USAF Helicopter Shot At


Dec 23, 2009
Middle class, suburban ghetto.
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

I hope they are caught. Attempted murder? I mean, what do you say? I was just firing a warning shot?

There are too many Crazies out there.
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

And there he was, standing there all law abiding, white, exercising his 2nd amendment rights when all of a sudden a USAF Chopper is seen coming into his range of vision. Then something right out of the Twilight Zone happened and he tranformed into an Anitfa Radical Militant and he fired a round and hit the chopper. Right after that, the transformed back into a Party of the Rumper White Guy that was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights and he ran off into the crowd of others that were practicing their 2nd amendment rights. Everyone there claims to have seen that Antifa Nutcase fire at the Chopper but no one saw him vacate the area. They just remember the puff of smoke.
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

And there he was, standing there all law abiding, white, exercising his 2nd amendment rights when all of a sudden a USAF Chopper is seen coming into his range of vision. Then something right out of the Twilight Zone happened and he tranformed into an Anitfa Radical Militant and he fired a round and hit the chopper. Right after that, the transformed back into a Party of the Rumper White Guy that was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights and he ran off into the crowd of others that were practicing their 2nd amendment rights. Everyone there claims to have seen that Antifa Nutcase fire at the Chopper but no one saw him vacate the area. They just remember the puff of smoke.

That's too high level for me, what's your suggestion? It didn't happen, he was protected, he was a provocateur, a plant?
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

And there he was, standing there all law abiding, white, exercising his 2nd amendment rights when all of a sudden a USAF Chopper is seen coming into his range of vision. Then something right out of the Twilight Zone happened and he tranformed into an Anitfa Radical Militant and he fired a round and hit the chopper. Right after that, the transformed back into a Party of the Rumper White Guy that was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights and he ran off into the crowd of others that were practicing their 2nd amendment rights. Everyone there claims to have seen that Antifa Nutcase fire at the Chopper but no one saw him vacate the area. They just remember the puff of smoke.

That's too high level for me, what's your suggestion? It didn't happen, he was protected, he was a provocateur, a plant?

The rtwingnutjob partyofthe rumpers that have already tried to pin this on the "Other Side" have done it zero information. Hell for all I know, it could have been some idjit cleaning his gun in his back yard who got sloppy. Do you know how hard it is to hit a Chopper with a gun on purpose? If it was done on purpose, the CIA needs to recruit that person.
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

And there he was, standing there all law abiding, white, exercising his 2nd amendment rights when all of a sudden a USAF Chopper is seen coming into his range of vision. Then something right out of the Twilight Zone happened and he tranformed into an Anitfa Radical Militant and he fired a round and hit the chopper. Right after that, the transformed back into a Party of the Rumper White Guy that was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights and he ran off into the crowd of others that were practicing their 2nd amendment rights. Everyone there claims to have seen that Antifa Nutcase fire at the Chopper but no one saw him vacate the area. They just remember the puff of smoke.

That's too high level for me, what's your suggestion? It didn't happen, he was protected, he was a provocateur, a plant?

The rtwingnutjob partyofthe rumpers that have already tried to pin this on the "Other Side" have done it zero information. Hell for all I know, it could have been some idjit cleaning his gun in his back yard who got sloppy. Do you know how hard it is to hit a Chopper with a gun on purpose? If it was done on purpose, the CIA needs to recruit that person.

Well, I don't doubt it wouldn't be easy for him to hit a chopper but if they were low, anything is possible. There is simply too much rage out there and the Crazies will shoot anyone for any reason, there is no respect for life or authority.
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

And there he was, standing there all law abiding, white, exercising his 2nd amendment rights when all of a sudden a USAF Chopper is seen coming into his range of vision. Then something right out of the Twilight Zone happened and he tranformed into an Anitfa Radical Militant and he fired a round and hit the chopper. Right after that, the transformed back into a Party of the Rumper White Guy that was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights and he ran off into the crowd of others that were practicing their 2nd amendment rights. Everyone there claims to have seen that Antifa Nutcase fire at the Chopper but no one saw him vacate the area. They just remember the puff of smoke.

That's too high level for me, what's your suggestion? It didn't happen, he was protected, he was a provocateur, a plant?

The rtwingnutjob partyofthe rumpers that have already tried to pin this on the "Other Side" have done it zero information. Hell for all I know, it could have been some idjit cleaning his gun in his back yard who got sloppy. Do you know how hard it is to hit a Chopper with a gun on purpose? If it was done on purpose, the CIA needs to recruit that person.

Well, I don't doubt it wouldn't be easy for him to hit a chopper but if they were low, anything is possible. There is simply too much rage out there and the Crazies will shoot anyone for any reason, there is no respect for life or authority.

Yah, it could have been another "Here, hold my beer moment" which would not have any partisan inklings to it. You know how crazy those Bud drinkers can get.
Since it was close to DC and since Marine One and Air Force One (and their decoys) often fly low in the area, it’s no surprise that a TDS fanatic would attempt a potential assassination...

I hope they are caught. Attempted murder? I mean, what do you say? I was just firing a warning shot?

There are too many Crazies out there.

T.G. it wasn't what we refer to as a golden BB, bad enough it hit the copter.
Living in PG County and having watched AF1 and Marine 1 flying low altitude and landing, it seemed to be the perfect premise for a thriller. An assassination attempt via shooting them down. If you drive the beltway you can be on the Andrews approach path for AF1. Very impressive view. Easy target. I figure most people around here don’t even realize what they’re seeing.

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