Very important story...

“The intent was to ensure that everyone understand that the situation is very fast-moving, and if the new administration spends three months trying to figure out what to do, it’s too late,” said one administration official who participated in the discussion.

then declare victory, and leave....
The mess that is Afghanistan might be news to Obama and McCain but anyone who has been paying attention to the statements of returning troops or the newspapers has known this for years.

Here's the problem as I see it.

The Afghanistani do NOT want to be America.

They do not want to be a secular democratic republic.

Now if that was all that was going on, I'd say just abandon that place and let them live in the way they choose.

But sadly, they seem more than willing to give Alqada succor.

And since those people aren't content to live their lives in Afghanistan, but want to bring their Jihad to our nation, we seem to have no choice but to be there.

We should have been focusing on wiping out Al Qada for the last 7 years.

Instead Bush was so busy securing Iraq's oil, that we dropped the ball on that mission.
a highly informative Frontline on PBS is available online.

situation is just a complicated as Iraqi.

one of the points made is that Afganistan needs to been seen in the context of the conflict between Pakistan and India. Pakistan is worried that Afganistan will become an Indian province.

Oh and there's 45 million people living in the 'tribal region' between Pakistan and Afganistan and it's basically autonomous.

FRONTLINE: the war briefing | PBS

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