Virginia Tech student government wants police abolition.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Seems none of the parties involved take the claims seriously as none would reply to the site.
Cops don't stop crime they commit crimes.
The Supreme Court has said it is not the job of the police to stop crimes or protect the citizenry. It is their job to investigate crimes, arrest suspects and assist in their prosecution.

There are definitely bad and criminal LEOs out there. They are a very small minority of the law enforcement community.
The police should be abolished. Completely. The rich can hire private armies, the rest can form vigilante committees. Vigilante justice is the future.
The most notorious school shooting in history happened at Blacksburg Va. Tech and they want to abolish the Police. Who ya gonna call next time?
When the students OWN THE UNIVERSITY then they can decide to have no police and let idiots trash the place on their dime.

Until then. The University who owns it decides who to hire. If they don't like it they can go somewhere else.

Oh well. I want a sandwich.
Allow opponents of this to wear armbands so police will know to protect them.
The others are on their own.
Cops are under no duty to protect anybody. Established court decision/ruling. To protect and serve, ain't what it used to be.

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