With Youngkin victorious, a post-Trump Virginia returns as a swing state


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Let's hope this tsunami lasts into the next election cycle! :clap:


For months, the political establishment predicted that Virginia’s gubernatorial race was Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s to lose.

That doesn't mean the didn't try.

Audit the motherfuck out of that shit and prosecute with life sentences anybody engaged in shenanigans.
ABSOLUTELY! There should be an automatic process where random precincts not only are subjected to audits, but even a thorough canvassing to prove that mail-in ballots actually came from the addresses listed. NEITHER party should have a problem with such rules.
says the person from Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've seen to have missed s few posts of mine but being an imbecile, I can understand that.
I love here you moronic fool and even if I didn't, what difference would make?
If your implying that Australians are somehow less intelligent than any other nation, I confirms what you don't know.

If you think making that reference is some How intimidating me, you're wrong.
I know you don't have a broad knowledge of many things other than a hatred for democrats which is what your criticism of me is all about. Nothing else.

I don't care about your childish remarks. You but a skid mark on my trousers. You're of low IQ and that's familiar to repubmicans on here. So keep going if you like but you will never stop me and each time you do it, I get to gave another swing at your poor intellect. it's taking a while for you to catch on boy.
Ok that's great news. It was closer than I'd have liked though, I'd loved to have seen a bigger percent for youngkin but a win is a win.

Now let's hope he doesn't lean on abortion or anything too polarizing to upset the balance before the next presidential election. He should just focus on American values and protecting his citizens rights and freedoms.

He has a real chance to strengthen the state here. Hope he doesn't blow it.

It isn't over by a long shot, but it's a small step in the right direction for the whole country.

Good job youngkin. Now keep it up and don't fuck it up.
Why audit it now? You never said that about republicans when they lost.
That is because Republicans don't steal elections but the filthy ass corrupt Democrats do. We all know that.

This election is bad news for you stupid Moon Bats.

It fucks the destructive Progressive agenda of Potatohead and it bode wells for a landslide Republican takeover of the House and Senate in the mid terms.
Death Angel
I agree. Bidung has made one mess after another. The price of gas is way up and there are empty shelves in all the stores. Bidung and the Dem's get the backlash from all that. Not to mention another million illegals Bidung allowed into the country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions every years.

I think 2022 will be a landslide for the Reps. And 2024 as well. With the crap Bidung has pushed the Dems have been shot in the ass.

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