Venger's Girlfriend: Part II


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's one more fantasy-romance short-story, and this one reflects my fascination with the folk-cartoon animal avatar the Red Lion (Voltron), a symbol of raw destiny. Enjoy!


Venger was sitting alone on his home planet of Venus and thinking about how he'd met the love of his life on Earth during a Christmas season in NYC in America. Venger told the woman he met on Earth, the lovely young American named Nina, that he had to return to his own dominion and that she couldn't go with him, and she agreed. However, he started to miss her deeply and became enraged by his own loneliness on the otherwise dioramic planet of Venus!


VENGER: "I want to sit on my throne in my own dominion and reflect on peace, but I can't get Nina out of my furious blood!"


Venger returned to Earth and once again transformed himself into the human male who visited Nina as her boyfriend during that magical and romantic Christmas season in NYC during his last/first visit to Earth. He called Nina and told her he desperately needed to see her. She was happy to hear from him but wondered how he obtained the gumption to return to her dominion on Earth. She invited him to her New York apartment, and Venger appeared to her once again as the courting Algerian-American biracial man named Troy, a man desperate to win her heart. Once again, the lovely Nina found the handsome and dreaming Troy a very dashing man!


Venger started drawing cartoons for Nina while spending time with her in her NYC apartment, making love to her, making her delicious meals, and buying her expensive wines. The illustrative cartoons he drew for her during this second visit to Earth were of the ornate fictional folk-cartoon animal, the symbolic Red Lion, representative of both love and fury. Venger ('Troy') told Nina this incredible Red Lion reflected his deep sentimentality towards her and his feeling that humanity was somehow a thing of dance!


NINA: "I don't know what to make of Venger/Troy really, but what I do know is that everytime he visits, I feel somehow...deep."


Venger purchased for Nina a handful of classic 1980s blank compact cassettes on eBay and used them to make her mix-tapes of song collections representing his romantic love for her. Venger ('Troy') explained to the entranced Nina that despite the fact that he was from another dimension altogether, the music he'd gift to her would symbolize his commitment to her as a visiting alien, his devotion to her as a human messenger of eternal love. Nina realized these tapes of music Venger ('Troy') was giving her symbolized his pure intention to cast love as a form of alien depression!


Venger then had a dream while spending time with his Earthly love Nina in which he was visited by an adversarial entity known as the Red Dragon. This dream was very important to the sorcerer and now lover Venger! Red Dragon was a messenger of anarchy.


VENGER: Why'd you trouble me, dark dragon?
RED DRAGON: Your only obstacle to bliss is civilization!
VENGER: If I had two daughters, I'd be considered a wealthy courtier to Nina.
RED DRAGON: What if your own daughters didn't comply with your imagination?
VENGER: I know I love Nina, which is enough for substantive dance.
RED DRAGON: Yet, if your imagined daughters despised you, would you still love Nina?
VENGER: Yes, absolutely.
RED DRAGON: In that case, tell this to Nina for you to find love's course with her.
VENGER: What's the purpose of your visit with me, red dragon?
RED DRAGON: I wanted to see if you're a man of weapons...or a man of dance.
VENGER: I cherish my weapons of sorcery and war, but today, I seek the love of Nina!
RED DRAGON: Go and seek love with Nina then...and turn aside your tides of doom.
VENGER: Thanks.


Venger ('Troy') told Nina that she'd look up at the stars and use the gold telescope he built for her to stare into his planet and dominion and if her heart called out to her, he'd ride back to Earth to once again be her eternal date, and Nina knew she'd discovered a real dark-man!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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