Vote Democrat and stop hurricanes


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Sen. Amy Klobuchar told Americans to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections to take action on climate change as Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida.
Speaking on MSNBC Tuesday morning, the Minnesota Democrat touted the climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.
'We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That’s why we have to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We have to win in the midterms,' Klobuchar said.

The mythical Climate Change crisis is being used as fear to get people to vote for the radical and racist Democrats in Nov.
The notoriously liar Democrat President Barry Obama also once claimed that he could stop the oceans from rising.
The oceans have been rising since the end of the last ice age.
Manmade climate change is a weak hypothesis, it is not a proven fact.
Klobuchar is a far left fear monger demagogue.
The people of Minnesota should be ashamed of voting for her.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar told Americans to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections to take action on climate change as Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida.
Speaking on MSNBC Tuesday morning, the Minnesota Democrat touted the climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.
'We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That’s why we have to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We have to win in the midterms,' Klobuchar said.

The mythical Climate Change crisis is being used as fear to get people to vote for the radical and racist Democrats in Nov.
The notoriously liar Democrat President Barry Obama also once claimed that he could stop the oceans from rising.
The oceans have been rising since the end of the last ice age.
Manmade climate change is a weak hypothesis, it is not a proven fact.
Klobuchar is a far left fear monger demagogue.
The people of Minnesota should be ashamed of voting for her.
I love the Demonazis desperation
Sen. Amy Klobuchar told Americans to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections to take action on climate change as Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida.
Speaking on MSNBC Tuesday morning, the Minnesota Democrat touted the climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.
'We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That’s why we have to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We have to win in the midterms,' Klobuchar said.

The mythical Climate Change crisis is being used as fear to get people to vote for the radical and racist Democrats in Nov.
The notoriously liar Democrat President Barry Obama also once claimed that he could stop the oceans from rising.
The oceans have been rising since the end of the last ice age.
Manmade climate change is a weak hypothesis, it is not a proven fact.
Klobuchar is a far left fear monger demagogue.
The people of Minnesota should be ashamed of voting for her.
It's laughable that a hurricane hitting Florida in September is blamed on Climate Change.

This is a map of historical hurricanes to hit Florida...



There are 447 of them since 1851.
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The rich Dems and Globalists who push the Climate Panic know better. They buy beachfront homes in the path of hurricanes, and they build massive properties with gigantic carbon footprints and drive fleets of fossil-fuel-powered SUVs to their private jets.

In short, they are hypocrites of the worst type.

It’s really quite brilliant of them to devise a way to implement total control over the populace, in the name of saving the planet and human race from disaster in the near future. Carbon taxes accomplish so much that are so difficult to accomplish in other ways – massive tax increases, smaller homes and vehicles, increased public transportation, reduced consumption of meat, population control (becomes even more expensive to have children). It’s a back door way to implement Socialism, and it’s done right in front of everyone’s face.

So many gullible Dems buy the bogus narrative. They vote for these initiatives to reduce their own standard of living!

Once the globalists control carbon, they will control virtually everything – agriculture, energy, the economy, even life itself. And that total control is really what it is all about.
The rich Dems and Globalists who push the Climate Panic know better. They buy beachfront homes in the path of hurricanes, and they build massive properties with gigantic carbon footprints and drive fleets of fossil-fuel-powered SUVs to their private jets.

In short, they are hypocrites of the worst type.

It’s really quite brilliant of them to devise a way to implement total control over the populace, in the name of saving the planet and human race from disaster in the near future. Carbon taxes accomplish so much that are so difficult to accomplish in other ways – massive tax increases, smaller homes and vehicles, increased public transportation, reduced consumption of meat, population control (becomes even more expensive to have children). It’s a back door way to implement Socialism, and it’s done right in front of everyone’s face.

So many gullible Dems buy the bogus narrative. They vote for these initiatives to reduce their own standard of living!

Once the globalists control carbon, they will control virtually everything – agriculture, energy, the economy, even life itself. And that total control is really what it is all about.
democrats have such just love big brother and all will be they will be telling us to just get high and pretend we are living on the starship enterprise while they save the planet earth for the glo worms or fruit flies or whatever their feverish little brains can come up with
Sen. Amy Klobuchar told Americans to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections to take action on climate change as Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida.
Speaking on MSNBC Tuesday morning, the Minnesota Democrat touted the climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.
'We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That’s why we have to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We have to win in the midterms,' Klobuchar said.

The mythical Climate Change crisis is being used as fear to get people to vote for the radical and racist Democrats in Nov.
The notoriously liar Democrat President Barry Obama also once claimed that he could stop the oceans from rising.
The oceans have been rising since the end of the last ice age.
Manmade climate change is a weak hypothesis, it is not a proven fact.
Klobuchar is a far left fear monger demagogue.
The people of Minnesota should be ashamed of voting for her.
They finally got one after an awfully quite start

Some say a weak hurricane season in the Atlantic leads to colder temps in Europe

I wonder how many elderly are gonna die from the cold
Sen. Amy Klobuchar told Americans to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections to take action on climate change as Hurricane Ian bears down on Florida.
Speaking on MSNBC Tuesday morning, the Minnesota Democrat touted the climate provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.
'We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades. That’s why we have to win this as that hurricane bears down on Florida. We have to win in the midterms,' Klobuchar said.

The mythical Climate Change crisis is being used as fear to get people to vote for the radical and racist Democrats in Nov.
The notoriously liar Democrat President Barry Obama also once claimed that he could stop the oceans from rising.
The oceans have been rising since the end of the last ice age.
Manmade climate change is a weak hypothesis, it is not a proven fact.
Klobuchar is a far left fear monger demagogue.
The people of Minnesota should be ashamed of voting for her.
Where weather changes are very rapidly, climate change are very slow. It often takes decades before we have any good data. People often say things like, we had a hell of winter, climate change is just nonsense. I think thou the vast majority of people know it is real but choose to ignore it for any of a number reasons.

I personally, don't think the human race can stop climate change because we are not capable working toward very long term goals and we are not good at working together as a planet. I believe we will adapt. As the water rises we move inland. As heat rises we will move to cooler climates or go underground. As the centuries past we will continue to adapt and adapt and adapt until there is no one left to adapt. Hopefully life will continue on earth and maybe someday intelligence life will arise. Hopefully it is a lot more intelligent.
Actually she's lying her ass off. I saw an interview tonight that said in the last 57 years, FL has had 6 major hurricanes. In the 50 years preceding that, they had 16 major hurricanes. So as usual, the commiecrat is full of shit.

I think it is about intensity not numbers of huricanes.

Number of Category 4 and 5 Hurricanes Has Doubled Over the Past 35 years.​

o do you have something more recent than 2005?
What did you fail to understand about "major hurricanes"? Also do you have something more recent than 2005?

To see the effect of green house gases on Hurricane strength you need look at hurricanes over the last 35 years. Greenhouse gases started rising rapidly in the late 1950's also the rate of increase in water temperature has also increased
To see the effect of green house gases on Hurricane strength you need look at hurricanes over the last 35 years. Greenhouse gases started rising rapidly in the late 1950's also the rate of increase in water temperature has also increased

The thirty five years you're referencing ended in 2005, and between 1915 and 1965, FL specifically was hit by 10 more MAJOR storms than in the last 57 years and that would include Ian. You're more than welcome to swallow all that MMGW all you wish, as far as I'm concerned CO2 is beneficial plant food.


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