Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

$18 million and the Dims are making loud noises that he can’t use that money to build the border wall.

The problem is donating the money to the federal government. It will go into the General Fund unless a special fund is established for this.

It should be remembered that the Washington Monument was built with private funds.

And, what if the money is used to build barriers on private land with the owner’s permission?

More @ Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week (VIDEO)

$18 million and the Dims are making loud noises that he can’t use that money to build the border wall.

The problem is donating the money to the federal government. It will go into the General Fund unless a special fund is established for this.

It should be remembered that the Washington Monument was built with private funds.

And, what if the money is used to build barriers on private land with the owner’s permission?

More @ Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week (VIDEO)

Should be fun to watch.
The beauty of this is, if it goes to a general government, Trump can use it as he pleases. He can have a big party for veterans, help any number of charities of people in need, address immigration/border problems etc.

Trump should invite this man to the WhiteHouse and milk it politically. This is a fight for the soul of America, photo ops, shameless plugs and and the help the President can receive, he should receive.

If not, the next president will be a Commie Sympathizer, and the West doesn't need this.
The beauty of this is, if it goes to a general government, Trump can use it as he pleases. He can have a big party for veterans, help any number of charities of people in need, address immigration/border problems etc.

Trump should invite this man to the WhiteHouse and milk it politically. This is a fight for the soul of America, photo ops, shameless plugs and and the help the President can receive, he should receive.

If not, the next president will be a Commie Sympathizer, and the West doesn't need this.
But where do you get that from? Trump can't use that money as he pleases... it has to be appropriated by Congress if it goes in to the general funds, the Treasury.
$18 million only build's 2/3's of a mile of wall...

the wall costs $25 million a mile... at the low end of estimates....

Though $18 million could not build a single full mile of wall, I would not turn it down.... every little bit helps!
The beauty of this is, if it goes to a general government, Trump can use it as he pleases. He can have a big party for veterans, help any number of charities of people in need, address immigration/border problems etc.

Trump should invite this man to the WhiteHouse and milk it politically. This is a fight for the soul of America, photo ops, shameless plugs and and the help the President can receive, he should receive.

If not, the next president will be a Commie Sympathizer, and the West doesn't need this.
But where do you get that from? Trump can't use that money as he pleases... it has to be appropriated by Congress if it goes in to the general funds, the Treasury.

I see. So congress will control this money that was meant for a wall? This could get interesting, and I'm sure Trump and his team are already looking to make this a big deal, it's tacit support for his policies, beyond the General Election victory and the Democrats HAVE to know this.
A bill has been introduced in congress to handle how the money is to be used, but I can't see it being acted upon with Democrats about to take over the House.

H.R.7207 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To allow the Secretary of the Treasury to accept public donations to fund the construction of a barrier on the border between the United States and Mexico and for other purposes.

Introduced in House (11/30/2018)
This bill authorizes the Department of the Treasury to accept gifts of money for constructing or maintaining a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border. Treasury shall establish a trust fund and website for that purpose.
A bill has been introduced in congress to handle how the money is to be used, but I can't see it being acted upon with Democrats about to take over the House.

H.R.7207 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To allow the Secretary of the Treasury to accept public donations to fund the construction of a barrier on the border between the United States and Mexico and for other purposes.

Introduced in House (11/30/2018)
This bill authorizes the Department of the Treasury to accept gifts of money for constructing or maintaining a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border. Treasury shall establish a trust fund and website for that purpose.

This is perfect for the GOP if the Democrats won't act on it. Politicians will scream, "even when Americans themselves show their support for the wall, to such an extent that they donate their own hard earned money, they won't work on behalf of the People" They can even take a dig, "this is the first time we have seen some in government reject money from Americans..."

This will be a hard fought two years. If Trump and the GOP want to be in power another six, they have to call it all out. The global socialist and some in Western governments who are doing their bidding, cannot be allowed to harm the America, and destroy the 250 years of capitalism and individual liberty.

$18 million and the Dims are making loud noises that he can’t use that money to build the border wall.

The problem is donating the money to the federal government. It will go into the General Fund unless a special fund is established for this.

It should be remembered that the Washington Monument was built with private funds.

And, what if the money is used to build barriers on private land with the owner’s permission?

More @ Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week (VIDEO)

Is he going to rescind his 'if we don't meet our goal, we're going to refund all the money' pledge?
A bill has been introduced in congress to handle how the money is to be used, but I can't see it being acted upon with Democrats about to take over the House.

H.R.7207 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To allow the Secretary of the Treasury to accept public donations to fund the construction of a barrier on the border between the United States and Mexico and for other purposes.

Introduced in House (11/30/2018)
This bill authorizes the Department of the Treasury to accept gifts of money for constructing or maintaining a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border. Treasury shall establish a trust fund and website for that purpose.

This is perfect for the GOP if the Democrats won't act on it. Politicians will scream, "even when Americans themselves show their support for the wall, to such an extent that they donate their own hard earned money, they won't work on behalf of the People" They can even take a dig, "this is the first time we have seen some in government reject money from Americans..."

This will be a hard fought two years. If Trump and the GOP want to be in power another six, they have to call it all out. The global socialist and some in Western governments who are doing their bidding, cannot be allowed to harm the America, and destroy the 250 years of capitalism and individual liberty.

The campaign has slowed considerably. It seems unlikely that they are going to reach their goal of 1 they are about 1.8$ of the way there. To say nothing of the walls *actual* costs, at about $21 billion according to Homeland Security estimates.

Of which they've collected than 1/4 of 1%.
$18 million only build's 2/3's of a mile of wall...

the wall costs $25 million a mile... at the low end of estimates....

Though $18 million could not build a single full mile of wall, I would not turn it down.... every little bit helps!

Only the Federalis would spend $25 million a mile for a 30 foot high fence, roflmao

Israel spent less than $1 million per mile on its border barrier.

Correcting CNN's measurement of Israel's Apartheid Wall

On November 5, CNN wrote:

“Israel has already constructed 93 miles (150 km) of the barrier in the north. When finished the barrier will stretch 217 miles (350 km) at an estimated cost of $200 million.”

And if walls dont work, why do so many nations build them?

Border barrier - Wikipedia

Take a look at one along the border of India and Bangladesh:
India is constructing the India–Bangladesh barrier, a 3,406-kilometre (2,116 mi) fence of barbed wire and concrete just under 3 metres high, to prevent smuggling of narcotics. Out of this, 500 kilometres of fencing was completed at the cost of ₹28.81 billion (US$400 million) by November 2007. The deadline for project completion was set to 2008–09.[28] By October 2009, about 2649 kilometres of fencing along with about 3326 kilometres of border roads were completed. The deadline for project completion was revised to March 2010.[29] By March 2011, 2735 kilometres of fencing was completed and the deadline was revised to March 2012.

This cost was about $2 million per mile.

These wild estimates of what the Wall along our Southern border could cost vary wildly and they are based on wildly differing sets of assumptions, like upgrading the local roadways and communications during the construction and also the compliance with existing federal regulatory prescriptions like environmental impact studies, etc. Trump can eliminate those costs by simply suspending the requisite Federal regulations and drastically lower the costs.

The highest estimates are just shrill rhetoric by opponents of the wall that they know will never be reflected in realist costs of building the wall, which should be only about $2 million a mile based on Israeli costs for their wall/barrier.

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The beauty of this is, if it goes to a general government, Trump can use it as he pleases. He can have a big party for veterans, help any number of charities of people in need, address immigration/border problems etc.
Trump should invite this man to the WhiteHouse and milk it politically. This is a fight for the soul of America, photo ops, shameless plugs and and the help the President can receive, he should receive.
But where do you get that from? Trump can't use that money as he pleases... it has to be appropriated by Congress if it goes in to the general funds, the Treasury.

Obama reallocated money in the Federal budget all the time, and no Dems complained about it. He advised the government officials to regard the disputed elements of his budget as advisory and not binding and not one Democrat had any issues with it.
Obama Says He Can Ignore Some Parts of Spending Bill

Here are examples of him doing exactly that.
Policy Initiatives
None of the above link even mentions Congressional funding or oversight.

Experts agree Trump already can build the wall.
Donald Trump can fund the border wall without congressional approval
Like it or not, there are sources of revenue in the executive branch that the president has authority to use without congressional approval.

The Department of Agriculture has about $200 billion in outstanding loans for rural development projects such as community buildings, bridges, roads, fire stations, police stations, water projects and barriers such as fencing and walls. These federal loans to local communities have low default rates that are attractive to private-sector investors because they represent large, reliable cash flows — the kind of investments that big money funds desperately desire....

About $50-100 billion worth currently held by USDA are very marketable and attractive commercial paper investments. The rights to collect the remainder of the debt on these loans could be sold to private parties who would pay a premium for such a steady stream of cash payments. The sales would give a profit cushion to the government and alleviate taxpayers from any future risk of nonpayment while retaining certain borrower guarantees.

For example, Trump could authorize the sale of $10 billion of USDA rural water loans on the secondary market, which could bring in a lump sum payment of $12 billion or more. Revenue from these proceeds could be directed to build the border wall.

Legal authority comes from many angles. Obama stimulus loans (approximately $2-$5 billion) could be separated out and used because they involved “no year” money, meaning the funds don’t expire if not spent in a certain time frame. The president could tap into USDA’s Community Facilities Programs money if recouped funds from the sale were used for new loans to cooperating communities on the border, such as in Texas....

Another option would be to utilize funds in the same way USDA undertakes in-kind swaps with private parties to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of commodities and services. This would entail swapping the proceeds of the commercial paper sales for the wall, with construction companies being the counterparties.

These are only a few creative funding avenues that could be explored, some less complicated than others. Such an aggressive approach is a sure way for Trump to regain the initiative and get the attention of lawmakers who have an interest in killing any threat to their control over spending, thus giving the president leverage in negotiations as pressure mounts to end the shutdown.

While the Constitution gives Congress power over the government’s purse strings, presidents of both parties have pushed the limits of their flexibility to use executive-branch funds free of congressional micromanagement. President George W. Bush was criticized for keeping billions in war spending off the books so it could be diverted to secret operations free from congressional oversight. Conservatives complained that President Barack Obama spent billions on health care without congressional authorization.​

$18 million and the Dims are making loud noises that he can’t use that money to build the border wall.

The problem is donating the money to the federal government. It will go into the General Fund unless a special fund is established for this.

It should be remembered that the Washington Monument was built with private funds.

And, what if the money is used to build barriers on private land with the owner’s permission?

More @ Veteran Who Started GoFundMe To Build The Wall Says A Big Announcement Is Coming Next Week (VIDEO)

I know dat nigga. His granpa was an Irish Immigrant
And, what if the money is used to build barriers on private land with the owner’s permission?
I would be begging someone to put up a decent barrier if my land was being overrun by foreign trespassers
Not me. I'd build some towers, hire some bench shooters and tell them to make sure the hit is at least 100 yards the OTHER side of the border. That puts the investigation and carcasses removal in the hands of the Mezkali Policia. No different to them than another dead coyote(pun intended). Bench shooters will do it for free !
They wont miss either.
If it only stops the ones that sneak across it would be money well spent.

It is simply amazing how poorly you libs analyze this situation. We have cops getting murdered by illegals who crossed that border, women beingt raped and people being victimized in many more ways, crimes that should never have happened had the 700 mile fences been built as the Secure Fence Act of 2007 mandated and yet was never built.

Instead you whine and bitch about how it wont solve all immigration problems as if it was ever intended to do so!

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