Walt Whitman statue, a target of protests, to be removed from center of Rutgers–Camden campus

You don't have to destroy or dishonor some to honor others.

Nobody is all bad or all good.

Holding people who lived 150+ years ago to today's standards is beyond unreasonable and ridiculous (unless the real goal is something else)(it is).

The sad part of all this is that you are probably think the people you support give a single fuck about you. That's the difference, I suppose. I KNOW they people I support are VERY self-interested, no matter who they are. I make sure that their interests are aligned with mine.
The yesteryear shtick doesn't fly, because there were more than a small segment of society who didn't agree with slavery and argued that it was wrong. They were ignored in favor of the prevalent pro-slavery mob mentality of the time. This is documented history.

Slavery is a wrong in all times throughout history.

Surely you knew that. Surely.
You don't have to destroy or dishonor some to honor others.

Nobody is all bad or all good.

Holding people who lived 150+ years ago to today's standards is beyond unreasonable and ridiculous (unless the real goal is something else)(it is).

The sad part of all this is that you are probably think the people you support give a single fuck about you. That's the difference, I suppose. I KNOW they people I support are VERY self-interested, no matter who they are. I make sure that their interests are aligned with mine.
The yesteryear shtick doesn't fly, because there were more than a small segment of society who didn't agree with slavery and argued that it was wrong. They were ignored in favor of the prevalent pro-slavery mob mentality of the time. This is documented history.

Slavery is a wrong in all times throughout history.

Surely you knew that. Surely.

You're a Dimm slave now and don't even know it!
They're using you to put forth a bigger Neo-Marxist agenda and trying to gain perpetual power on your black back!!
Using the democrat standard of applying current standards to other eras for the purpose of purging history and culture, all current democrats must renounce their democrat registration and all vestiges of all democrats, current and past, must be removed because the democrat party supported and endorsed slavery and Jim Crow.
You're a Dimm slave now and don't even know it!
They're using you to put forth a bigger Neo-Marxist agenda and trying to gain perpetual power on your black back!!
What's Marxism? Do you even know his first name?
Was tbe statue or poetry racist?
No! The poetry was the opposite of racist. And black poets like Margaret Walker and Langston Hughes revered him--or I should say, revered his poetry.

In his own time, he was hated by the literary establishment for his unconventional style and by the church ladies who found his work too sensual, and of course under it all was the suspicion he batted for the other side.

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