Violent Britain...gun violence not covered by our media....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...there is gun violence in Britain...we don't hear about it because it defeats the anti gun extremist agenda....there is also a lot of other violence in just can't be stopped by innocent law abiding citizens...they just have to pray that when they are attacked, they aren't hurt to badly or killed.....

This is an old article that I found looking up gun accessibitity in Europe....the gun violence problem in Poland gang culture was in an I couldn't access it....and by looking for it in English, I found this article about Britain......since gun control in Europe, today, is an issue...I feel justified in using it here....

Polish migrants flee violent Britain UK news The Guardian

Hundreds of Polish migrants have decided to leave Britain, blaming high crime levels and racism for their premature return to eastern Europe.

As Scotland Yard detectives last night continued to investigate the shooting of Magda Pniewska, 26, from Brzeg, southern Poland, representatives of Britain's 600,000-strong Polish community cited Britain's inner-city violence for encouraging people to leave.

The Polish care worker was shot dead on her way home from work last week after being caught in the crossfire of a gun battle in south London. Three men and a woman have been arrested and released, with another man bailed to return to a police station pending further inquiries, although the Metropolitan Police yesterday revealed no fresh developments in the case.

Last May handyman Peter Tobin, 60, was jailed for the murder of Polish student Angelika Kluk whose body was found under a Glasgow church floor.

During the trial, the jury heard how the 23-year-old had been gagged and bound and that her killer had fractured her skull by hitting her six times with a table leg. She had also been raped and stabbed 16 times in the chest.

Members of London's 150,000-strong Polish population said that a new generation of immigrants were being forced to settle in the more deprived inner-city estates where they endured gang violence and discrimination. Pniewska was shot in New Cross, one of the more crime-ridden areas of the capital.

Yes....Britain is a violent place....with guns and without them.....
Name me one place that is not violent that is inhabited by humans, the scorn of the Earth....

I can't...that's the whole point....I am not making that argument...I am saying disarming innocent, law abiding people just makes them victims of aggressive, violent criminals.....
humans, the scorn of the Earth....

Hardly....for the bad humans there are good humans trying to stop them and protect the great cost and sacrifice......
Name me one place that is not violent that is inhabited by humans, the scorn of the Earth....

I can't...that's the whole point....I am not making that argument...I am saying disarming innocent, law abiding people just makes them victims of aggressive, violent criminals.....
Even with guns , criminals will still be in existence....It's nice if you can get off a shot, but criminals will plan around that if they know you are armed...
Name me one place that is not violent that is inhabited by humans, the scorn of the Earth....

I can't...that's the whole point....I am not making that argument...I am saying disarming innocent, law abiding people just makes them victims of aggressive, violent criminals.....
Even with guns , criminals will still be in existence....It's nice if you can get off a shot, but criminals will plan around that if they know you are armed...

Which is why you carry concealed...they don't know who has a gun......

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