Van Jones paints grim picture for Democrats after loss in Virginia

Haha. Not dismissed. There shall be audits and dozens of court cases and a constant cry from the electorate about this fraud until McAuliffe is reinstated. Every move from the new gov shall be deemed illegitimate.
Sure there will....
Your racist, violent agenda and your creepy medical fascism cult were both roundly rejected in Virginia yesterday.
No they weren’t. McAullife actually got 3 million more votes. The GOP just rigged the election. There is a ton of evidence that shows this. How can you even pretend that the GOP legitimately won. That’s funny
I’m curious… do you think I’m sounding smart and convincing making these arguments? If not, how am I coming across?
You are coming across as a mocker.....nothing flies over my should know that by I'll play along...lets hear your evidence
Remember Kavanaugh and Barrett? Sorry, but until I see some action on Youngkin's part...I will be suspicious that he isn't just another rino.
You are coming across as a mocker.....nothing flies over my should know that by I'll play along...lets hear your evidence
Wait and see, the evidence will come out as soon as the courts and establishment stop blocking it… I know you know exactly what I’m doing. And I know you know how stupid I sound when I make these arguments. Imagine if I kept it up for the next year. Wow, how dumb would I be?!

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