Waiter Charged Over Arabic Chant at Jewish Wedding

How many of us are at work right now?

How do I know? I already stated it's MY day off, and if you all get fired for misuse of company property and funds, I'm not going to feel sorry for you, either. :)
I didn't see where it says they thought it was a terrorist attack, but terrorism is the intention to committ an act to terrify your enemy.

Clearly, this recording of a mob chanting a phrase that terrorists use when they set off suicide bombs must have been very disturbing in the middle of a religious Jewish wedding ceremony.

This is psychological harassment. This occurs during the current war in Gaza.

we ain't in GAZA...because if we were all dissent would be punished by torture and death.

Just as an aside. I found the ATF's misuse of Buddhist monks chanting at screaming volume during the Koresh/Waco incident disturbing, hurtful and offensive to me as a Buddhist.
I'm saying that as far as I know, Joey Buttafuco never had his penis severed. But John Bobbitt did...by his wife Lorena.

I get all those Long Island kooks mixed up.

So, to summarize:

John Bobbit = Minus 1 Penis

Joey Buttafuco= Plus 1 Penis ( or would that make him have 2 ?) :eusa_eh:
Clearly, this recording of a mob chanting a phrase that terrorists use when they set off suicide bombs must have been very disturbing in the middle of a religious Jewish wedding ceremony.

In the last few months I attended a ceremony for a new born baby and the dedication of a newly built mosque.

We all chanted Allah Akhbar several times.

Was that a terrorist act??
I love how you downplay it to "disturbing", but give birth to kittens if someone dare insults a gay person.

Nice try to mischaracterize my views and personalizing the post. This thread is not about gays feeling insulted. Thanks for inserting that irrelevant personal factoid into this discussion. Shows more about YOU than me.

I think this guy ought to have the book thrown at him and see the inside of a jail. I hope he's sued and I hope they sue the business who put on the wedding and had no control over the asshole they hired.
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You propose the press bury the story? Why?

Not at all. I am just saying that Fox LOVES divisive stories. They feed on it. You never see them do a story about any kind of reconciliation efforts among groups who have conflicts.

My comment was directed at my disdain for Fox News. They're going to take this story and fan the flames.
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In the last few months I attended a ceremony for a new born baby and the dedication of a newly built mosque.

We all chanted Allah Akhbar several times.

Was that a terrorist act??

Only if you're doing it to disturb someone else's celebration, and intimidate others.

I suppose you would have been okay with a couple of Jewish thugs putting recitation of the Torah on the loudspeakers while you all were chanting...
Not at all. I am just saying that Fox LOVES divisive stories. They feed on it. You never see them do a story about any kind of reconciliation efforts among groups who have conflicts.

My comment was directed at my disdain for Fox News.

It's not divisive unless it's a non-story. It isn't divisive to report intimidation. It is divisive to bury stories and slant the news.

There's a difference, it's a shame you don't know it.
It's not divisive unless it's a non-story. It isn't divisive to report intimidation. It is divisive to bury stories and slant the news.

There's a difference, it's a shame you don't know it.

It's a shame you don't listen. I think the story is important enough to report.

There is a difference between reporting a story and whipping it up to create more discord and divisiveness.

Fox sensationalizes everything. Watch what they do with this story.

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