VIDEO RELEASE: Police shooting of violent felon.

Shoot him once or twice without killing the man, and then cuff him. That would have done the trick.
Fuck that! Once the the threat to my life has presented itself... Shoot till the target is neutralized. A wounded man can still shoot you. Don't be a fool!

And this is why we dance and fuck on the graves of cops

No you dont.

And...karma is destined to give you a painful terminal cancer. You'd deserve it too.
Trigger happy much lol pathetic

If you hear right after the shooting, the suspect is still groaning, meaning he was still alive. People don't stop being a threat just because you shoot them once or twice.

Shoot him once or twice without killing the man, and then cuff him. That would have done the trick.

And how would you suggest shooting him without killing him...when he is sitting in a car with a gun pointed at you? Please enlighten us.

Shoot the gun out of his hand, of course.
Trigger happy much lol pathetic

If you hear right after the shooting, the suspect is still groaning, meaning he was still alive. People don't stop being a threat just because you shoot them once or twice.

Shoot him once or twice without killing the man, and then cuff him. That would have done the trick.

And how would you suggest shooting him without killing him...when he is sitting in a car with a gun pointed at you? Please enlighten us.

Shoot the gun out of his hand, of course.

Of course.

Or....the liberals new fetish weapon.....the Bozo Nose Gun...which catches the first bullet from the overreacting trigger happy cop and makes it non fatal:
Ferguson Police Train With Gun Attachment That Shoots Bullet-Powered Steel Ball | News Blog | St. Louis News and Events | Riverfront Times

Seriously. Libs think this is a great idea.
Shoot him once or twice without killing the man, and then cuff him. That would have done the trick.
Fuck that! Once the the threat to my life has presented itself... Shoot till the target is neutralized. A wounded man can still shoot you. Don't be a fool!

And this is why we dance and fuck on the graves of cops
Yeah cuz scumfuck trash are reknown for their shooting to wound.
You've never been shot at. And you've never had to shoot at someone...
Shut the fuck up...
Ah. I see moderator DontTazeMeBro doesn't like some cop stories in the more popular forums. But his anti cop ones...yes.
pull a gun on a cop or anyone else and yeah , you are dead !!
Was this driver, who is described as a combat veteran, asleep with a gun in his hand? Or was the gun he "pulled" on the cop not real or not loaded? Or did he just think it was polite after pulling his gun on the cop to just wait until the cop had finished shooting at him before returning fire?

I'm just trying via a little smart-ass sarcasm to point out that there is something about the report that gives me pause. This young combat veteran who pulled a gun on the cop but didn't get a shot off? Not one shot?

That a very good point. The cop was obviously an amateur but the man being pulled over was a veteran of war. If he really did "pull a gun" on the cop he should have easily gotten some shots off. So what really happened?
That a very good point. The cop was obviously an amateur but the man being pulled over was a veteran of war. If he really did "pull a gun" on the cop he should have easily gotten some shots off. So what really happened?

Right. The violent felon with a record was the good guy here. Can you get any more evil?
pull a gun on a cop or anyone else and yeah , you are dead !!
Was this driver, who is described as a combat veteran, asleep with a gun in his hand? Or was the gun he "pulled" on the cop not real or not loaded? Or did he just think it was polite after pulling his gun on the cop to just wait until the cop had finished shooting at him before returning fire?

I'm just trying via a little smart-ass sarcasm to point out that there is something about the report that gives me pause. This young combat veteran who pulled a gun on the cop but didn't get a shot off? Not one shot?

Still being investigated. Maybe he didn't have a good shot. Maybe the gun jammed. Maybe it wasn't loaded, maybe he was in a state of indecision. Who the fuck cares? It's unreasonable to ask cops not to react quickly to defend their lives because you want to save the lives of violent criminal thugs who need to die.
That a very good point. The cop was obviously an amateur but the man being pulled over was a veteran of war. If he really did "pull a gun" on the cop he should have easily gotten some shots off. So what really happened?

Right. The violent felon with a record was the good guy here. Can you get any more evil?
No one has suggested anything like that.

There is an obvious and open question which is being asked. That question is augmented by the fact that the relevant officials have seen fit to investigate the incident.
That a very good point. The cop was obviously an amateur but the man being pulled over was a veteran of war. If he really did "pull a gun" on the cop he should have easily gotten some shots off. So what really happened?

Right. The violent felon with a record was the good guy here. Can you get any more evil?
No one has suggested anything like that.

There is an obvious and open question which is being asked. That question is augmented by the fact that the relevant officials have seen fit to investigate the incident.

ALL police shootings are investigated, knuckle head.
That a very good point. The cop was obviously an amateur but the man being pulled over was a veteran of war. If he really did "pull a gun" on the cop he should have easily gotten some shots off. So what really happened?

Right. The violent felon with a record was the good guy here. Can you get any more evil?

There was no "good guy" in this incident. "Good" and "evil" are incredibly subjective terms and should not be used in situations regarding the police and "criminals".

ALL police shootings are investigated, knuckle head.
So until the investigation is concluded and there is some cause for question there also is room for speculation -- which is how conclusions are reached.
And a cop hater such as yourself is going to assume there was no gun and the cop made it up, even though such incidents of police misconduct are exceptionally rare. And then talking about whether the gun was loaded or not proves your profound ignorance in thinking it actually matters. If he had a gun or anything that could possibly be mistaken for a gun, it's going to be ruled a righteous shoot.

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