
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

My dad was a big HB fan. I spent a lot of hours listening to and enjoying his music.

Mr. B's comments about "cutting back on everything" make me wonder if Baltimore Mom of The Year had responsibly built a smaller family she could more easily supervise and provide for, would her son have become depressed and attempted to cause grave harm to police charged with protecting their peaceful neighbors...though more importantly, would there be more funds to assist their community@large if eighteen-year-old Ms. Graham choose to build a smaller family while at the same time depending on her neighbors to support and feed her family.

Same for Tavis Smiley's mom who at eighteen-years-old began irresponsibly building a family of ten children. In a May 2015 interview on FN Tavis revealed his nine now adult brothers and sisters continue struggling with poverty to this day.

Does Mr. Belafonte believe there would be more funds available for the good of entire communities if immature, selfish teen girls and young women "cut back" on building families until they acquire the skills, PATIENCE and means to raise and nurture a fairly happy child who experiences and enjoys Safe Streets to travel and play on?

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

My dad was a big HB fan. I spent a lot of hours listening to and enjoying his music.

Mr. B's comments about "cutting back on everything" make me wonder if Baltimore Mom of The Year had responsibly built a smaller family she could more easily supervise and provide for, would her son have become depressed and attempted to cause grave harm to police charged with protecting their peaceful neighbors...though more importantly, would there be more funds to assist their community@large if eighteen-year-old Ms. Graham choose to build a smaller family while at the same time depending on her neighbors to support and feed her family.

Same for Tavis Smiley's mom who at eighteen-years-old began irresponsibly building a family of ten children. In a May 2015 interview on FN Tavis revealed his nine now adult brothers and sisters continue struggling with poverty to this day.

Does Mr. Belafonte believe there would be more funds available for the good of entire communities if immature, selfish teen girls and young women "cut back" on building families until they acquire the skills, PATIENCE and means to raise and nurture a fairly happy child who experiences and enjoys Safe Streets to travel and play on?

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

Breaking the chains of inter-generational dependency that bind them to the Democrat Party: replacing the male head of household with a government check, getting indoctrinated at a government school to continue the cycle of poverty and dependency
Breaking the chains of inter-generational dependency that bind them to the Democrat Party: replacing the male head of household with a government check, getting indoctrinated at a government school to continue the cycle of poverty and dependency

Hello, Frank.

I agree with your observations except for the part about educator's being partly responsible.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar writes, *"I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."*

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

Now consider how little Kendrick and his classmates reacted when their elementary school teacher introduced the DARE presenter and they learned about the real dangers of drugs and how they harm people, including their parents?

Many children learn one set of values in school and another at home.

Frank, I have few doubts many children experience Cognitive Dissonance, which only adds to their confusion, no doubt causing many to become frustrated and angry for being deprived of the safe, fairly happy childhood the media tells them many American kids enjoy.



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