Vegas murders motive, my guess

Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

I lose the freedom to defend myself and my family against criminals who will have no fear about breaking down my door in the middle of the night. The deterrence of my firearms will no longer be valid.

Why do you think cities with strict gun laws have such high numbers of shootings? The victims have no recourse to defend themselves.
Call me skeptical, but how many criminals have you or anyone else here actually stopped with firearms ?

The fact that I own them is the deterrent. People will not break into my house if they suspect I might have a handgun/rifle/shotgun because they don't want to get dead.

I guarantee that anyone attempting to break into my house will have a hard time doing so because I have dogs that will raise the alarm and my weapons are handy.

it is probably likely my neighbors do also as I surrounded by veterans and active duty army. Those are houses where guns live.

How do they know you have guns in your house and not to rob you? Do you leave spent shells in your front lawn? Do you use your mailbox for target practice?
No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

I lose the freedom to defend myself and my family against criminals who will have no fear about breaking down my door in the middle of the night. The deterrence of my firearms will no longer be valid.

Why do you think cities with strict gun laws have such high numbers of shootings? The victims have no recourse to defend themselves.
Call me skeptical, but how many criminals have you or anyone else here actually stopped with firearms ?
Are you implying that because no one here has experience home invasion it does not happen? Wtf are you smoking?
How do they know you have guns in your house and not to rob you? Do you leave spent shells in your front lawn? Do you use your mailbox for target practice?

They don't know for sure, which is why they don't often take the risk. These crazy nigs around my neighborhood break into the grocery stores after dark, even fucking daycare centers have their windows smashed out. What they hope to steal from in there I have no idea.
Deterring who? The pud that used the 2nd amendment to murder all those people in Las Vegas wasn't deterred by anything. Repeal the 2nd amendment. That is the solution.
Deterring who? The pud that used the 2nd amendment to murder all those people in Las Vegas wasn't deterred by anything. Repeal the 2nd amendment. That is the solution.

You don't give a FUCK about those murdered innocents, you just want to score political points and virtue signal.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.
:bs1::eusa_liar: Then why did he attempt the Chicago Lollapalooza where he could have killed Malia Obama?

He most likely chose Vegas because of it's proximity to 2 large aviation gasoline tanks that he shot up trying to cause an even bigger disaster.

Jets do not use aviation gasoline. It's similar to kerosene and harder than hell to ignite.
Fox said it was AV Gas, I knew I shouldn't trust them.
The fact that I own them is the deterrent. People will not break into my house if they suspect I might have a handgun/rifle/shotgun because they don't want to get dead.

I guarantee that anyone attempting to break into my house will have a hard time doing so because I have dogs that will raise the alarm and my weapons are handy.

it is probably likely my neighbors do also as I surrounded by veterans and active duty Army. Those are houses where guns live.
You will more likely get shot by family, friends or neighbors than criminals. Enjoy!
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.
:bs1::eusa_liar: Then why did he attempt the Chicago Lollapalooza where he could have killed Malia Obama?

He most likely chose Vegas because of it's proximity to 2 large aviation gasoline tanks that he shot up trying to cause an even bigger disaster.

Jets do not use aviation gasoline. It's similar to kerosene and harder than hell to ignite.
Fox said it was AV Gas, I knew I shouldn't trust them.

Most people think jets run on the same fuel as a Piper Cub. They are wrong.
The fact that I own them is the deterrent. People will not break into my house if they suspect I might have a handgun/rifle/shotgun because they don't want to get dead.

I guarantee that anyone attempting to break into my house will have a hard time doing so because I have dogs that will raise the alarm and my weapons are handy.

it is probably likely my neighbors do also as I surrounded by veterans and active duty Army. Those are houses where guns live.
You will more likely get shot by family, friends or neighbors than criminals. Enjoy!

I added more to that post. Read about my daughter-in-laws family's experience.

Really? Maybe we should all just keep to ourselves so we all don't die.
The Sheriff says it possibly was "radicalization".

Do we know more than the Sheriff?
I surely hope we do.

If an intelligent man (Paddock was an accountant), a born and fully conditioned American, can be sufficiently radicalized to do what he did, we are talking about a Manchurian Candidate capability which calls for an immediate frontal attack with the objective of exterminating Islam. I'm talking about the Tenth Crusade with the entire Western World intending to leave no survivors. Total annihilation.

Or they will, because they can, do it to us. If they can radicalize and direct the will of a man like Paddock it's just a matter of time until our own children will be plotting against us.

You can think what you want. In all truth I couldn't care less what you think.

I prefer to listen to the Sheriff comments when he says Paddock possibly was radicalized.

As simple as that.:dunno:

Paddock was also possibly a female transvestite who liked to gargle peanut butter on the top of whaling ships in the middle of Siberia.

Just because the Sheriff said that, doesn't not make it true. When they asked him what evidence he had, and he said nothing.


So the Sheriff doesn't make sense....

but you do.

I will try hard to restrain myself and ignore morons.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
Hell we haven't heard anything medical as of yet, hell for all we know he could have developed a brain tumor or had long term undiagnosed syphilis which will affect the brain.

That was actually my thinking thus far, but the ISIS claim and the story of the undercover jihadists stuck me as a real possibility.

the fact that ISIS claimed it------suggests to me----that ISIS had nothing to do with it
No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

the ability to defend ourselves...
Yes, I never thought of that. We NEED guns to defend us from people WITH guns. Brilliant.
----------------------------------------- guns are the great equalizer , without guns the weak are prey of the physically strong Mary .
He was really smart, and reportedly very meticulous...I bet he had a megolomaniacle complex..just like the Columbine shooters........he just hated people and wanted to kill a lot of them.
Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?
you let them take away one and then another they dont like and then another,just like dominoes....until the only rights left are the ones the takers feel you should have.......
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
Hell we haven't heard anything medical as of yet, hell for all we know he could have developed a brain tumor or had long term undiagnosed syphilis which will affect the brain.

He was eating prescription Diazapam with an alcohol chaser.
Coooooool, Where can I get a physician to prescribe that blend to me?

Develop a depressive personality disorder, see a doctor, then a bartender. :laugh:
Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

I myself am not "threatened", because it will never happen in my lifetime.
What is so intimidating about repealing an obviously outdated Amendment?.....

Tyrants, dictators, and opportunists of every sort depend upon people being stupid enough to accept that fundamental rights have an expiration date. That meat you see all wrapped up in the grocery store didn't put up a fight.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
Had Paddock been to Spain recently? Or did the Imam move to the states? I too am keeping the question of conversion in my mind, but he seemed such a loner and with no real social media presence, it's a little hard to imagine a long distance conversion.

Matter of fact it is reported that he did.

Las Vegas shooter took at least 20 cruises - CNN

The cruises included stops at ports in Spain, Italy, Greece, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, according to information provided by a law

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