Vanilla ISIS


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Attacked the nations capital yesterday and the score is 4 dead Vanilla ISIS members, 50 injured police and now one dead police officer. The fake law and order president called for this insurrection. He is responsible for the injuries and death. trump along with other garbage like Limbaugh helped create Vanilla ISIS by race pimping whites by lying about how whites are suffering from racism.


I have lost patience with people who say they “can’t believe” that a mob of insurrectionists overran the nation’s Capitol. Believe what you saw. And perhaps you should have believed what you heard weeks before, because this violent outcome was foreseen and foretold. It was signaled and predicted. After all the falsehoods and fanning of outrage from the outgoing president, it was, in the end, inevitable.

What I couldn’t believe was the tepid response from the Capitol Police and the sprawling network of law enforcement agencies that generally are in tactical formation well ahead of such threats. Our collective rearview mirror still has the National Guard in full military gear, the helmeted police on horseback, the rain of rubber bullets and the clomp of jackboots during the Black Lives Matter protests of the summer. The reasonable conclusion after this week is that White lives matter more.

While the entire world was watching, America just doubled down on its centuries-old double standard.

There has been open talk of civil war for months now, open threats about “reclaiming America.” When President Trump gently urged the insurrectionists to go home, after much of the damage had already been done, he said, “There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened, where they could take it away from all of us, from me, from you, from our country.”

Although he was talking about “me” and “you” and “us,” a lot of Americans did not hear themselves in that grouping. Those who did understood the code. It wasn’t just about the election — still deemed as fraudulent in his mind despite no evidence to back up the claim.

The United States’ yawning cultural, political and racial divides were there for all to see on Wednesday, in the composition of the crowd, in the way they were accommodated by police and in the ideology that fueled their rage.

There is a discomfort in talking about the racialized nature of the riot because of the fear that good people might be marked by too broad a brush. Yet it’s clear that a river of rage and anger runs from Jim Crow America to the tiki-torch protests in Charlottesville to the mobs this week that were willing to break doors, barricades, windows and laws on the day Joe Biden was certified to take Trump’s place. Something is being snatched from them and it’s not just money or jobs or security or even the White House.

The common refrain is a fear of an America where white privilege is challenged and whiteness as the gold standard of beauty or power or value or provenance is no longer the automatic default.

I can tell you with great confidence that a large percentage of Black Americans were shocked but not surprised by Wednesday’s events. Black people, and perhaps most people of color in this country, are conditioned to take mobs of White men at their word when they make repeated threats. We have our long history of racialized terror to thank for that instinct.


This is why black "conservatives" get hammered. Whites racists are quick to defend them because they help racists continue believing a lie and gives them an example to dismiss the truth that 99 percent of the rest of the blacks tell them. So while we hear the bs by no good low life racist whites about painting white people with a broad brush or whine about how "it's not all white people," they will use black "conservatives" to represent all black people and black "conservatives" are dumb enough to go along with it.


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admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.
admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.

admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.


If black people had been burning down things because of some shit they made up that isn't true and did not happen you could make such a comparison. But given the fact that most of the violence this summer was caused by the same types who stormed the capital, you have no argument period.
admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.


If black people had been burning down things because of some shit they made up that isn't true and did not happen you could make such a comparison. But given the fact that most of the violence this summer was caused by the same types who stormed the capital, you have no argument period.

Oh yeah, I forgot that black people are still living with the slave mindset and are never responsible for their own actions; it's always a white man's fault
admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.


If black people had been burning down things because of some shit they made up that isn't true and did not happen you could make such a comparison. But given the fact that most of the violence this summer was caused by the same types who stormed the capital, you have no argument period.

Oh yeah, I forgot that black people are still living with the slave mindset and are never responsible for their own actions; it's always a white man's fault
I think whites like you really need to shut up telling others to take responsibility for things when you don't.


As Americans watched Wednesday, an angry mob of mostly white people stormed the U.S. Capitol, seeming to overwhelm Capitol Police, who struggled to contain the violence. Officers yielded to the mob in some cases and allowed crowds of supporters of President Donald Trump into the halls of Congress as its members were affirming that President-elect Joe Biden had won the November election.

Many people saw in the images and videos that poured out of the Capitol more than a disturbing breach of security by people who believe Trump's baseless claims of election fraud. They said they saw white privilege and double standards and questioned whether the police response would have been the same had the rioters been Black or brown people or their allies.

"No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesters yesterday that they wouldn't have been treated very differently than the mob that stormed the Capitol," Biden said Thursday. "We all know that's true — and it's unacceptable."

Related: "No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesters yesterday that they wouldn't have been treated very differently," Joe Biden said.

There were many such observations Wednesday as law enforcement officers appeared to treat pro-Trump rioters with restraint — even as they broke through barricades, windows and doors, strolled through the halls of the Capitol and posed in Senate chambers — that was not afforded to peaceful demonstrators during the protests in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere over the summer following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

By contrast, police used pepper spray, tear gas and what appeared to be rubber bullets against people protesting unprovoked police violence against African Americans near the White House in May. In one encounter, police with support from the National Guard stormed into a peaceful protest outside the White House so Trump could walk across the street, where the protesters had been assembled, to pose for photos holding a Bible in front of a church.

The deferential treatment to the white rioters came even after Trump warned Black Lives Matter protesters in June that they would face a minimum of 10 years in prison for vandalizing or damaging federal buildings.

"I think it's absolutely true that the insurgents yesterday were treated with much more care than the folks who participated in the Black Lives Matter protests," said Keneshia Grant, an associate professor of political science at Howard University. "What we saw was a system of law enforcement that's designed to protect certain people."

Biden denounces racial inequity in blasting Capitol riot - The Washington Post

Whites made the laws son. And they don't enforce them equally.
Attacked the nations capital yesterday and the score is 4 dead Vanilla ISIS members, 50 injured police and now one dead police officer. The fake law and order president called for this insurrection. He is responsible for the injuries and death. trump along with other garbage like Limbaugh helped create Vanilla ISIS by race pimping whites by lying about how whites are suffering from racism.

View attachment 439137

I have lost patience with people who say they “can’t believe” that a mob of insurrectionists overran the nation’s Capitol. Believe what you saw. And perhaps you should have believed what you heard weeks before, because this violent outcome was foreseen and foretold. It was signaled and predicted. After all the falsehoods and fanning of outrage from the outgoing president, it was, in the end, inevitable.

What I couldn’t believe was the tepid response from the Capitol Police and the sprawling network of law enforcement agencies that generally are in tactical formation well ahead of such threats. Our collective rearview mirror still has the National Guard in full military gear, the helmeted police on horseback, the rain of rubber bullets and the clomp of jackboots during the Black Lives Matter protests of the summer. The reasonable conclusion after this week is that White lives matter more.

While the entire world was watching, America just doubled down on its centuries-old double standard.

There has been open talk of civil war for months now, open threats about “reclaiming America.” When President Trump gently urged the insurrectionists to go home, after much of the damage had already been done, he said, “There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened, where they could take it away from all of us, from me, from you, from our country.”

Although he was talking about “me” and “you” and “us,” a lot of Americans did not hear themselves in that grouping. Those who did understood the code. It wasn’t just about the election — still deemed as fraudulent in his mind despite no evidence to back up the claim.

The United States’ yawning cultural, political and racial divides were there for all to see on Wednesday, in the composition of the crowd, in the way they were accommodated by police and in the ideology that fueled their rage.

There is a discomfort in talking about the racialized nature of the riot because of the fear that good people might be marked by too broad a brush. Yet it’s clear that a river of rage and anger runs from Jim Crow America to the tiki-torch protests in Charlottesville to the mobs this week that were willing to break doors, barricades, windows and laws on the day Joe Biden was certified to take Trump’s place. Something is being snatched from them and it’s not just money or jobs or security or even the White House.

The common refrain is a fear of an America where white privilege is challenged and whiteness as the gold standard of beauty or power or value or provenance is no longer the automatic default.

I can tell you with great confidence that a large percentage of Black Americans were shocked but not surprised by Wednesday’s events. Black people, and perhaps most people of color in this country, are conditioned to take mobs of White men at their word when they make repeated threats. We have our long history of racialized terror to thank for that instinct.

View attachment 439136

This is why black "conservatives" get hammered. Whites racists are quick to defend them because they help racists continue believing a lie and gives them an example to dismiss the truth that 99 percent of the rest of the blacks tell them. So while we hear the bs by no good low life racist whites about painting white people with a broad brush or whine about how "it's not all white people," they will use black "conservatives" to represent all black people and black "conservatives" are dumb enough to go along with it.
,o1 b-1-1.jpg

admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.


A United States Capitol Police officer died Thursday night from injuries sustained when he engaged with a pro-Trump mob that descended on the U.S. Capitol the day before.

Officer Brian D. Sicknick died at about 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, the Capitol Police said in a statement. He had been with the agency since 2008.

Mr. Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday and “was injured while physically engaging with protesters,” the agency’s statement said, although officials didn’t immediately elaborate on the nature of his injuries or how he interacted with the crowd. After sustaining the injuries, Mr. Sicknick returned to his division office, collapsed, and was taken to the hospital.

“The entire U.S.C.P. department expresses its deepest sympathies to Officer Sicknick’s family and friends on their loss, and mourns the loss of a friend and colleague,” the statement said. News outlets had prematurely reported on his death earlier in the day while he was apparently still on life support.

Homicide investigators from the Metropolitan Police Department are involved in the case


The wages of trump is death.
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admit it, you created this TL;DR shitpost just so you could use the phrase vanilla isis
Nope. I'm pointing out the radicalization of racists whites which led to a white supremacist insurrection on the nations capital because of some shit that was made up.


Haha that's perfection. Thanks for sharing.
Attacked the nations capital yesterday and the score is 4 dead Vanilla ISIS members, 50 injured police and now one dead police officer. The fake law and order president called for this insurrection. He is responsible for the injuries and death. trump along with other garbage like Limbaugh helped create Vanilla ISIS by race pimping whites by lying about how whites are suffering from racism.

View attachment 439137

I have lost patience with people who say they “can’t believe” that a mob of insurrectionists overran the nation’s Capitol. Believe what you saw. And perhaps you should have believed what you heard weeks before, because this violent outcome was foreseen and foretold. It was signaled and predicted. After all the falsehoods and fanning of outrage from the outgoing president, it was, in the end, inevitable.

What I couldn’t believe was the tepid response from the Capitol Police and the sprawling network of law enforcement agencies that generally are in tactical formation well ahead of such threats. Our collective rearview mirror still has the National Guard in full military gear, the helmeted police on horseback, the rain of rubber bullets and the clomp of jackboots during the Black Lives Matter protests of the summer. The reasonable conclusion after this week is that White lives matter more.

While the entire world was watching, America just doubled down on its centuries-old double standard.

There has been open talk of civil war for months now, open threats about “reclaiming America.” When President Trump gently urged the insurrectionists to go home, after much of the damage had already been done, he said, “There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened, where they could take it away from all of us, from me, from you, from our country.”

Although he was talking about “me” and “you” and “us,” a lot of Americans did not hear themselves in that grouping. Those who did understood the code. It wasn’t just about the election — still deemed as fraudulent in his mind despite no evidence to back up the claim.

The United States’ yawning cultural, political and racial divides were there for all to see on Wednesday, in the composition of the crowd, in the way they were accommodated by police and in the ideology that fueled their rage.

There is a discomfort in talking about the racialized nature of the riot because of the fear that good people might be marked by too broad a brush. Yet it’s clear that a river of rage and anger runs from Jim Crow America to the tiki-torch protests in Charlottesville to the mobs this week that were willing to break doors, barricades, windows and laws on the day Joe Biden was certified to take Trump’s place. Something is being snatched from them and it’s not just money or jobs or security or even the White House.

The common refrain is a fear of an America where white privilege is challenged and whiteness as the gold standard of beauty or power or value or provenance is no longer the automatic default.

I can tell you with great confidence that a large percentage of Black Americans were shocked but not surprised by Wednesday’s events. Black people, and perhaps most people of color in this country, are conditioned to take mobs of White men at their word when they make repeated threats. We have our long history of racialized terror to thank for that instinct.

View attachment 439136

This is why black "conservatives" get hammered. Whites racists are quick to defend them because they help racists continue believing a lie and gives them an example to dismiss the truth that 99 percent of the rest of the blacks tell them. So while we hear the bs by no good low life racist whites about painting white people with a broad brush or whine about how "it's not all white people," they will use black "conservatives" to represent all black people and black "conservatives" are dumb enough to go along with it.

Hassan chop

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