Videos And Pics Of Obama And New Black Panther Marching Together Surfacing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Let's see what the reaction from the Obama apologists will be on this one.

Sean Hannity broke the story of Obama's racist pastor before he was elected. This evening he broke the story of Obama marching with the New Black Panthers in 2007. He showed pictures of Obama and the NBPP leader Malik Shabazz marching.

The visitor log in the White House in 09's shows a Malik Shabazz visited Obama and they claimed it was another Malik Shabazz.

How many Malik Shabazzs are there out there?

Apparently only one.


Breitbart: Obama Appeared and Marched with New Black Panther Party in 2007 — Photos Included - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online
[ame=] Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department (9781596982772): J. Christian Adams: Books[/ame]
He marched at the Selma anniversary commemoration?

No way! That's crazy! What kind of racist with march alongside Hillary Clinton at the the Selma march remembrance?

When even Little Green Footballs throws a right-winger under the bus, you know he's stupid.
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with Obamas past associations and the 2 books he wrote ,and the church he went to for 20 yrs anybody surprised !!!:eusa_eh:
He marched at the Selma anniversary commemoration?

No way! That's crazy! What kind of racist with march alongside Hillary Clinton at the the Selma march remembrance?

When even Little Green Footballs throws a right-winger under the bus, you know he's stupid.
the black bastard panther visited the White House twice ?? :evil:
He marched at the Selma anniversary commemoration?

No way! That's crazy! What kind of racist with march alongside Hillary Clinton at the the Selma march remembrance?

When even Little Green Footballs throws a right-winger under the bus, you know he's stupid.
the black bastard panther visited the White House twice ?? :evil:

Lol....Nice try, Yidnar.

Mudwhistle posted a link to a story so thoroughly debunked that even LGF called out the idiot for publishing it.

Now you're here to defend the idiot.
with Obamas past associations and the 2 books he wrote ,and the church he went to for 20 yrs anybody surprised !!!:eusa_eh:

No, we're not surprised that he marched with Hillary Clinton and others at a commemoration of the Voting Rights Act and the Selma march.
if Bush would have been marching beside a nazi in a fourth of July parade what would you say ??and if the nazi showed up to visit the White House twice what would you say ?? :eusa_eh:
He marched at the Selma anniversary commemoration?

No way! That's crazy! What kind of racist with march alongside Hillary Clinton at the the Selma march remembrance?

When even Little Green Footballs throws a right-winger under the bus, you know he's stupid.
the black bastard panther visited the White House twice ?? :evil:

Lol....Nice try, Yidnar.

Mudwhistle posted a link to a story so thoroughly debunked that even LGF called out the idiot for publishing it.

Now you're here to defend the idiot.
Who the fuck is LGF ??
the black bastard panther visited the White House twice ?? :evil:

Lol....Nice try, Yidnar.

Mudwhistle posted a link to a story so thoroughly debunked that even LGF called out the idiot for publishing it.

Now you're here to defend the idiot.
Who the fuck is LGF ??

Follow the links in the OP to learn "who the fuck" LGF is. Hint: he's no liberal.

Clearly you didn't even bother to read the links - you just heard something that confirmed your racist screed about blacks and Obama and commented accordingly.
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What's wrong with American attorney and National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party Malik Shabazz? I've heard many say he's a great American patriot. Is that not true?
He marched at the Selma anniversary commemoration?

No way! That's crazy! What kind of racist with march alongside Hillary Clinton at the the Selma march remembrance?

When even Little Green Footballs throws a right-winger under the bus, you know he's stupid.

Forget Niggerhead. Most blacks wouldn't be caught dead with the likes of The New Black Panther Party, the black Klu Klux Clan.

A month ago the NBPP leader was caught teaching children how to kill people. They called it self-defense classes, but it was lessons on "how to murder anyone that pisses you off".

Way to expand those minds. Teach them how to hate White folks so you'll have an army of soldiers when needed in the coming revolution.

I'm afraid the CIC is a racist.....always has been despite the best efforts of his loyal press.
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This is not to be unexpected by me. I understand that he loves his race and that's the way it is. I love mine. I can't disapprove of him for standing with his people...That is the way it is.

God bless Barack Obama...I hope he does work hard for his people as I will for mine.
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He marched at the Selma anniversary commemoration?

No way! That's crazy! What kind of racist with march alongside Hillary Clinton at the the Selma march remembrance?

When even Little Green Footballs throws a right-winger under the bus, you know he's stupid.
the black bastard panther visited the White House twice ?? :evil:

Lol....Nice try, Yidnar.

Mudwhistle posted a link to a story so thoroughly debunked that even LGF called out the idiot for publishing it.

Now you're here to defend the idiot.

Oh really......debunked huh???

Prove it.....
Obama has every right to stand up for his people as I do mine. We both love our people. We wish for the best for our peoples. Obama loves his black race and I love my white race. God bless us both.

I think I drunk a little to much tonight:eek:
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