Vermont DID IT!


May 26, 2011

"Last month, the Vermont Senate passed legislation, approved earlier by the House, that would establish a single payer health care system in the state. The legislation would make Vermont the first state in the nation to, as Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) said, make health care “a right and not a privilege.”

The governor’s office just confirmed for ThinkProgress that Shumlin signed the legislation into law this morning, making the state the first in American history to pass legislation that will establish a single payer health care system to provide care to all citizens."

Vermont....the next California.
I am perfectly fine with what vermont did, it can be escaped and it's a 10th amendment states rights issue. I however am not fine with what the federal government did, it cannot be escaped.
What I dont understand is, will the Obama DOJ go after vermont for making a law similar to the already federal healthcare law? Because if they dont then they need to back off of Arizonas immigration law right?
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It's all a distraction folks, as long as we are on these boards arguing with each other, they "Progressives" are in the shadows destroying our rights and freedoms while we are to preoccupied with bickering.
It's all a distraction folks, as long as we are on these boards arguing with each other, they "Progressives" are in the shadows destroying our rights and freedoms while we are to preoccupied with bickering.

Yeah, ensuring everyone gets health care is a part of the conspiracy to ruin your life and take away your freedoms. Good job Matlock.
It's all a distraction folks, as long as we are on these boards arguing with each other, they "Progressives" are in the shadows destroying our rights and freedoms while we are to preoccupied with bickering.

Yeah, ensuring everyone gets health care is a part of the conspiracy to ruin your life and take away your freedoms. Good job Matlock.

As long it's in another state and I dont have to pay for it I could care less.
It's all a distraction folks, as long as we are on these boards arguing with each other, they "Progressives" are in the shadows destroying our rights and freedoms while we are to preoccupied with bickering.

Yeah, ensuring everyone gets health care is a part of the conspiracy to ruin your life and take away your freedoms. Good job Matlock.

As long it's in another state and I dont have to pay for it I could care less.

LOL. So clueless. Go back to sleep.
Should be interesting to see how it fares in VT.

I wonder if the legislature decided this or if the taxpayers voted it in??

I'm willing to bet the former is the case.

Like all legislation it was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor - but it has fairly wide support throughout the state.
Should be interesting to see how it fares in VT.

I wonder if the legislature decided this or if the taxpayers voted it in??

I'm willing to bet the former is the case.

Like all legislation it was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor - but it has fairly wide support throughout the state.

Good to hear.

I like it when the citizens approve of whats being done.

Tell me. If it hadn't had support would the legislature have passed it do you think??

May 26, 2011

"Last month, the Vermont Senate passed legislation, approved earlier by the House, that would establish a single payer health care system in the state. The legislation would make Vermont the first state in the nation to, as Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) said, make health care “a right and not a privilege.”

The governor’s office just confirmed for ThinkProgress that Shumlin signed the legislation into law this morning, making the state the first in American history to pass legislation that will establish a single payer health care system to provide care to all citizens."

Leftists can scream and insist health care is a "right" all day long but the TRUTH is there is no such thing as a right to the services of another human being. Your REAL rights only involve acts YOU can do without government arresting you and tossing your ass in jail. NONE of your real rights involve government DOING anything for you, doesn't involve government GIVING you anything, doesn't place any obligation on other citizens to do something FOR you -and it sure as hell doesn't involve MY money. When you choose to exercise your REAL rights -it doesn't cost ME a damn cent because exercising your real rights places NO obligation of any kind on ME -either as a citizen or a taxpayer. Your REAL rights only means government may not punish you for exercising them -and that is actually a VERY big deal especially given the fact that people doing these very same things in other countries can, has and will get them thrown into prison! Declaring our REAL rights is the way the citizens of this country were PROTECTED from government. Our rights are not provided by government -EVER. Health care is NOT a "right" at all and the use of the word in this way should OFFEND any real American as the deliberate bastardization of the word it is. Real rights are NEVER provided by government. They are claimed by a people who then forbid government from punishing them for exercising them. Real rights do not come at taxpayer expense either! Real rights place NO obligation on fellow citizens to provide you the means and ability to exercise them either. You have a right of free speech -but no right to audience and no right to force taxpayers to pay for a forum for you to exercise that right. Even government doesn't have to help you exercise your rights -it may only not interfere with you doing so.

So claiming health care is a right is a deliberate DECEIT that is actually intended to totally destroy the real meaning of the word and delude a population into believing our rights are PROVIDED by government. It is whatever government GIVES us and whatever we demand government DO for us is then a "right". Once a population has come to believe they have a "right" to the services of others in this instance because it is now a service they have been encouraged to over value every step of the way, it is much easier to lead them by the nose to believe they also have a right to the goods and services of still others -and then demand government take it over as the best way of providing that "right" to all. Except government doesn't GIVE rights in the first place. I won't even go into the deliberate efforts to get people to over value this particular service -even though the vast majority of people actually do not NEED health care at all for most of their lives! Just because someone chooses to utilize it doesn't mean they NEEDED it. Those who actually NEED it in order to exist are a tiny minority and its possible to insure they get it without destroying it for the rest of us. But that won't let the left bastardize the word "right" to one they believe will give them a political advantage as they constantly seek the totalitarian state. Believing they will of course always be among the ruling elite mind you.

Declaring health care to be a "right" is in reality insisting someone else foot the bill for the goodies YOU want. It would FORCE me to PAY FOR IT. Which means it can 't be a "right" after all and in fact your demand that government make me pay for it is just a demand that my government confiscate my money from me in the pretense that others actually have a greater "right" to it than I do! In other words -pretending health care is a "right" is in reality insisting you have a greater right to my money than I do as the person who worked their ass off for it! Sorry -but that isn't a right and the founders would be puking at the thought of how the very word "right" is being deliberating BASTARDIZED by the left to a truly MEANINGLESS WORD! If you have a "right" to the services of particular human beings because of their career choices -it automatically throws wide open the door to simply declaring any goody you want to be a "right". Why not declare all sorts of stuff we'd like to be a "right" and force taxpayers to foot the bill for it too? We have never done it with food and shelter -you know, the very things every single person MUST have just to exist -but if we can do it for something all people don't even NEED in order to just exist then why not any other goods or service we want too? In the name that if we choose to place an inordinate value on it, it becomes a "right" for us to just take and force others to foot the bill for it. Things like shoes, shampoo and even jewelry? Don't I have a RIGHT to shoes? You can't expect me to walk around barefoot can you? Don't I have a RIGHT to be CLEAN? You can't expect me to walk around with dirty hair and OFFEND people, can you? Don't I have a RIGHT to some BLING for pete's sake? All paid for by someone other than me of course.

In other words, it bastardizes the word "right" to a totally MEANINGLESS WORD. One that essentially means nothing more than "a right is whatever we want government to GIVE us" when in reality a REAL right is something the people demand government not interfere with and must respect. Who benefits by turning it into a word that means nothing but it is whatever we want government to GIVE us -as opposed to what a real right is. Something people CLAIM for THEMSELVES and order government to not interfere with their exercise of that right. If you want to exercise ANY of your REAL rights -it doesn't cost ME money! And insisting health care is a "right" is in fact a declaration that others be forced to foot the bill for desirable goods and services. And nothing more.

There is a reason some people would gladly bastardize the word in that way and there is just one side that believes they would politically benefit by that complete bastardization. Just imagine if US kids are taught in school to believe their real rights involve laying claim to the goods and services of others. Oh wait -they ARE being taught that already! While they are incredibly ignorant not only about their real rights -but the value of them too! Replaced with believing their rights involve laying claims on the goods and services produced by others. Which is why we have an entire generation of MORONS who don't even understand the meaning of our REAL RIGHTS. It is in reality SUICIDE for a nation to bastardize the word "right" to a word that merely means -"I want the goods and services of others".

90% of ALL medical advancements in the WORLD -originate in the US. Oh sure, changing our system to the same kind of government provided CRAP that government is only capable of providing, making things equally shitty for all -would actually increase human misery. Not just for us -but for the entire world. Government will NEVER provide cheaper and better quality health care to more people -it can only provide poorer quality to more. I personally prefer a system where as few as possible are getting shitty care -but liberals seem to think its more "fair" the more who are all "equally" miserable.

If that is your idea of a "right" -I'll pass on that total bullshit. The justifications for destroying what is still the best health care system in the world and turning it into just one more miserable, underfunded, over-utilized mediocre at best system that will ALWAYS result in everyone sacrificing the quality of their own health care and probably a few years off their life expectancy -is only the dream of one side. The same side that no matter what the problem their answer is the same old, tired cookie cutter response. More and bigger and more powerful government. And let's all pretend if we do it for all sorts of touchy-feely reasons, it somehow guarantees there won't be dire and even disastrous consequences for it. We already know there will be.

And for those intent on bastardizing the very meaning of the word "rights" -it only PROVES you have no real understanding of the word at all. Which means you can't value what you don't understand. Those who don't understand and value their real rights are and always will be the first to voluntarily forfeit them. The problem with such people is they will insist I forfeit my own with theirs. Screw that.
Yeah, ensuring everyone gets health care is a part of the conspiracy to ruin your life and take away your freedoms. Good job Matlock.

As long it's in another state and I dont have to pay for it I could care less.

LOL. So clueless. Go back to sleep.

Do you even know what single payer means? It''s the same thing as an individual mandate, it means I would have to pay for it, even if I don't use it. It also means that my tax dollars would pay for some lazy welfare recipients healthcare, regardless if he/she can work and pay for their own. It's taking tax payer money and redistributing it to those too lazy to do anything for themselves. Noone has a right to my labor, sorry for your luck, like I said, glad it's not my state, and Massachusetts will suffer for it.

May 26, 2011

"Last month, the Vermont Senate passed legislation, approved earlier by the House, that would establish a single payer health care system in the state. The legislation would make Vermont the first state in the nation to, as Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) said, make health care “a right and not a privilege.”

The governor’s office just confirmed for ThinkProgress that Shumlin signed the legislation into law this morning, making the state the first in American history to pass legislation that will establish a single payer health care system to provide care to all citizens."

Leftists can scream and insist health care is a "right" all day long but the TRUTH is there is no such thing as a right to the services of another human being. Your REAL rights only involve acts YOU can do without government arresting you and tossing your ass in jail. NONE of your real rights involve government DOING anything for you, doesn't involve government GIVING you anything, doesn't place any obligation on other citizens to do something FOR you -and it sure as hell doesn't involve MY money. When you choose to exercise your REAL rights -it doesn't cost ME a damn cent because exercising your real rights places NO obligation of any kind on ME -either as a citizen or a taxpayer. Your REAL rights only means government may not punish you for exercising them -and that is actually a VERY big deal especially given the fact that people doing these very same things in other countries can, has and will get them thrown into prison! Declaring our REAL rights is the way the citizens of this country were PROTECTED from government. Our rights are not provided by government -EVER. Health care is NOT a "right" at all and the use of the word in this way should OFFEND any real American as the deliberate bastardization of the word it is. Real rights are NEVER provided by government. They are claimed by a people who then forbid government from punishing them for exercising them. Real rights do not come at taxpayer expense either! Real rights place NO obligation on fellow citizens to provide you the means and ability to exercise them either. You have a right of free speech -but no right to audience and no right to force taxpayers to pay for a forum for you to exercise that right. Even government doesn't have to help you exercise your rights -it may only not interfere with you doing so.

So claiming health care is a right is a deliberate DECEIT that is actually intended to totally destroy the real meaning of the word and delude a population into believing our rights are PROVIDED by government. It is whatever government GIVES us and whatever we demand government DO for us is then a "right". Once a population has come to believe they have a "right" to the services of others in this instance because it is now a service they have been encouraged to over value every step of the way, it is much easier to lead them by the nose to believe they also have a right to the goods and services of still others -and then demand government take it over as the best way of providing that "right" to all. Except government doesn't GIVE rights in the first place. I won't even go into the deliberate efforts to get people to over value this particular service -even though the vast majority of people actually do not NEED health care at all for most of their lives! Just because someone chooses to utilize it doesn't mean they NEEDED it. Those who actually NEED it in order to exist are a tiny minority and its possible to insure they get it without destroying it for the rest of us. But that won't let the left bastardize the word "right" to one they believe will give them a political advantage as they constantly seek the totalitarian state. Believing they will of course always be among the ruling elite mind you.

Declaring health care to be a "right" is in reality insisting someone else foot the bill for the goodies YOU want. It would FORCE me to PAY FOR IT. Which means it can 't be a "right" after all and in fact your demand that government make me pay for it is just a demand that my government confiscate my money from me in the pretense that others actually have a greater "right" to it than I do! In other words -pretending health care is a "right" is in reality insisting you have a greater right to my money than I do as the person who worked their ass off for it! Sorry -but that isn't a right and the founders would be puking at the thought of how the very word "right" is being deliberating BASTARDIZED by the left to a truly MEANINGLESS WORD! If you have a "right" to the services of particular human beings because of their career choices -it automatically throws wide open the door to simply declaring any goody you want to be a "right". Why not declare all sorts of stuff we'd like to be a "right" and force taxpayers to foot the bill for it too? We have never done it with food and shelter -you know, the very things every single person MUST have just to exist -but if we can do it for something all people don't even NEED in order to just exist then why not any other goods or service we want too? In the name that if we choose to place an inordinate value on it, it becomes a "right" for us to just take and force others to foot the bill for it. Things like shoes, shampoo and even jewelry? Don't I have a RIGHT to shoes? You can't expect me to walk around barefoot can you? Don't I have a RIGHT to be CLEAN? You can't expect me to walk around with dirty hair and OFFEND people, can you? Don't I have a RIGHT to some BLING for pete's sake? All paid for by someone other than me of course.

In other words, it bastardizes the word "right" to a totally MEANINGLESS WORD. One that essentially means nothing more than "a right is whatever we want government to GIVE us" when in reality a REAL right is something the people demand government not interfere with and must respect. Who benefits by turning it into a word that means nothing but it is whatever we want government to GIVE us -as opposed to what a real right is. Something people CLAIM for THEMSELVES and order government to not interfere with their exercise of that right. If you want to exercise ANY of your REAL rights -it doesn't cost ME money! And insisting health care is a "right" is in fact a declaration that others be forced to foot the bill for desirable goods and services. And nothing more.

There is a reason some people would gladly bastardize the word in that way and there is just one side that believes they would politically benefit by that complete bastardization. Just imagine if US kids are taught in school to believe their real rights involve laying claim to the goods and services of others. Oh wait -they ARE being taught that already! While they are incredibly ignorant not only about their real rights -but the value of them too! Replaced with believing their rights involve laying claims on the goods and services produced by others. Which is why we have an entire generation of MORONS who don't even understand the meaning of our REAL RIGHTS. It is in reality SUICIDE for a nation to bastardize the word "right" to a word that merely means -"I want the goods and services of others".

90% of ALL medical advancements in the WORLD -originate in the US. Oh sure, changing our system to the same kind of government provided CRAP that government is only capable of providing, making things equally shitty for all -would actually increase human misery. Not just for us -but for the entire world. Government will NEVER provide cheaper and better quality health care to more people -it can only provide poorer quality to more. I personally prefer a system where as few as possible are getting shitty care -but liberals seem to think its more "fair" the more who are all "equally" miserable.

If that is your idea of a "right" -I'll pass on that total bullshit. The justifications for destroying what is still the best health care system in the world and turning it into just one more miserable, underfunded, over-utilized mediocre at best system that will ALWAYS result in everyone sacrificing the quality of their own health care and probably a few years off their life expectancy -is only the dream of one side. The same side that no matter what the problem their answer is the same old, tired cookie cutter response. More and bigger and more powerful government. And let's all pretend if we do it for all sorts of touchy-feely reasons, it somehow guarantees there won't be dire and even disastrous consequences for it. We already know there will be.

And for those intent on bastardizing the very meaning of the word "rights" -it only PROVES you have no real understanding of the word at all. Which means you can't value what you don't understand. Those who don't understand and value their real rights are and always will be the first to voluntarily forfeit them. The problem with such people is they will insist I forfeit my own with theirs. Screw that.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness".

I bolded the important part for you. Our country was founded on ensuring life for its citizens.
Should be interesting to see how it fares in VT.

I wonder if the legislature decided this or if the taxpayers voted it in??

I'm willing to bet the former is the case.

Like all legislation it was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor - but it has fairly wide support throughout the state.

Good to hear.

I like it when the citizens approve of whats being done.

Tell me. If it hadn't had support would the legislature have passed it do you think??

No chance. They're all up for re-election every two years and in a state this small almost everyone knows their representatives on a personal basis.
As long it's in another state and I dont have to pay for it I could care less.

LOL. So clueless. Go back to sleep.

Do you even know what single payer means? It''s the same thing as an individual mandate, it means I would have to pay for it, even if I don't use it. It also means that my tax dollars would pay for some lazy welfare recipients healthcare, regardless if he/she can work and pay for their own. It's taking tax payer money and redistributing it to those too lazy to do anything for themselves. Noone has a right to my labor, sorry for your luck, like I said, glad it's not my state, and Massachusetts will suffer for it.

Massachusetts is not single-payer and single-payer is not the same thing as an individual mandate.
As long it's in another state and I dont have to pay for it I could care less.

LOL. So clueless. Go back to sleep.

Do you even know what single payer means? It''s the same thing as an individual mandate, it means I would have to pay for it, even if I don't use it. It also means that my tax dollars would pay for some lazy welfare recipients healthcare, regardless if he/she can work and pay for their own. It's taking tax payer money and redistributing it to those too lazy to do anything for themselves. Noone has a right to my labor, sorry for your luck, like I said, glad it's not my state, and Massachusetts will suffer for it.

Single payer actually has nothing to do with the mandate. Here's a newsflash and why I said you are clueless. You already do pay for others people healthcare, like it or not. Your insurance premiums (assuming you have insurance) are directly influenced by the costs incurred in our system by those without insurance. Me, you and anyone else who purchases health insurance have our rates increase due to covering the costs of those who can't afford insurance. Once you can grasp and understand that concept we can then continue the conversation. Until then, you'll continue to be clueless as to what healthcare in this country is about.
Should be interesting to see how it fares in VT.

I wonder if the legislature decided this or if the taxpayers voted it in??

I'm willing to bet the former is the case.
You formulate an opinion on what you're "willing to bet"????

What will the right do when this system proves a great success?

The more important question is, what will the left do when the system collapses, and Americans have no more rights, and they are the ones who led the charge to make it this way? What will the left do when they realize that the Tea Party was right? And all the crap they where fed in college and on msnbc was nothing more then propaganda to get them to be good little minions?
Dont worry though, as long as there are true Americans like me out here, we will ensure that your rights will always be there, even if you wont do it for yourself.

May 26, 2011

"Last month, the Vermont Senate passed legislation, approved earlier by the House, that would establish a single payer health care system in the state. The legislation would make Vermont the first state in the nation to, as Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) said, make health care “a right and not a privilege.”

The governor’s office just confirmed for ThinkProgress that Shumlin signed the legislation into law this morning, making the state the first in American history to pass legislation that will establish a single payer health care system to provide care to all citizens."

Leftists can scream and insist health care is a "right" all day long but the TRUTH is there is no such thing as a right to the services of another human being.
Fine!! Let that "other human-being" shovel shit, for a living.

Problem solved!​

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