Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

Pockets of resistance to the commie regime.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

But beating Capitol police with American flags is cool.
Good. There is no logic protesting the Anthem, a symbol of the Country/Constitution that gives one the freedom to protest. And once you enter the arena you are not on your own time anymore.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

But beating Capitol police with American flags is cool.
Said by you only. Idiot.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

But beating Capitol police with American flags is cool.
Yep. Just like beating police precincts and courthouses right? Don't be so fucking stupid.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

What about the First Amendment - Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression?

Welcome to Nazi America - Land of the enslaved!
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

What about the First Amendment - Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression?

Welcome to Nazi America - Land of the enslaved!
Yes, welcome to Nazi Biden America.....what, you looneys dont like it when an America hater gets stifled, only works for you when its conservatives being shut down??
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

But beating Capitol police with American flags is cool.
Topic moron. Please stick to it and quit attempting to deflect.
" Nazis Accusations Without A Clue "

* Wants It All Their Own Way

What about the First Amendment - Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression? Welcome to Nazi America - Land of the enslaved!
The nazis were national socialists and that agenda is currently being forwarded by the democrat party far more than any libertarian or republican party members .

The us first amendment is an example of negative wrights that are proscriptions against authoritarian actions of government .

The us first amendment is not an example of positive wrights that prescribe authoritarian actions for government .

The big tech media companies are an example of private individuals doing as they please with their private property .
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

This needs to happen ever time a team or team members kneel during the anthem, at every level of sports. That will put an end to this bullshit very quickly
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

What about the First Amendment - Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression?

Welcome to Nazi America - Land of the enslaved!
You can have all the freedom of speech that you want. I don't have to fund it with MY tax dollars and that is MY freedom of speech. I fund college sports for the sake of the sport. Not because I give two bits about what their politics are. If they want to be political science majors, then they don't need sports scholarships. While on the subject of scholarships--if the athletes want to get paid for their play and image--I'm fine with it, NO MORE SCHOLARSHIPS, they can pay their own way. But since they're getting paid--it is no longer amateur sports so send them to the pros and get them out of colleges. They ARE institutions of HIGHER LEARNING after all.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

But beating Capitol police with American flags is cool.
read the article, the coaching and admin make a good point. It is pretty much what your president wants, is it not? :dunno:

“As I conveyed this to VP Walker and Coach Morgan, I denoted that anytime a student-athlete puts on a jersey that says “Bluefield College” on it, the message is no longer just the student athlete’s message but that it becomes the message of Bluefield College. Pointing to the already fractured and divided nature of our country, I did not want Bluefield College contributing to the further divide; rather, I wanted the College to bring people together in a united effort to address issues of racial injustice.”
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

But beating Capitol police with American flags is cool.
read the article, the coaching and admin make a good point. It is pretty much what your president wants, is it not? :dunno:

“As I conveyed this to VP Walker and Coach Morgan, I denoted that anytime a student-athlete puts on a jersey that says “Bluefield College” on it, the message is no longer just the student athlete’s message but that it becomes the message of Bluefield College. Pointing to the already fractured and divided nature of our country, I did not want Bluefield College contributing to the further divide; rather, I wanted the College to bring people together in a united effort to address issues of racial injustice.”
Most college presidents are looney lefties so nice and refreshing to see one with some sense for a change.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

What about the First Amendment - Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression?

Welcome to Nazi America - Land of the enslaved!
Those players are free to kneel on their own time. OMG they also all have to wear the same uniform OMG what about freedom of expression. This slavery!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good. There is no logic protesting the Anthem, a symbol of the Country/Constitution that gives one the freedom to protest. And once you enter the arena you are not on your own time anymore.

Hate to be the one to break this to ya but ---- ALL expressions of one's personal opinion, belong to the expressor thereof. They don't belong to a team, a school, a group, a clique, a party, a State, a coach, a spectator, a mob, a herd, a circle, a gaggle, a uniform, or anyone else, NOR does there exist any basis for any of those entities named or unnamed, to take it away from one.
" Virginia College Basketball Team Forfeits Game After Players Get Suspended For Kneeling During National Anthem "

* School Representation *

Good work school officials !

What about the First Amendment - Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression?

Welcome to Nazi America - Land of the enslaved!
Those players are free to kneel on their own time. OMG they also all have to wear the same uniform OMG what about freedom of expression. This slavery!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great. And that school is free to play its jingo songs on its own time as well. Listening to jingo songs is not part of the game of basketball, or for that matter any sport at all, with the possible exception of the Olympics.

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