Use the Official USMB Presidential 2020 Debate on Tues/Wed


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
There will be ONE official 2020 Debate thread tomorrow.. It's in the sticky section of Politics ready to drop and open at about 5PM Eastern on Tuesday.. Here's the link..

Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

ALL debate comments, opinion between 5PM Tues and 1PM Wed Eastern BELONG IN THE OFFICIAL THREAD..

Until the official thread opens use these "floating announcements" for any pre-debate hype and comments. Don't FLOOD the forums with threads that are "comments".. It will also help to bump this announcement and keep it visible in the listings. Stay relevant to the debate in here.
Cant' imagine why anyone would watch one, they aren't 'Debates', but it will be fun reading the commies melt down every time Trump destroys the rapist extortionist they're running for President.
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