to get all four reinstated. The collective bargaining agreements make it difficult to rid the bad cops and some agreements expunge officers records when a new agreement is signed. If we really want change and reform, take away the unions that protect and even encourage aggressive, excessive force behavior.

It’s time to end the madness and hold law enforcement accountable. End the unions right now and we end many problems that have been created.

The most dangerous thing about being a policeman isn't dealing with armed felons, or violent junkies, or getting killed in a high speed pursuit.

The most dangerous thing about being a policeman is being the victim of a politically motivated public execution.

Having a lawyered up police union is better than wearing a vest.
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The unions are the first target. They need to be broken.

It's been a long time coming, but it's coming.
Chauvin had many complaints and problems in his career and his union protected him. Even now Chauvin and his three pals that are all up on charges, have a union trying to get all four reinstated. The collective bargaining agreements make it difficult to rid the bad cops and some agreements expunge officers records when a new agreement is signed. If we really want change and reform, take away the unions that protect and even encourage aggressive, excessive force behavior.

It’s time to end the madness and hold law enforcement accountable. End the unions right now and we end many problems that have been created.

Want police reform???????????????????.Do what 57 Buffalo cops did....THERE!!!!
Chauvin had many complaints and problems in his career and his union protected him. Even now Chauvin and his three pals that are all up on charges, have a union trying to get all four reinstated. The collective bargaining agreements make it difficult to rid the bad cops and some agreements expunge officers records when a new agreement is signed. If we really want change and reform, take away the unions that protect and even encourage aggressive, excessive force behavior.

It’s time to end the madness and hold law enforcement accountable. End the unions right now and we end many problems that have been created.

Want police reform???????????????????.Do what 57 Buffalo cops did....THERE!!!!
Edit....................The entire med response team quit. gOOD LUCK YOU IDIOTS.
The unions are awful, I agree, but sometimes they provide the only protection a cop has from higher ups who want to throw him under the bus.
The unions are awful, I agree, but sometimes they provide the only protection a cop has from higher ups who want to throw him under the bus.
They have to stop circling the wagons with not to good people in their departments. There are many civilian people who have been hurt by this and their families because of it. And it will be a long time before this has been forgotten. Just paying people off who may have a right to do so may cost us trillions. The police also infect people working in businesses about individuals. All of that bravado, arrogance, obnoxiousness and power trips and when it hits the fan, they fold. Mano mano becomes infant crybabies. Get the baby food and hang it on their car doors.

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