Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?

A hat in inanimate, you fucktarded moron,

YOU are a racist, a hat is just a hat,

Just a hat? Is it really?

Yes just a hat which a lame meme cannot change
So by what right does a minority have the right to tell another minority what they can and cannot do? What authority does one group have to take another person’s freedom of expression?
You may not like this explanation. Society chooses for itself what it finds acceptable in a mysterious and organic way.. You can blame all sorts of media figures and shadowy conspiracies but in the end you should probably be glad that no one can actually engineer what we think. People certainly try but it mostly blows up in their face. Don't take life personally.

That's a great theory...sounds deep....but tell us, what's organic in media pushing PC bullshit, educators indoctrinating our youth and government ignoring their most fundamental duties by allowing a wetback invasion?
You will agree that we live in a world were there are two sides to everything. The kind of indoctrination you imagine can only happen when there is only one side. We are faced with binary arguments about even the most insignificant things. The problem here for you that the boomers are starting to lose a lot of arguments they thought were settled. It's natural to feel bewildered but it's hardly a plot that the world is changing, it just does.

Spin shit however you need to bud...but don't call it "organic". There is nothing natural about people pushing buttons and pushing an agenda.
Everyone has an agenda. It is pretty much impossible not to know both sides of any issue. We all made a decision what to believe at some point with all the available information readily at hand. If you feel your agenda is failing it's probably your agenda that is flawed. Right wingers have their own cable network, popular radio shows and the whole internet to get the message out. What more do you want? Suppression of ideas you find offensive or wrong?
We want half. Right now you have practically everything and are selling it to the masses. You went from promoting dignity in people to authoritarian rule. You have pushed people to murder and violence. The real criminals are what we see everyday on TV. Commercials, talk shows, comedy shows, dramas, action shows, science documentaries, military documentaries, sci fi, and more and more. All promoting progressive socialist agendas whether heavily or subtle. So a few people on FOX and a few radio hosts and some internet sites is not balance.
So by what right does a minority have the right to tell another minority what they can and cannot do? What authority does one group have to take another person’s freedom of expression?
You may not like this explanation. Society chooses for itself what it finds acceptable in a mysterious and organic way.. You can blame all sorts of media figures and shadowy conspiracies but in the end you should probably be glad that no one can actually engineer what we think. People certainly try but it mostly blows up in their face. Don't take life personally.

That's a great theory...sounds deep....but tell us, what's organic in media pushing PC bullshit, educators indoctrinating our youth and government ignoring their most fundamental duties by allowing a wetback invasion?
You will agree that we live in a world were there are two sides to everything. The kind of indoctrination you imagine can only happen when there is only one side. We are faced with binary arguments about even the most insignificant things. The problem here for you that the boomers are starting to lose a lot of arguments they thought were settled. It's natural to feel bewildered but it's hardly a plot that the world is changing, it just does.

Spin shit however you need to bud...but don't call it "organic". There is nothing natural about people pushing buttons and pushing an agenda.
Everyone has an agenda. It is pretty much impossible not to know both sides of any issue. We all made a decision what to believe at some point with all the available information readily at hand. If you feel your agenda is failing it's probably your agenda that is flawed. Right wingers have their own cable network, popular radio shows and the whole internet to get the message out. What more do you want? Suppression of ideas you find offensive or wrong?
Left wingers have more than a few cable networks and the three major TV networks. You have tried and failed numerous times on the radio, that's not the fault of the right. What you want IS suppression of ideas you find offensive or wrong.
In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.

That is a political segments opinion, based on nothing. You have no idea why he wears the hat, intolerant people need to grow a spine and let it go. Are we as a nation this immature?
In this case we just have a long memory for insult. By now Trump has pissed all over everything a large segment of Americans hold dear. Trump has done nothing to ingratiate himself to all the people he has treated like garbage.

So a select few radicals get to set the idea of what is acceptable or not acceptable? Who you can physically attack and those you can’t? Not what I call freedom, I think I am turning into a real liberal while the left is turning into authoritarians.

They don’t support liberal values much,do they?

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That’s because there are very few real liberals anymore. They are Regressive leftists.

Agreed. I’m sure they would not be happy, if someone targeted their older relatives. But they have no problem supporting illegals entering our country. That’s really just lip service, as they don’t really do anything to assist them anyway. They just want to be able to complain to their hipster doofus friends. Hypocrisy.

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In this era of toxic political rhetoric a MAGA hat is a statement that you embrace the very worst kind of hateful divisive politics. If I went around with a hat that said "impeach the pussy grabber" I would not be surprised to get an angry reaction.
Lol, I saw plenty of Obama shirts, but I never said anything to them. They are free to Express who they support.
Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?
What's racist about a MAGA cap?

If you don't want to make America great again then why are you here?
Why do you think America isn't great right now? Why did you think America wasn't great in 2016? What period of time do you want to go back to because it was great? What is it that made it great?
I have a beautiful black hat with gold letters and scrambled eggs on the bill. Any snowflake is welcome to take it off my head after I tell them that before they do that they will either go to the hospital or the morgue. Their choice. I wasn't built to be a keyboard warrior and I don't play their silly games. I'll put a picture up later of the hat. were an O-4 or above?
I have a beautiful black hat with gold letters and scrambled eggs on the bill. Any snowflake is welcome to take it off my head after I tell them that before they do that they will either go to the hospital or the morgue. Their choice. I wasn't built to be a keyboard warrior and I don't play their silly games. I'll put a picture up later of the hat.

My beautiful MAGA hat.

View attachment 250284
So you were an O-4 or above?
Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?
What's racist about a MAGA cap?

If you don't want to make America great again then why are you here?
Why do you think America isn't great right now? Why did you think America wasn't great in 2016? What period of time do you want to go back to because it was great? What is it that made it great?
America is greater now than it was during Obungo. He was a weak sissy, like you.
Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?
What's racist about a MAGA cap?

Everything .might as well be wearing a swastika.

The swastika is all yours Tard....

Just look at the FACTS...……..
The NAZIs were RW fascists....and then you have these RWrs....
Vietnam Vet has been repeatedly harrased by crowds for MAGA hat.

Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?
What's racist about a MAGA cap?

Everything .might as well be wearing a swastika.

The swastika is all yours Tard....

Just look at the FACTS...……..
The NAZIs were RW fascists....and then you have these RWrs....
Then why does he continue to wear such a racist hat? Why is he whining about the harassment?
What's racist about a MAGA cap?

If you don't want to make America great again then why are you here?
Why do you think America isn't great right now? Why did you think America wasn't great in 2016? What period of time do you want to go back to because it was great? What is it that made it great?
America is greater now than it was during Obungo. He was a weak sissy, like you.
In what way is America "greater" now? Name a few things that make it "greater".
Does he need a safe space ?

Safe space?
Sounds like the LefTarded fairies were offended by a
Didn't one of them run off the bus while the old dude stood there in his fighting stance?
The fairies of the reich are offended by truth. The old mans stance is brought on by dementia.

No Nazi, the old man stood up to you evil fucks. All that is needed for democrats to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

You fear good men, as well you should. You fucking Nazi pigs have over played your hand.
Someone's gonna pop a vein and stroke out. Then it will be thoughts & prayers.
What's racist about a MAGA cap?

If you don't want to make America great again then why are you here?
Why do you think America isn't great right now? Why did you think America wasn't great in 2016? What period of time do you want to go back to because it was great? What is it that made it great?
America is greater now than it was during Obungo. He was a weak sissy, like you.
In what way is America "greater" now? Name a few things that make it "greater".
Obama and Hillary are out of power. Trump and Republicans control the appointment of judges. The EPA is being gutted. Next term we gut and revamp the education system. Not to mention that the Democrat party is full of loud mouthed ignorant trash. The House will be back in adult hands in 2020.

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