USA is one of very few nations where the poor people are fat

Heritage as always is fos, like all your right-wing media... American cheap processed food is garbage that makes you fat and is all they can get in inner cities... Where is Jack Kemp and Enterprise zones? The last good Republican... 90% of the poor do not live in inner cities. The rural poor are a much bigger group... Heavy old color TVs are being giving away these days. Etc etc etc. The poor as a class are getting more and more gigantic under GOP Pander to the rich tax rates...
Heritage is FOS, but we're supposed to take your word on things?

My links are facts from the IRS and respected media. yours are right-wing b*******, the world's laughing stock and horror..
Heritage as always is fos, like all your right-wing media... American cheap processed food is garbage that makes you fat and is all they can get in inner cities... Where is Jack Kemp and Enterprise zones? The last good Republican... 90% of the poor do not live in inner cities. The rural poor are a much bigger group... Heavy old color TVs are being giving away these days. Etc etc etc. The poor as a class are getting more and more gigantic under GOP Pander to the rich tax rates...
Heritage is FOS, but we're supposed to take your word on things?

My links are facts from the IRS and respected media. yours are right-wing b*******, the world's laughing stock and horror..
Prove it. All I see is a graph with no attribution. The JPG for the graph is on the WAPO sight.
Heritage as always is fos, like all your right-wing media... American cheap processed food is garbage that makes you fat and is all they can get in inner cities... Where is Jack Kemp and Enterprise zones? The last good Republican... 90% of the poor do not live in inner cities. The rural poor are a much bigger group... Heavy old color TVs are being giving away these days. Etc etc etc. The poor as a class are getting more and more gigantic under GOP Pander to the rich tax rates...

What does the tax rates of the rich have to do with the poor? If we doubled their tax, how would that help one poor person?

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
IRS. Whereas you get yours from a b******* hate propaganda and misinformation machine, Dupe. All you dupes are trained to think about is federal income taxes.

You may need to provide a link, otherwise your "chart" is just BS.
The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010

I gaurantee you his chart is a scam.
And you believe Trump who says we have the highest tax tax rates in the world... Pure right wing idiocy we are way below the average 34% in the world at 26%, which also agrees with this scam. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and find your picture brainwashed functional moron.
How do US taxes compare internationally?.

You need to read the things you link to.

Your article says that the US taxes are 26% of GDP.

You do realize a country with taxes that are 34% of GDP can still collect less than a country with taxes that are 26% of GDP don't you?

And the US government spending adds up to 38% GDP so we are still spending too much
All the percentages we're talking about are what they actually collect of course. I have no idea what you're going on about...
You have no idea what you are going on about, as usual
Heritage as always is fos, like all your right-wing media... American cheap processed food is garbage that makes you fat and is all they can get in inner cities... Where is Jack Kemp and Enterprise zones? The last good Republican... 90% of the poor do not live in inner cities. The rural poor are a much bigger group... Heavy old color TVs are being giving away these days. Etc etc etc. The poor as a class are getting more and more gigantic under GOP Pander to the rich tax rates...

What does the tax rates of the rich have to do with the poor? If we doubled their tax, how would that help one poor person?
Then there would be money to invest in infrastructure repair and jobs and training and education for many technical jobs going begging. And please remember we're talking about doubling their tax only over a very high income. Also then we can cut taxes on the poor and the middle class. My pet peeve too is fees for car registration and speeding tickets Etc that are surcharges much higher than tickets themselves now. How about that new driver responsibility assessment? OMG. Just enough another example of how state and local taxes and fees go up when the GOP Cuts federal aid to the states, in order to Pander to the rich in tax rates
Job training and education is worthless when there are so many people that say "Go ahead, train me, educate me. I dare you."

I like the ones that really have professions in mind. Take the black guy who wants to be an engineer but thinks geometry is racist. It's not just a joke anymore: They're actually claiming math is racist Or the mexican who is intent on being a doctor but has a biology education that doesn't get past pot.

So we really cannot educate much of the poor. What they want is an engineering degree, a medical license (so they can do butt lifts in the garage), but the education is a waste of time. Just give it to them. Take the education from the rich and give the grades to Da Po'. Call it equality.
Job training and education is worthless when there are so many people that say "Go ahead, train me, educate me. I dare you."

I like the ones that really have professions in mind. Take the black guy who wants to be an engineer but thinks geometry is racist. It's not just a joke anymore: They're actually claiming math is racist Or the mexican who is intent on being a doctor but has a biology education that doesn't get past pot.

So we really cannot educate much of the poor. What they want is an engineering degree, a medical license (so they can do butt lifts in the garage), but the education is a waste of time. Just give it to them. Take the education from the rich and give the grades to Da Po'. Call it equality.
I'm mainly talking about technical training programs for technical jobs in Manufacturing. There are supposedly three to six million such jobs going begging...
You may need to provide a link, otherwise your "chart" is just BS.
The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2010

I gaurantee you his chart is a scam.
And you believe Trump who says we have the highest tax tax rates in the world... Pure right wing idiocy we are way below the average 34% in the world at 26%, which also agrees with this scam. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and find your picture brainwashed functional moron.
How do US taxes compare internationally?.

You need to read the things you link to.

Your article says that the US taxes are 26% of GDP.

You do realize a country with taxes that are 34% of GDP can still collect less than a country with taxes that are 26% of GDP don't you?

And the US government spending adds up to 38% GDP so we are still spending too much
All the percentages we're talking about are what they actually collect of course. I have no idea what you're going on about...
You have no idea what you are going on about, as usual
Those aren't imaginary numbers... They come from the IRS and are What is actually collected... Stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalala if you like...
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

So do you want more wealthy people in your state or less? Do you want more wealthy people in your city or less?

When Lebron James left Cleveland, many speculated it was because we do have a higher state tax on the wealthy. He came back, but look at what we lost while he was gone.

Lower income people pay higher state taxes? Well they can leave anytime they want. In fact we'll just ship them to your state.
You're too fixated on "higher income" and "lower income." The middle class and lower class are those who do the work. Some rich kid who inherited a bunch of money doesn't do anything. A rich man's money wouldn't mean anything without someone to provide those goods and services (the working middle class and poor). Money is used to help the economy move along and help allocated resources. Lazy rich people who inherited the money are just a side-effect. Technically, they're worthless, but the government respects the money system (even if those deadbeats benefit unfairly) to keep the economy working since money could lose value if the government makes it a habit of taking it from people it deems worthless (even if in this case it would be correct).

If somebody gets money legally, WTF would you care how they got it? Why should those people be treated any differently than those who worked for their money?

Do you think lottery winners should be treated any differently? They didn't work for their money either. They just gambled a couple of bucks and got lucky. Or what about those who make out in casinos or at the race tracks?

The people who "do the work" get paid for the work they do. The people who inherit a company and continue to provide jobs and taxation are the people who give them the work.

Nobody is paid by how hard they physically work. People are paid by how much profit their work creates, their talents, their experience, and their market worth.

The Decline of Inherited Money
Lazy rich layabouts/rich kids aren't rich because they have talent or experience.

All I'm saying is you should stop blindly worshiping the rich and understand what they are.

I don't worship anybody, but I'm not jealous of anybody either.
Then why post the butthurt "jealous" knee-jerk response?
Hey, if your parents were rich and passed that down, good for you. I have a friend who would work odd jobs here and there, but also spent a lot of time home and partying at night. He was an heir to a grandfather who liquidated his successful construction company and got a pretty good chunk of that. It's none of my business where he gets his money from or what he does with it.
Taxation of wealth and income is the governments business and the government is the citizens' business. That's because it's the government that controls and enforced matters of title. However, maybe it shouldn't be your business since you are awfully ill-equipped to understand these matters.
I also had a friend that hit the lottery years ago. He was never much of a worker before he hit, and he certainly wasn't a worker afterwards either. I was never upset because he lived with his parents most of his adult life until he hit and then lived (lives) a pretty good life after he hit.'s none of my concern. I only worry about myself and how I can do better in life.

You do realize that 40000 was equivalent to 200,000 today...

Doesn't matter. If you want those high tax rates from the past then you will actually have to pay taxes.
Everyone pays taxes Dupe including the poorest who pay on the average about 18% while the richest pay on the average 28%...


man you have the memory of a goldfish.

People like you who pay no federal income taxes do not pay 18% of your gross income in taxes.

ANd you even admit the so called rich pay more than you but you're still whining
It's goods and services that run the world and keep us alive, not money. Money helps allocate those resources, but in the case of the lazy rich who got their money through inheritance, it is mis-allocated. They "pay" like a drunk hereditary monarch would pay.
SO what?

It must be tough to go through life being jealous of the majority of people because they are doing better than you.
Another typical butthurt "jealous" response from someone who doesn't understand economics or government.
You know if you had the patience and were forward thinking you could start your family on the road to wealth today but you would have to actually sacrifice to do that and we know that will never happen

How did the Trump family make it's money?

In 1891, Trump moved to Seattle, in the newly admitted U.S. state of Washington. With his life savings of several hundred dollars, he bought the Poodle Dog, which he renamed the Dairy Restaurant...The restaurant served food and liquor and was advertised to include "Rooms for Ladies", a common euphemism for prostitution.
...In Monte Cristo, Trump chose a plot of land near the later train station that he wanted to build a hotel on, but could not afford the $1,000-per-acre fee to purchase it. Instead, he filed a Gold placer claim on the land, which allowed him to claim exclusive mineral rights to the land without having to pay for it,[3]:60 even though the land had already been claimed by Everett resident Nicholas Rudebeck. At that time, the U.S. Land Office was known to be corrupt and frequently allowed such multiple claims. Despite the placer's claim providing Trump no right to build any structure on the land, he quickly bought lumber to build a new boarding house and operate it similarly to the Dairy Restaurant.

Just good, honest hard work!
Taxation of wealth and income is the governments business and the government is the citizens' business. That's because it's the government that controls and enforced matters of title. However, maybe it shouldn't be your business since you are awfully ill-equipped to understand these matters.

Taxation is not the governments business, governing is the governments business. Taxes are used to support government operations that are listed in the US Constitution. Our founders never developed taxation for political advantage, penalization, or to satisfy anybody's hatred of wealth or wealthy people.

Then why post the butthurt "jealous" knee-jerk response?

I have no clue what response you are referring to.
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

England and mexico too----depending on what you call fat, and depending on
what you call "poor"

The British are lard asses

not nice-----I am tempted to REPORT YOU

You aren't British, are you?
Taxation of wealth and income is the governments business and the government is the citizens' business. That's because it's the government that controls and enforced matters of title. However, maybe it shouldn't be your business since you are awfully ill-equipped to understand these matters.

Taxation is not the governments business
So whose business is it? Or are you against taxation in general?
Taxation of wealth and income is the governments business and the government is the citizens' business. That's because it's the government that controls and enforced matters of title. However, maybe it shouldn't be your business since you are awfully ill-equipped to understand these matters.

Taxation is not the governments business
So whose business is it? Or are you against taxation in general?

I'm not against taxation, I'm against taxation being used for nefarious purposes. Taxation should not be used as a punitive measure against political or social adversaries. Our founders didn't create a federal government for the sole purpose of getting money from people, especially people they didn't like or approve of. Nor should our federal agencies like the IRS or FBI be used for the same.
havent we all been in a check out line, and we have a creature in front of us, easy 400 pounds, we cant help but look at what is in the full carriage. Hmm, I wonder who paid for all of that fattening food :dunno:
Taxation of wealth and income is the governments business and the government is the citizens' business. That's because it's the government that controls and enforced matters of title. However, maybe it shouldn't be your business since you are awfully ill-equipped to understand these matters.

Taxation is not the governments business
So whose business is it? Or are you against taxation in general?

I'm not against taxation, I'm against taxation being used for nefarious purposes. Taxation should not be used as a punitive measure against political or social adversaries. Our founders didn't create a federal government for the sole purpose of getting money from people, especially people they didn't like or approve of. Nor should our federal agencies like the IRS or FBI be used for the same.
What nefarious purposes are you talking about?
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

England and mexico too----depending on what you call fat, and depending on
what you call "poor"

The British are lard asses

not nice-----I am tempted to REPORT YOU

You aren't British, are you?

no I have never been in England-----but do have very distant relatives
there and my paternal grandmother grew up in London. When I was a child \we had those silly little EGG THRONES------for soft boiled eggs-------so I am
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

England and mexico too----depending on what you call fat, and depending on
what you call "poor"

The British are lard asses

not nice-----I am tempted to REPORT YOU

You aren't British, are you?

no I have never been in England-----but do have very distant relatives
there and my paternal grandmother grew up in London. When I was a child \we had those silly little EGG THRONES------for soft boiled eggs-------so I am

Well, I have been to England and they are a bunch of fat asses

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