US Warship Under Attack


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I told you yesterday, the only hope dems have of winning in '24 is to start a War somewhere.

Did you think I was kidding??

I know!! Maybe Biden can give them a few Billion $$ and buy them off. Afterall, it's your money, not his.

Its what fdr did. It always works and the masses become all patriotic and scream murrica and the president will babble on about some righteous cause or winning hearts or insert favorite figure of speech or cliche here.
I don't buy it. What do the Houthi's have to gain, strategically, from attacking an American warship?


. .. . this stinks like the Liberty incident and the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Exactly, we've been shooting down drones for weeks over there. Well, you know the pentagon has to sell how dangerous and......things are escalating, and blah blah blah. They know they'll have a willing media to regurgitate their turds.
I told you yesterday, the only hope dems have of winning in '24 is to start a War somewhere.

Did you think I was kidding??

I know!! Maybe Biden can give them a few Billion $$ and buy them off. Afterall, it's your money, not his.

Cuz nobody else on Earth ever starts wars, it's just the U.S. Taking advantage of an incompetent hack in the White House is something that can be blamed on Democrats, yes. The assorted crime families and terrorist nutjobs smell weakness and are taking advantage of it, but of course the GOP hacks are suddenly channelling Jane Fonda and are throwing gas on the fire themselves.
Well if they didn't shoot back I will assume this is not a big thing.
I mean, if china or russia was roaming the seas, sinking our aircraft carriers, I could buy into it. But a bunch camel riders shooting bbs at Lol.
Surely you remember that tweet during Trump's last run and sitting. End of days if Trump's reelected too, just read a Yahoo article and comments, the orange-man so bad.

Gives us something to complain about, we like our dramatics. And with that Trump was replaced, and he's locked down in courts to rid of him, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas invaded Isreal, Iran repeatedly targets our military, and now this. But remember, "Trump's going to lead us to WWIII". Folks like to speak in antonyms.

Interesting it's coming out Israel knew about the Hamas attack but didn't think they could pull it off, and now our SD and military are downplaying these attacks as being any kind of real threat.
If Trump were in the White House they would have been far less likely to make such an overt move. They know your Prez is an incompetent criminal hack they can ignore.
I don't buy it. What do the Houthi's have to gain, strategically, from attacking an American warship?


. .. . this stinks like the Liberty incident and the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Exactly .
Obviously the Houthis get their funding from Tehran .
Then the alliance might be able to drag the US into a deeper and wider mess and lay the ground to silencing the two major terrorist hindrances permanently -- US and Israel .

Something like that has always been at the bottom of the Deep State Oct 7 False Flag operation , imho .
Interesting it's coming out Israel knew about the Hamas attack but didn't think they could pull it off, and now our SD and military are downplaying these attacks as being any kind of real threat.

If that's true then Netanyahu should go to prison. Doesn't change the fact that Hamas needs to be exterminated root and branch. Nobody forces them to be feral animals and psychotic pieces of shit.

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