Venture Capital Insurance Corp... ever hear of it???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I don't think so because I came up with it! And at age 70 I don't see it ever coming to fruition in my lifetime.. so some with some money and gumption and time..take it!

Premise is there is over $1 trillion off shore waiting to come back to the USA.
If Obama would (and he won't cause he'll never understand this!!!) offered a "Repatriation program".
Venture Capital Insurance Corp (VCIC) Repatriation!
Offer companies to bring back and pay a 5% Repatriation tax one time offer.

Assume $1 trillion comes back and that means $50 billion.
Take $25 billion pay of national debt big deal.
Take $25 billion and build a reserve for the VCIC.

Then offer blue chip stocks like apple to provide VCIC insurance which means any small investor (someone net worth less $500,0000 can buy up to $20,000 apple stock.
Then as long as the buyer holds the stock THERE IS THE VCIC guarantee of the principal.. (Like FDIC.. auditors,et....).
Once sold VCIC drops off.

Now as the insurance reserves grow riskier ventures can be funded right down to that life time light bulb you are working .. $1 million VCIC funded with stock guaranteed against loss if the bulb busts!

Can you imagine the EXPLOSION of ideas businesses,etc...
All with the $25 billion in reserves to protect the entire program that grows because of VCIC premiums and equity owned by the reserves in the winners.
The losing ventures funded by the reserves will be very few as audits etc. will keep riskier ventures in line... NO solyndra's here!!!

Can you imagine if VCIC existed???

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