Veterans for Impeachment

Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

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Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

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Yes that’s the bald face lie trick that the crooked democrats try’s to play

Have a few and make like that is the norm while ignoring the vast majority of military and vets men for trump

They are desperate in trying to stop more military and men from all going to trump and having the power to declare martial law to stop the crookedness

Considering that if Rump were to try and declare Martial Law he would be removed under Article 25 in very short order, would Pence continue with the Marital Law order? Talk about finally losing it. Rump might be unstable but he's not entirely insane.


The men and military more powerful than words on a paper

They judge democrats as guilty of high treason and will not let the unwise vote and destroy the nation

They are ready to change this crooked system

Yes, every 2 and 4 years. Just like the Constitution requires. You seem to want to throw out the Constitution because it gets in the way of your Armed Insurrection where you get to just round up those that disagree with you and either throw them in prison or just kill them outright. Just keep pissing on the Constitution.
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

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Why would I “support” anyone I disagree with?

It also hasn’t been established that they are veterans.
The liars always tries to fool

This is one of their crooked tricks

Making a small group seem like the norm

Nope not even close

The military men agrees with trump

The vast majority

Scared people tries to deflect that fact
I think you're being too sensitive. What possible hold does Trump have over you?

Same as you, moron. I get more money now, I can keep my money now, Hillary is NOT our president, a bought and paid for political hack is no longer running the country, and just so obviously, Trump is smarter than all you goofy communists put togther, he loves his country, which is more than you all can say. And I CAN look myself in the mirror.

How do you know you get more money now that Hillary isn't President? She's never been President. Just speculation I see for a non vote with his head up his ass. I know what trump has over you, yep, swinging nuts.
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why would I “support” anyone I disagree with?

It also hasn’t been established that they are veterans.

It's the internet, stupid. It's been yet to be established that you aren't a 57 year old tansvestite wearing a pink tutu drinking Wild Turkey weighing in a massive 600 lbs while living in your mothers basement.
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep that’s the crookedness of Democrats

They ignore the vast majority and cherry pic a few
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

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Like you quacks only support the ones you agree with?

That's closer to the truth
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep that’s the crookedness of Democrats

They ignore the vast majority and cherry pic a few

I am part of the largest voting group that identifies neither Rep nor Dem. And we also, as a large percentage, disagree with Rump. We don't disagree with many Republicans (okay Moscow Mitch is an exception) nor do we disagree with most Dems. And many of us did support the Rump in 2016. But that was then and this is now. Same goes for many Veterans who also is part of the Independent group.

We want the criminals out of the Whitehouse, the criminals out of Congress along with term limits. We want Corporate Money out of Politics (and that includes the Kochs and Soros). And we also don't particularly care for Orange Koolade over any other flavor. In fact, Tropical Punch Koolaid is probably our best choice with cherry runny a close second. And don't forget Lemonade. So keep spouting off. You look dumber and dumber each day. At some point you will finally look as dumb as you really are.
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep that’s the crookedness of Democrats

They ignore the vast majority and cherry pic a few

Prove it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

91% of veterans are male, 75% MOL are white. Those are demographics that tilt right in a greater degree than shown in the chart above. Rightwingers have no more claim on service than anyone else.

I'm a veteran. VoteVets representing 600,000 vets, has called for impeachment.

I'm also a vet.

I don't want our nation to go through this but trump really has left no choice.

The man isn't above the law.
Yes that’s the bald face lie trick that the crooked democrats try’s to play

Have a few and make like that is the norm while ignoring the vast majority of military and vets men for trump

They are desperate in trying to stop more military and men from all going to trump and having the power to declare martial law to stop the crookedness

Considering that if Rump were to try and declare Martial Law he would be removed under Article 25 in very short order, would Pence continue with the Marital Law order? Talk about finally losing it. Rump might be unstable but he's not entirely insane.

The person you're replying to is a russian bot.

It doesn't know our constitution and it's saying martial law can be declared by trump to stop anyone who doesn't agree with them shows that person has spent it's life in a communist dictator nation. They think that a leader in America can declare martial law simply because people are applying the law equally to him.

Impeachment is very constitutional and legal. A judge just declared the inquiry legal the other day.

The only thing a person should say to that poster is how's the weather in Moscow comrade?
Yes that’s the bald face lie trick that the crooked democrats try’s to play

Have a few and make like that is the norm while ignoring the vast majority of military and vets men for trump

They are desperate in trying to stop more military and men from all going to trump and having the power to declare martial law to stop the crookedness

Considering that if Rump were to try and declare Martial Law he would be removed under Article 25 in very short order, would Pence continue with the Marital Law order? Talk about finally losing it. Rump might be unstable but he's not entirely insane.

The person you're replying to is a russian bot.

It doesn't know our constitution and it's saying martial law can be declared by trump to stop anyone who doesn't agree with them shows that person has spent it's life in a communist dictator nation. They think that a leader in America can declare martial law simply because people are applying the law equally to him.

Impeachment is very constitutional and legal. A judge just declared the inquiry legal the other day.

The only thing a person should say to that poster is how's the weather in Moscow comrade?

I would answer him in his own language but USMB won't allow Cryllic characters.

91% of veterans are male, 75% MOL are white. Those are demographics that tilt right in a greater degree than shown in the chart above. Rightwingers have no more claim on service than anyone else.

I'm a veteran. VoteVets representing 600,000 vets, has called for impeachment.

I'm also a vet.

I don't want our nation to go through this but trump really has left no choice.

The man isn't above the law.

I'm also a vet and in the group for impeachment. I find it disgusting coming from scum of the earth that they are now calling Lt Col Lindman guilty of espionage. If dems are human scum trumptards are no better than dog shit.
Yes that’s the bald face lie trick that the crooked democrats try’s to play

Have a few and make like that is the norm while ignoring the vast majority of military and vets men for trump

They are desperate in trying to stop more military and men from all going to trump and having the power to declare martial law to stop the crookedness

Considering that if Rump were to try and declare Martial Law he would be removed under Article 25 in very short order, would Pence continue with the Marital Law order? Talk about finally losing it. Rump might be unstable but he's not entirely insane.

The person you're replying to is a russian bot.

It doesn't know our constitution and it's saying martial law can be declared by trump to stop anyone who doesn't agree with them shows that person has spent it's life in a communist dictator nation. They think that a leader in America can declare martial law simply because people are applying the law equally to him.

Impeachment is very constitutional and legal. A judge just declared the inquiry legal the other day.

The only thing a person should say to that poster is how's the weather in Moscow comrade?

Oh, the guy with his infatuation with men?
Yes that’s the bald face lie trick that the crooked democrats try’s to play

Have a few and make like that is the norm while ignoring the vast majority of military and vets men for trump

They are desperate in trying to stop more military and men from all going to trump and having the power to declare martial law to stop the crookedness

Considering that if Rump were to try and declare Martial Law he would be removed under Article 25 in very short order, would Pence continue with the Marital Law order? Talk about finally losing it. Rump might be unstable but he's not entirely insane.

The person you're replying to is a russian bot.

It doesn't know our constitution and it's saying martial law can be declared by trump to stop anyone who doesn't agree with them shows that person has spent it's life in a communist dictator nation. They think that a leader in America can declare martial law simply because people are applying the law equally to him.

Impeachment is very constitutional and legal. A judge just declared the inquiry legal the other day.

The only thing a person should say to that poster is how's the weather in Moscow comrade?

Oh, the guy with his infatuation with men?

Wrong Dead Wrong

The founders were not gay either

Wise men are against the unwise voting and against children voting because of lower wisdom

The founders protected their loved women by not letting them get fooled into electing crooks

Men will now have to face reality now
Either stop women from voting or let the nation fall along with no future for the children ?

Once they ask themselves this question .. They will then stop the women's voting rights or at least make all people pass a high logic ability test to be able to vote

Western democracies are hiding who votes for whom so that people cannot learn and the globalists are trying to hide it here

Women voted for the party that runs in the Muslims that are women's worst nightmare..... Which proves they are too unwise to vote
Veterans for Impeachment

As proud U.S. military veterans, we are outraged to see how Donald Trump has betrayed his oath, endangered our democracy, committed numerous crimes, and trampled on our most sacred values.
We have put our lives on the line, and swore to protect our democracy. Trump’s reckless behavior and lawbreaking poses a clear and present danger to our nation, and we cannot afford to take half-measures. Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief, and we are calling on Congress to act swiftly with an impeachment inquiry.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and blatantly obstructed justice, made racist attacks on our communities, is locking children in cages, alienates our allies while courting dictators and kleptocrats, was one order away from starting a new war, and is trying to take away our civil rights on a daily basis. Those are only a few ways Trump has abused his power -- he needs to be evicted from the White House.

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep that’s the crookedness of Democrats

They ignore the vast majority and cherry pic a few

Prove it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The proof of their cherry picking is the polls

The military for trump big time

Exit polls of the election of 2016 shows this

And this big majority includes Obamas run in women into the military to weaken it. Those women were against trump. But the men was for trump in a landslide

The men will make those women to stand down while they lock up the crooked democrats with martial law
Veterans for Impeachment

Veterans for Impeachment

Its about time our veterans stood up for whats right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is there no group the left won’t exploit for their own Agenda?

You only support the veterans that you agree with?

Good to know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep that’s the crookedness of Democrats

They ignore the vast majority and cherry pic a few

Prove it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The proof of their cherry picking is the polls

The military for trump big time

Exit polls of the election of 2016 shows this

And this big majority includes Obamas run in women into the military to weaken it. Those women were against trump. But the men was for trump in a landslide

The men will make those women to stand down while they lock up the crooked democrats with martial law

Isn't it getting kind of late for children to be up in Russia comrade?

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