Vaccine against COVID 19 to be registered first in Russia within a few days


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Vladimir Putin

The world's first vaccine against coronavirus will be registered in Russia in a few days.
Russian scientists passed necessary test stages and proved the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Our medicine has adequately coped with the epidemic and now gives hope not only to our country, but to the whole world. Once the Soviet satellite paved the way for humanity into space, now the Russian vaccine will pave the way to the future without COVID-19, masks and social isolation.

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Vladimir Putin

The world's first vaccine against coronavirus will be registered in Russia in a few days.
Russian scientists passed necessary test stages and proved the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Our medicine has adequately coped with the epidemic and now gives hope not only to our country, but to the whole world. Once the Soviet satellite paved the way for humanity into space, now the Russian vaccine will pave the way to the future without COVID-19, masks and social isolation.

Thanks for the info, Mort.
Vladimir Putin

The world's first vaccine against coronavirus will be registered in Russia in a few days.
Russian scientists passed necessary test stages and proved the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Our medicine has adequately coped with the epidemic and now gives hope not only to our country, but to the whole world. Once the Soviet satellite paved the way for humanity into space, now the Russian vaccine will pave the way to the future without COVID-19, masks and social isolation.

  1. First in space.
  2. Hottest women.
  3. Best vodka.
  4. Baddest brawlers.
  5. Best campaign managers.
  6. Craziest drivers.
  7. Excellence in intelligence.
  8. And now first in vaccines too. :smoke:
Vladimir Putin

The world's first vaccine against coronavirus will be registered in Russia in a few days.
Russian scientists passed necessary test stages and proved the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Our medicine has adequately coped with the epidemic and now gives hope not only to our country, but to the whole world. Once the Soviet satellite paved the way for humanity into space, now the Russian vaccine will pave the way to the future without COVID-19, masks and social isolation.

  1. First in space.
  2. Hottest women.
  3. Best vodka.
  4. Baddest brawlers.
  5. Best campaign managers.
  6. Craziest drivers.
  7. Excellence in intelligence.
  8. And now first in vaccines too. :smoke:
But can they do the "Boot Scootin' Boogie"?
Vladimir Putin

The world's first vaccine against coronavirus will be registered in Russia in a few days.
Russian scientists passed necessary test stages and proved the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Our medicine has adequately coped with the epidemic and now gives hope not only to our country, but to the whole world. Once the Soviet satellite paved the way for humanity into space, now the Russian vaccine will pave the way to the future without COVID-19, masks and social isolation.

I was reading a paper on their vaccine studies and they cut a whole lot of safety corners to beat us. We will soon see if it works or if its worse than the virus..
Vladimir Putin – teilt ein COVID-19-Update.

The vaccine against coronavirus
is ready and registered.
Vladimir Putin announced this today at the meeting in the Kremlin.
The effectiveness of the vaccine was tested by one of the President's daughters. According to Putin, on the first day after the vaccination, the temperature rose, but then her condition returned to normal and she got the antibodies in sufficient quantities for immunity from coronavirus.
Putin emphasized that vaccination will be voluntary. But he noted that there is no doubt about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.
Russia has repeatedly saved the world with its vaccines - it was in Russia where vaccines against cholera, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles and other dangerous diseases were invented.
At the same time, foreign pharmaceutical companies called on Russia not to release the vaccine so early. And here there is no medicine context, it seems that only business is important. Russia won the vaccine race and such a competitor in a profitable business is very uncomfortable. But when it comes to the health of millions of people, Russia has no intention of thinking about money. Vaccination for Russians will be free.
Вакцина от коронавируса готова и зарегистрирована.
Владимир Путин объявил об этом сегодня на совещании в Кремле.
Эффективность вакцины протестировала на себе одна из дочерей президента. По словам Путина, у неё в первый день после прививки поднялась температура, но потом ее состояние пришло в норму и у неё появились антитела в достаточном для иммунитета от коронавируса количестве.
Вакцинация будет добровольной, подчеркнул Путин. Но отметил, что сомнений в безопасности и эффективности вакцины нет.
Россия уже не раз спасала мир вакцинами - именно в России впервые были изобретены вакцины от холеры, полиомиелита, дифтерии, коклюша, кори и других опасных заболеваний.
При этом зарубежные фармацевтические компании призвали Россию не выпускать вакцину так рано. И здесь никакой медицины, похоже, только бизнес. Россия выиграла гонку за вакциной и такой конкурент в прибыльном бизнесе очень неудобен. Но когда речь идёт о здоровье миллионов людей, Россия не намерена думать о деньгах. Вакцинация для россиян будет бесплатной.

A picture of Russia's new covid vaccine.....

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