Values-Who’s Got ‘Em


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Would it be correct to assert that the Left, Liberals, Democrats, socialists, et cetera, are bereft of values?

Let's check.

Any discussion of values puts government school grads at a distinct disadvantage, as that term never, or hardly ever comes up, there, and if it does, it is misinterpreted.

2.Values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

“Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person's behavior and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.”
How has this term impacted your life?

3. Need proof that the Left has given up values? They have given up equality, freedom, and the sanctity of life?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

None of the Judeo-Christian values that were the foundation of our nation on display there.

4.Time for re-visiting the Judeo-Christian values on which this nation was founded. First and foremost, there is God. Once you disconnect values from God….there are no values. And none of the Left's versions of belief include God. They do everything they can to remove belief from the public arena, and picture those who do believe as ignorant bumpkins.

"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
David Mamet

[Dostoyevsky] “foresaw that materialist man was far more of a threat than religious man-….He saw that man would find in his search for purpose something far darker than the Judeo-Christian tradition…” Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 115-116

Ivan Karamazov, in “The Brothers Karamazov,” exclaimed ‘if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’

5. “For those who subscribe to Judeo-Christian values, right and wrong, good and evil, are derived from God, not from reason alone, nor from the human heart, the state or through majority rule.

If there is no transcendent source of morality (morality is the word I use for the standard of good and evil), “good” and “evil” are subjective opinions, not objective realities.

In other words, if there is no God who says, “Do not murder” (“Do not kill” is a mistranslation of the Hebrew which, like English, has two words for homicide), murder is not wrong. Many people may think it is wrong, but that is their opinion, not objective moral fact. There are no moral “facts” if there is no God; there are only moral opinions.”

QED….the Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, - all of whom eschew the idea of God- have opinions, doctrines, agendas….

….but none of these have values.
I do know that libturds are worse than worthless.

They're malignant.

They decrease the standard of living for everyone else.

1.Would it be correct to assert that the Left, Liberals, Democrats, socialists, et cetera, are bereft of values?

Let's check.

Any discussion of values puts government school grads at a distinct disadvantage, as that term never, or hardly ever comes up, there, and if it does, it is misinterpreted.

2.Values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

“Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person's behavior and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.”
How has this term impacted your life?

3. Need proof that the Left has given up values? They have given up equality, freedom, and the sanctity of life?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

None of the Judeo-Christian values that were the foundation of our nation on display there.

4.Time for re-visiting the Judeo-Christian values on which this nation was founded. First and foremost, there is God. Once you disconnect values from God….there are no values. And none of the Left's versions of belief include God. They do everything they can to remove belief from the public arena, and picture those who do believe as ignorant bumpkins.

"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
David Mamet

[Dostoyevsky] “foresaw that materialist man was far more of a threat than religious man-….He saw that man would find in his search for purpose something far darker than the Judeo-Christian tradition…” Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 115-116

Ivan Karamazov, in “The Brothers Karamazov,” exclaimed ‘if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’

5. “For those who subscribe to Judeo-Christian values, right and wrong, good and evil, are derived from God, not from reason alone, nor from the human heart, the state or through majority rule.

If there is no transcendent source of morality (morality is the word I use for the standard of good and evil), “good” and “evil” are subjective opinions, not objective realities.

In other words, if there is no God who says, “Do not murder” (“Do not kill” is a mistranslation of the Hebrew which, like English, has two words for homicide), murder is not wrong. Many people may think it is wrong, but that is their opinion, not objective moral fact. There are no moral “facts” if there is no God; there are only moral opinions.”

QED….the Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, - all of whom eschew the idea of God- have opinions, doctrines, agendas….

….but none of these have values.
Claiming the moral high ground again? You are SO childish. But that's how they bring you up in North Korea, amirite, or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
I guess you and Prager have a lot to learn: So does tramp.

17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person.18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

side note, Lord and God are generic.
I do know that libturds are worse than worthless.

They're malignant.

They decrease the standard of living for everyone else.


They poison the well not just for this generation, but for all future ones as well.

Covered pretty well in
Ezekiel 25:17. "The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you

One can only hope.
I guess you and Prager have a lot to learn: So does tramp.

17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person.18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

side note, Lord and God are generic.

I can't begin to tell you how gratifying it is when folks of the Left, like you, who hate religion, quote the Bible....

Spoken by Antonio in "The Merchant of Venice", written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616): Mark you this, Bassanio, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

Now.....don't dress too warm, y'hear?
6. Which group denies the existence of God?

Secularists Most who are not well-read, who simply accept what is promulgated by the pop culture wear the term ‘secular’ without being clear about what it means.

Secular: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Google.

“…The New York Times, the voice of secular moral relativism, was so repulsed by President Ronald Reagan’s declaration that the Soviet Union was an “evil empire.” The secular world … fears and rejects the language of good and evil because it smacks of religious values and violates their moral relativism.

It is perhaps the major difference between America and Europe. As a New York Times article on European-American differences noted last year, “Americans are widely regarded as more comfortable with notions of good and evil, right and wrong, than Europeans. . . . ” No wonder. America is a Judeo-Christian society; Europe (and the American Democratic Party) is largely secular.

…I asked one of the leading secular liberal thinkers of the past generation, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., if he would say that the United States was a morally superior society to that of the Soviet Union. Even when I repeated the question, and clarified that I readily acknowledged the existence of good individuals in the Soviet Union and bad ones in America, he refused to do so.”

How would you answer that question?

How about this one: is the GOP morally superior to the current Democrat Party?

C'mon....that's an easy one.
I guess you and Prager have a lot to learn: So does tramp.

17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person.18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

side note, Lord and God are generic.

I can't begin to tell you how gratifying it is when folks of the Left, like you, who hate religion, quote the Bible....

Spoken by Antonio in "The Merchant of Venice", written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616): Mark you this, Bassanio, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

Now.....don't dress too warm, y'hear?

And I love it when you have to resort to Shakespeare, instead of the Bible.
6. Which group denies the existence of God?

Secularists Most who are not well-read, who simply accept what is promulgated by the pop culture wear the term ‘secular’ without being clear about what it means.

Secular: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Google.

“…The New York Times, the voice of secular moral relativism, was so repulsed by President Ronald Reagan’s declaration that the Soviet Union was an “evil empire.” The secular world … fears and rejects the language of good and evil because it smacks of religious values and violates their moral relativism.

It is perhaps the major difference between America and Europe. As a New York Times article on European-American differences noted last year, “Americans are widely regarded as more comfortable with notions of good and evil, right and wrong, than Europeans. . . . ” No wonder. America is a Judeo-Christian society; Europe (and the American Democratic Party) is largely secular.

…I asked one of the leading secular liberal thinkers of the past generation, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., if he would say that the United States was a morally superior society to that of the Soviet Union. Even when I repeated the question, and clarified that I readily acknowledged the existence of good individuals in the Soviet Union and bad ones in America, he refused to do so.”

How would you answer that question?

How about this one: is the GOP morally superior to the current Democrat Party?

C'mon....that's an easy one.

It was a God society since inception but was not called a Judeo -Christian since 1950. Although most founders grew up in the Christian religion they were Deists, Christians, or secular. Back then they just said they were Christian as a matter of politics and it was just assumed everyone was a Christian.

But you know belonging to a religion does not make one "moral".
1.Would it be correct to assert that the Left, Liberals, Democrats, socialists, et cetera, are bereft of values?

Let's check.

Any discussion of values puts government school grads at a distinct disadvantage, as that term never, or hardly ever comes up, there, and if it does, it is misinterpreted.

2.Values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

“Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person's behavior and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.”
How has this term impacted your life?

3. Need proof that the Left has given up values? They have given up equality, freedom, and the sanctity of life?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

None of the Judeo-Christian values that were the foundation of our nation on display there.

4.Time for re-visiting the Judeo-Christian values on which this nation was founded. First and foremost, there is God. Once you disconnect values from God….there are no values. And none of the Left's versions of belief include God. They do everything they can to remove belief from the public arena, and picture those who do believe as ignorant bumpkins.

"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
David Mamet

[Dostoyevsky] “foresaw that materialist man was far more of a threat than religious man-….He saw that man would find in his search for purpose something far darker than the Judeo-Christian tradition…” Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 115-116

Ivan Karamazov, in “The Brothers Karamazov,” exclaimed ‘if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’

5. “For those who subscribe to Judeo-Christian values, right and wrong, good and evil, are derived from God, not from reason alone, nor from the human heart, the state or through majority rule.

If there is no transcendent source of morality (morality is the word I use for the standard of good and evil), “good” and “evil” are subjective opinions, not objective realities.

In other words, if there is no God who says, “Do not murder” (“Do not kill” is a mistranslation of the Hebrew which, like English, has two words for homicide), murder is not wrong. Many people may think it is wrong, but that is their opinion, not objective moral fact. There are no moral “facts” if there is no God; there are only moral opinions.”

QED….the Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, - all of whom eschew the idea of God- have opinions, doctrines, agendas….

….but none of these have values.

Let's check.

Any discussion of values puts government school grads at a distinct disadvantage, as that term never, or hardly ever comes up, there, and if it does, it is misinterpreted.

I agree with you that in some places and in some grades/levels that is the case. But that varies by place and grade level, surely. For example. I teach young children pre-kinder through 5th grade. I simply must assert basic values or we have chaos or anarchy. Some parents (but not many, really, thank God) might say "that's not your job" but I don't think they really mean it if they think it through. I'm talking about values for very young children like: kindness, freedom (choice), responsibility, community.

Those are vague. In the youngest grades those look like:

Take turns
Use words, not your body (don't hit)
Take care of your things
Listen to your friends

Some very liberal districts in some areas will try to stretch these to "diversity" and "equality" but at that level, you can cover that--and SHOULD cover it--in kindness. No matter who is with us, we are kind. No matter how they are the same or different. And honestly, I think most schools do that. I don't think most schools do it with Drag Queen Story Hour.

What we CANNOT do in public schools, of course, is say why those values are important. Which I concede leaves a great portion out. That's where you hope the children are getting a religious education at church. "We are kind and responsible because that is God's expectation" etc.
I guess you and Prager have a lot to learn: So does tramp.

17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person.18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

side note, Lord and God are generic.
Kamala Harris does have a lot to learn, I'll grant you that.

You're too fucking stupid to begin learning anything even if you got a brand new functioning frontal lobe.

Claiming the moral high ground again? You are SO childish. But that's how they bring you up in North Korea, amirite, or AMIRITE? :biggrin:

Go there.

They have everything you demand we create here. You will be much happier.

Fuckin retard.
Claiming the moral high ground again? You are SO childish. But that's how they bring you up in North Korea, amirite, or AMIRITE? :biggrin:

Go there.

They have everything you demand we create here. You will be much happier.

Fuckin retard.
Why do you write in blue, are you gay?:gay:

North Korea is where NorthKoreaChic is from, and she always thinks she's so much better than everyone else. Which means she has a huge inferiority complex. I'm just trying to help her heal...
I guess you and Prager have a lot to learn: So does tramp.

17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person.18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

side note, Lord and God are generic.

Are you taking your own medicine here or do you just love doling it out to your enemies?
Republican values

Take healthcare away from the sick
Take food away from the hungry
Take children away from their parents and lock them in cages
Destroy the environment for profit
Generate hate towards Mexicans, blacks, Muslims and gays
I guess you and Prager have a lot to learn: So does tramp.

17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person.18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

side note, Lord and God are generic.

I can't begin to tell you how gratifying it is when folks of the Left, like you, who hate religion, quote the Bible....

Spoken by Antonio in "The Merchant of Venice", written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616): Mark you this, Bassanio, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

Now.....don't dress too warm, y'hear?

And I love it when you have to resort to Shakespeare, instead of the Bible.

Have to?

Be serious...I can do both.

Psalm 91:11–12 was quoted by Satan when he tempted Jesus in the desert (Matt. 4:6).
6. Which group denies the existence of God?

Secularists Most who are not well-read, who simply accept what is promulgated by the pop culture wear the term ‘secular’ without being clear about what it means.

Secular: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Google.

“…The New York Times, the voice of secular moral relativism, was so repulsed by President Ronald Reagan’s declaration that the Soviet Union was an “evil empire.” The secular world … fears and rejects the language of good and evil because it smacks of religious values and violates their moral relativism.

It is perhaps the major difference between America and Europe. As a New York Times article on European-American differences noted last year, “Americans are widely regarded as more comfortable with notions of good and evil, right and wrong, than Europeans. . . . ” No wonder. America is a Judeo-Christian society; Europe (and the American Democratic Party) is largely secular.

…I asked one of the leading secular liberal thinkers of the past generation, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., if he would say that the United States was a morally superior society to that of the Soviet Union. Even when I repeated the question, and clarified that I readily acknowledged the existence of good individuals in the Soviet Union and bad ones in America, he refused to do so.”

How would you answer that question?

How about this one: is the GOP morally superior to the current Democrat Party?

C'mon....that's an easy one.

It was a God society since inception but was not called a Judeo -Christian since 1950. Although most founders grew up in the Christian religion they were Deists, Christians, or secular. Back then they just said they were Christian as a matter of politics and it was just assumed everyone was a Christian.

But you know belonging to a religion does not make one "moral".

"It was a God society since inception but was not called a Judeo -Christian since 1950."

As the saying goes, 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

Same for education, horsey.

As the OP stated:

Values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

“Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person's behavior and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.”
How has this term impacted your life?

There is no timeframe for Judeo-Christian values....just folks like you who don't have 'em.
6. Which group denies the existence of God?

Secularists Most who are not well-read, who simply accept what is promulgated by the pop culture wear the term ‘secular’ without being clear about what it means.

Secular: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Google.

“…The New York Times, the voice of secular moral relativism, was so repulsed by President Ronald Reagan’s declaration that the Soviet Union was an “evil empire.” The secular world … fears and rejects the language of good and evil because it smacks of religious values and violates their moral relativism.

It is perhaps the major difference between America and Europe. As a New York Times article on European-American differences noted last year, “Americans are widely regarded as more comfortable with notions of good and evil, right and wrong, than Europeans. . . . ” No wonder. America is a Judeo-Christian society; Europe (and the American Democratic Party) is largely secular.

…I asked one of the leading secular liberal thinkers of the past generation, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., if he would say that the United States was a morally superior society to that of the Soviet Union. Even when I repeated the question, and clarified that I readily acknowledged the existence of good individuals in the Soviet Union and bad ones in America, he refused to do so.”

How would you answer that question?

How about this one: is the GOP morally superior to the current Democrat Party?

C'mon....that's an easy one.

It was a God society since inception but was not called a Judeo -Christian since 1950. Although most founders grew up in the Christian religion they were Deists, Christians, or secular. Back then they just said they were Christian as a matter of politics and it was just assumed everyone was a Christian.

But you know belonging to a religion does not make one "moral".

"Although most founders grew up in the Christian religion they were Deists, Christians, or secular."

Wrong again, horsey.

... recognize how morality and religion stand in the way of the Left creating a world-wide gulag.

In America they haven't become quite powerful enough to ban religion completely, as they were able to do under the Soviet Communist, so they marginalize, slander, and lie about religion.

Claiming that America was not founded under Judeo-Christian doctrines, they go so far as to profess that our Founders were of some lower branch of belief....Deists.

As there is far, far too much evidence for the Judeo-Christian basis of our nation, those on the Left....desiring to adhere to Marx's doctrines....attempt to call the Founders 'deists' to attempt to pry them from being called 'religious.'

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind. Google

"The notion that any of the Founders believed in an impersonal deity who merely created the universe and then left it to itself is false. All of them believed in a God who, as Franklin said at the Constitutional Convention, “governs in the affairs of men.”

Let’s start with George Washington.

Washington’s writings, both public and private, are full of references to the Bible. This is certainly true during his eight years as the first President of the United States.

Here is Washington at his first Inaugural:
“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”
In all likelihood, Washington was an orthodox Christian.

Like Washington, Benjamin Franklin also referenced Bible verses, stories, and metaphors throughout his life. His calls for prayer at the Constitutional Convention were typical of his attitude. Franklin, who had his own unorthodox views, summed up his faith this way: “That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this.”

Clearly not a view of God ignoring his creations.

6. When it comes to John Adams, the Leftwing sophists have a field day!

"Adams referred to himself as a Christian throughout his life, but did not believe in traditional Christian doctrines such as the trinity or the divinity of Jesus.... [but] before, during and after his tenure as President, Adams repeatedly asserted his admiration for the Christian faith... Adams spoke of his great respect for the Bible. “[T]he Bible is the best book in the world. It contains more of my… philosophy than all the libraries I have seen…”

a. Those who suggest that Adams was in any way against religion like to quote from a letter he wrote to Thomas Jefferson in which he said, “This would be the best of all possible worlds if there was no religion in it.”

Seems to be a perfect spokesman for Marx or Lenin, no?

Definitely, no.

Unfortunately, those who cite this line never quote the lines that immediately follow “But in this exclamation, I should have been as fanatical as [the skeptics of religion]. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company—I mean hell.”

So, those who quote the first line without quoting the subsequent lines are either unaware of the full comment or are deliberately misleading people as to Adams’s beliefs."

7. "Like Adams, Thomas Jefferson did not adhere to orthodox doctrine. Yet he often declared himself to be a Christian. “I am a Christian, he said, “in the only sense he [Jesus] wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines...”

As one of the leaders of the American Revolution, his views are well known. After all, this is the man who wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” You can’t get a much more explicit statement of belief than that.

These four founders – Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin – were practical men with a sober view of human nature. They understood that man is morally weak and that religion provides the best encouragement and incentive to be good.

It does so, first and foremost, by teaching that choices have consequences. Not necessarily in the here and now, but most certainly in the hereafter – meted out by a just God.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Jefferson, in his second inaugural, asked for, “The favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our forefathers, as Israel of old, from their native land.”

And all of them were rooted in the Judeo-Christian values found in the Bible.
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Why is it sooooo very important for Leftist to disparage religon?

Because it is essential to their central doctrine to do so.
2.Values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

3. Need proof that the Left has given up values? They have given up equality, freedom, and the sanctity of life?
Another post to dishonestly mix politics and religion with the sole goal of spreading division. You really should stop retweeting Putin.

2. 'Values' are hardly eternal or universal.

3. Good examples of 'values' that are NOT eternal or universal. We all subscribe to these values, we just define them differently at different times and places. The Founding Fathers believed in equality and freedom but limited it to white males. I believe in the sanctity of [human] life I just don't define a fertilized egg is a human life.
7. Is there a benefit to belief in God, the Judeo-Christian view?

You betcha’ there is!

For society and for individuals.

First, there would not have been a United States created by the Founders without that belief.

Second, consider the results for those societies who chose to proceed without the belief: The French Revolution, the first to attempt it, became a slaughterhouse.
Others include the Russian Revolution, the Nazis, Mao, Pol Pot……

Third, the great mathematician, Blaise Pascal, looked at the question of the existence of God from the perspective of logic alone:

“Pascal's wager is an argument in philosophy presented by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662).[1] It posits that humans bet with their lives that God either exists or does not.

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell)”
Pascal's wager - Wikipedia

Sooo.....where's the downside???

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