Venezuela, seeks to ban guns,this is what Liberal socialists want.

That's all it is....if it wasn't in your constitution is wouldn't be a right, matter how much whack jobs harp on about inalienable rights....

what are you blithering on about?

the right to bear arms is not just about guns. It's about all arms.

Great...when I get my nuke from my contacts in the former USSR, I'll remind the atty general about it...

Please do, or don't, since you have the right to privacy here.

Be mindful though, buy goods illegally is a crime.
This is the ultimate goal of all Democrats, liberals, socialist, and communists. They want the masses to be disarmed, powerless, so they can do as they want.

So western countries in which people have no guns, they government does what it wants?

Are you sure?

Because it seems to me that people in countries like Germany and Italy have the same rights as people in the US and Mexico - only that they are much less likely to die of gun shot wound.

Have you researched this nonsense before you posted it?

Germany is not only an armed country, but makes some of the finest guns in the world. Mauser, Walther, there are hundreds of German gun makers! In Italy there is nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing the right to be armed. That hasn't stopped the Italians from owning guns. And they do issue concealed carry permits too.

If you want to look at a country that prohibits firearms, try England where the public is more likely to result in death from gunshot than certainly Germany. Gun related deaths in England rise every year, although the most common weapon remains the knife and stabbing deaths which are also rising largely because crime is dealt with by warnings and the people have no right to self defense.

Yes, I have researched it.

Countries like Germany and Italy have statistically low guns per citizen - far, far lower than the US.

What we know, as I'm sure you know, is that we can statistially link gun ownership across countries with gun-related deaths in those countries. It's a fairly obvious point, but was one I'd see NRA nuts argue until a few years ago when the study came out.
The Nazi party banned all weapons just before they started their extermination campaign against the Jews.

Are you suggesting that countries which seek to protect the rights of ordinary citizens are more likely to commit genocide?

I'd be interested to see you build a case on that.
Venezuela seeks to ban all guns. No private citizens will be allowed to own weapons of any kind. Only the military and police will be allowed to have weapons.

This is the ultimate goal of all Democrats, liberals, socialist, and communists. They want the masses to be disarmed, powerless, so they can do as they want.

You liberals make me sick.
source BBC News - Home

Don't live in Venezuela.

New law allows loaded guns in national parks - US news - Life -

Gun Rights Expand under Obama

Obama's expansion of guns into national parks raises fears for bears |

Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
The Nazi party banned all weapons just before they started their extermination campaign against the Jews.

Ok and?

Listen fag lover , uncle tom white ass kisser, So the Socialist Chavez people plan to exterminate the opposition.

Do you get it ? Mr. High, white people ass kissing, Gravity.?

Brilliant analysis....probably the mosti nsightful pieace of political rhetoric I've seen since Churchill.

What do you mean so?, Don't you belive in the right to bear arms?
Aren't you an American, and beleive that our second amendment right should not be infringed upon?.

Venezuela is not in America dumb fuck its basically run by a dictator, if they want to ban guns that their business, not every fucking country in the world lives by our laws.

Careful Gravity, you may be exceeding the amount of common sense some people can take.

Yes, I have researched it.

Countries like Germany and Italy have statistically low guns per citizen - far, far lower than the US.

What we know, as I'm sure you know, is that we can statistially link gun ownership across countries with gun-related deaths in those countries. It's a fairly obvious point, but was one I'd see NRA nuts argue until a few years ago when the study came out.

I have a fairly nuanced view on this issue. I also believe broad generalizations are pretty unhelpful. Many European countries, for example, are awash will illegal weapons. And I'm sure the maffia in Sicily and Southern Italy don't operate with bows and arrows.

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