
Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Back in the day OPEC wanted oil prices to be as high as possible. Therefore they could make loads of money with less costs to boost their profits.

In 2001 after 9/11 the US started to target OPEC countries.

One of the main reasons was the Hugo Chavez, newly ELECTED (not a dictator as the US press liked to report) leader of Venezuela, decided to use the strength of OPEC to push oil prices up to increase profits for OPEC countries.

This worked for a short time, then the Iraq War came. A coup d'etat helped by the US had almost succeeded in getting rid of Hugo Chavez, ironically the people who helped get rid of a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED leader were supposedly working to promote democracy in the name of the US.

Oil prices went higher because of the war, but to be expected as oil production basically stopped. However it was a long term goal of getting Iraq to produce more oil. This plan has actually worked. Iraq is now producing more oil than it did under Saddam in his final decade.


However Bush's policy of disrupting OPEC to reduce oil prices was in contrast to his policy of getting more drilling in the US, fracking and offshore drilling, drilling in National Parks and so on. This would mean the US is less reliant on foreign oil and actually wants higher prices to make more profits.

In the period soon after Chavez's attempts at making OPEC stronger US policy was for lower oil prices.

Now oil prices are lower, is the US happy? Not at all.

US shale oil stares into abyss with Opec ready push it over

US shale oil stares into abyss with Opec ready push it over"

US shale oil needs prices to be at $60 a barrel to make a decent profit. Right now they're having major problems.

In 2001 there were four OPEC countries against the US, now Iraq and Libya are on the US's side, Iran and Venezuela are suffering economic woes, the former because of US sanctions designed to weaken the economy so they have to pump out more oil, and the latter because of incompetence of the govt.

So who is doing all this to hurt US oil production and essentially bankrupt it? Saudi Arabia, the US's ally, which proves with allies like this you don't need enemies.

There is no U.S. vs OPEC because we are not , by law, allowed to export our crude oil.

I don't see how that factors into this. Companies that get oil out of the ground still have to sell their oil. Whether it be in the US or outside, it's still for sale. If they sell it at $80 a barrel and the Saudis are $40 a barrel, Americas are not going to buy US oil, they're going to buy Saudi oil.

So they sell at the market price, and they can't afford to do this. This is the issue, this is why OPEC is increasing production, they want the US shale to go out of business.
There is no U.S. vs OPEC because we are not , by law, allowed to export our crude oil.

I don't see how that factors into this. Companies that get oil out of the ground still have to sell their oil. Whether it be in the US or outside, it's still for sale. If they sell it at $80 a barrel and the Saudis are $40 a barrel, Americas are not going to buy US oil, they're going to buy Saudi oil.

So they sell at the market price, and they can't afford to do this. This is the issue, this is why OPEC is increasing production, they want the US shale to go out of business.
It doesn't work like that. I'm tempted to call you stupid, but I won't. You're just under educated and/or ill-informed.

The best way to learn first-hand about this industry is to drill a hole in the ground for yourself.

I've been doing it for 38 years and believe me, you simply do not know about that which you are attempting to discuss here.
OPEC is a coalition of evil. Some of our allies in OPEC are among the most evil countries in the world.

Solution = make oil obsolete.

Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.
There is no U.S. vs OPEC because we are not , by law, allowed to export our crude oil.

I don't see how that factors into this. Companies that get oil out of the ground still have to sell their oil. Whether it be in the US or outside, it's still for sale. If they sell it at $80 a barrel and the Saudis are $40 a barrel, Americas are not going to buy US oil, they're going to buy Saudi oil.

So they sell at the market price, and they can't afford to do this. This is the issue, this is why OPEC is increasing production, they want the US shale to go out of business.
It doesn't work like that. I'm tempted to call you stupid, but I won't. You're just under educated and/or ill-informed.

The best way to learn first-hand about this industry is to drill a hole in the ground for yourself.

I've been doing it for 38 years and believe me, you simply do not know about that which you are attempting to discuss here.

No, not under educated, not stupid, not ill informed at all. You don't need to be condescending in an attempt to put yourself on the upper hand in a debate.

If you think I'm wrong you're more than welcome to say WHY. That would be the educated decision, it might show that you are well informed too. But you choose to just show off your supposed CV at me, which makes me wonder.

What I do know is what OPEC is up to.

They're trying to put a lot of US oil production out of business.

Why do you think OPEC wanted high prices before, and now low prices?
OPEC is a coalition of evil. Some of our allies in OPEC are among the most evil countries in the world.

Solution = make oil obsolete.

Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

OPEC's agenda IS aligned with the US's agenda. That's why the U.S. stands so firmly behind the psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. But the people who lead OPEC are religious lunatics, and we need to wash our hands of them. And we don't need to be invading ANYONE!
OPEC is a coalition of evil. Some of our allies in OPEC are among the most evil countries in the world.

Solution = make oil obsolete.

Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

OPEC's agenda IS aligned with the US's agenda. That's why the U.S. stands so firmly behind the psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. But the people who lead OPEC are religious lunatics, and we need to wash our hands of them. And we don't need to be invading ANYONE!

It clearly isn't.

The US stands behind Saudi Arabia, being psychopaths I'm not sure, but they're certainly not in line with US foreign policy at all, because the US wants to get OPEC countries on its side.
If it can't get them by being nice, then it bears its teeth, like in Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela, the four counties who didn't take to the US's "nice" side.

Saudi Arabia OFFICIALLY sides with the US, but puts in place policies which aren't to the US's liking. The US can't do much, it needs Saudi Arabia as an ally. Saudi Arabia knows this and plays the game. The Saudis need the US too, but know the US needs them more.
OPEC is a coalition of evil. Some of our allies in OPEC are among the most evil countries in the world.

Solution = make oil obsolete.

Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

OPEC's agenda IS aligned with the US's agenda. That's why the U.S. stands so firmly behind the psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. But the people who lead OPEC are religious lunatics, and we need to wash our hands of them. And we don't need to be invading ANYONE!

It clearly isn't.

The US stands behind Saudi Arabia, being psychopaths I'm not sure, but they're certainly not in line with US foreign policy at all, because the US wants to get OPEC countries on its side.
If it can't get them by being nice, then it bears its teeth, like in Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela, the four counties who didn't take to the US's "nice" side.

Saudi Arabia OFFICIALLY sides with the US, but puts in place policies which aren't to the US's liking. The US can't do much, it needs Saudi Arabia as an ally. Saudi Arabia knows this and plays the game. The Saudis need the US too, but know the US needs them more.
The U.S. produces more oil than Saudi Arabia. We are the #1 oil producer in the world. Mr. H. made a good point, which you immediately dismissed because you have no idea what you're talking about.
OPEC is a coalition of evil. Some of our allies in OPEC are among the most evil countries in the world.

Solution = make oil obsolete.

Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

OPEC's agenda IS aligned with the US's agenda. That's why the U.S. stands so firmly behind the psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. But the people who lead OPEC are religious lunatics, and we need to wash our hands of them. And we don't need to be invading ANYONE!

It clearly isn't.

The US stands behind Saudi Arabia, being psychopaths I'm not sure, but they're certainly not in line with US foreign policy at all, because the US wants to get OPEC countries on its side.
If it can't get them by being nice, then it bears its teeth, like in Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela, the four counties who didn't take to the US's "nice" side.

Saudi Arabia OFFICIALLY sides with the US, but puts in place policies which aren't to the US's liking. The US can't do much, it needs Saudi Arabia as an ally. Saudi Arabia knows this and plays the game. The Saudis need the US too, but know the US needs them more.
The U.S. produces more oil than Saudi Arabia. We are the #1 oil producer in the world. Mr. H. made a good point, which you immediately dismissed because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh please.

It doesn't matter whether the US produces more oil than Saudi Arabia.

OPEC is larger, MUCH larger than the US.

You take the 11 million barrels produced by the Saudis, the 3.4 million produced by the UAE, the 3.3 million produced by Iraq, the 3.3 million produced by Iran, the 2. something million produced by the next four OPEC countries and you have a lot of oil being produced.

You have the Saudis able to dictate what happens to oil prices in the world.

Of the four top oil producing countries right now, one of them is a US ally, the other two are Russia and China. The US isn't going to work together with Russia and China to get oil prices where they want them. This is the problem.

OPEC is a cartel. The US isn't. OPEC has more power than the US. Even if some OPEC countries don't do as they're asked/told, OPEC is still formidable.

They've managed to produce like they haven't for a long time.


Along with increases in oil production from other OPEC countries.


This means that the increase in US oil production, along with the increase in OPEC oil production, has seen oil prices drop. The US isn't cartelling, it's not controlling production, and the Saudis along with others are playing the game they know they can play. In the past they would have curtailed production to reduce prices. Now they're not. They're pumping out oil in order put US companies out of business.

US shale oil stares into abyss with Opec ready push it over

"After hanging on for almost a year, the US shale oil industry is on the brink of complete capitulation. The reason for its impending downfall is simple: the lowest cost producer always wins. In this instance the most profitable producers are Saudi Arabia and its close Gulf Arab allies, who effectively control the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec)."

"To their credit, shale drillers and operators in Texas and North Dakota have hung on for far longer than anyone expected after Opec launched its pre-emptive oil price war last November. However, a year of oil prices trading at an average of around $50 per barrel is finally succeeding in reversing the dramatic increases in US production that had been so troubling the Gulf’s oil-rich sheikhs."

It's not just me saying this. It's people who know about these sorts of things.

US shale to OPEC: We don't care!

"U.S. oil production could increase next year to levels not seen since the 1970s, despite OPEC's efforts to muscle out American shale producers."

OPEC Votes Not To Cut Production, Oil Prices Plummet - Business Insider

OPEC Votes Not To Cut Production, Oil Prices Plummet"

"Both Brent and WTI crude prices fell heavily after the meeting with Brent dropping below $72 a barrel and WTI falling to $68 for the first time since 2010 after the Kuwait oil minister told journalists that the cartel's oil production target would remain unchanged at 30 million barrels a day."

OPEC is a coalition of evil. Some of our allies in OPEC are among the most evil countries in the world.

Solution = make oil obsolete.

Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

OPEC's agenda IS aligned with the US's agenda. That's why the U.S. stands so firmly behind the psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. But the people who lead OPEC are religious lunatics, and we need to wash our hands of them. And we don't need to be invading ANYONE!

It clearly isn't.

The US stands behind Saudi Arabia, being psychopaths I'm not sure, but they're certainly not in line with US foreign policy at all, because the US wants to get OPEC countries on its side.
If it can't get them by being nice, then it bears its teeth, like in Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela, the four counties who didn't take to the US's "nice" side.

Saudi Arabia OFFICIALLY sides with the US, but puts in place policies which aren't to the US's liking. The US can't do much, it needs Saudi Arabia as an ally. Saudi Arabia knows this and plays the game. The Saudis need the US too, but know the US needs them more.
The U.S. produces more oil than Saudi Arabia. We are the #1 oil producer in the world. Mr. H. made a good point, which you immediately dismissed because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh please.

It doesn't matter whether the US produces more oil than Saudi Arabia.

OPEC is larger, MUCH larger than the US.

You take the 11 million barrels produced by the Saudis, the 3.4 million produced by the UAE, the 3.3 million produced by Iraq, the 3.3 million produced by Iran, the 2. something million produced by the next four OPEC countries and you have a lot of oil being produced.

You have the Saudis able to dictate what happens to oil prices in the world.

Of the four top oil producing countries right now, one of them is a US ally, the other two are Russia and China. The US isn't going to work together with Russia and China to get oil prices where they want them. This is the problem.

OPEC is a cartel. The US isn't. OPEC has more power than the US. Even if some OPEC countries don't do as they're asked/told, OPEC is still formidable.

They've managed to produce like they haven't for a long time.


Along with increases in oil production from other OPEC countries.


This means that the increase in US oil production, along with the increase in OPEC oil production, has seen oil prices drop. The US isn't cartelling, it's not controlling production, and the Saudis along with others are playing the game they know they can play. In the past they would have curtailed production to reduce prices. Now they're not. They're pumping out oil in order put US companies out of business.

US shale oil stares into abyss with Opec ready push it over

"After hanging on for almost a year, the US shale oil industry is on the brink of complete capitulation. The reason for its impending downfall is simple: the lowest cost producer always wins. In this instance the most profitable producers are Saudi Arabia and its close Gulf Arab allies, who effectively control the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec)."

"To their credit, shale drillers and operators in Texas and North Dakota have hung on for far longer than anyone expected after Opec launched its pre-emptive oil price war last November. However, a year of oil prices trading at an average of around $50 per barrel is finally succeeding in reversing the dramatic increases in US production that had been so troubling the Gulf’s oil-rich sheikhs."

It's not just me saying this. It's people who know about these sorts of things.

US shale to OPEC: We don't care!

"U.S. oil production could increase next year to levels not seen since the 1970s, despite OPEC's efforts to muscle out American shale producers."

OPEC Votes Not To Cut Production, Oil Prices Plummet - Business Insider

OPEC Votes Not To Cut Production, Oil Prices Plummet"

"Both Brent and WTI crude prices fell heavily after the meeting with Brent dropping below $72 a barrel and WTI falling to $68 for the first time since 2010 after the Kuwait oil minister told journalists that the cartel's oil production target would remain unchanged at 30 million barrels a day."
Ya bro OPEC is so badazz...

Good grief take their cock out of your mouth for Chrissake.
Sure it is. Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.

Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

OPEC's agenda IS aligned with the US's agenda. That's why the U.S. stands so firmly behind the psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. But the people who lead OPEC are religious lunatics, and we need to wash our hands of them. And we don't need to be invading ANYONE!

It clearly isn't.

The US stands behind Saudi Arabia, being psychopaths I'm not sure, but they're certainly not in line with US foreign policy at all, because the US wants to get OPEC countries on its side.
If it can't get them by being nice, then it bears its teeth, like in Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela, the four counties who didn't take to the US's "nice" side.

Saudi Arabia OFFICIALLY sides with the US, but puts in place policies which aren't to the US's liking. The US can't do much, it needs Saudi Arabia as an ally. Saudi Arabia knows this and plays the game. The Saudis need the US too, but know the US needs them more.
The U.S. produces more oil than Saudi Arabia. We are the #1 oil producer in the world. Mr. H. made a good point, which you immediately dismissed because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh please.

It doesn't matter whether the US produces more oil than Saudi Arabia.

OPEC is larger, MUCH larger than the US.

You take the 11 million barrels produced by the Saudis, the 3.4 million produced by the UAE, the 3.3 million produced by Iraq, the 3.3 million produced by Iran, the 2. something million produced by the next four OPEC countries and you have a lot of oil being produced.

You have the Saudis able to dictate what happens to oil prices in the world.

Of the four top oil producing countries right now, one of them is a US ally, the other two are Russia and China. The US isn't going to work together with Russia and China to get oil prices where they want them. This is the problem.

OPEC is a cartel. The US isn't. OPEC has more power than the US. Even if some OPEC countries don't do as they're asked/told, OPEC is still formidable.

They've managed to produce like they haven't for a long time.


Along with increases in oil production from other OPEC countries.


This means that the increase in US oil production, along with the increase in OPEC oil production, has seen oil prices drop. The US isn't cartelling, it's not controlling production, and the Saudis along with others are playing the game they know they can play. In the past they would have curtailed production to reduce prices. Now they're not. They're pumping out oil in order put US companies out of business.

US shale oil stares into abyss with Opec ready push it over

"After hanging on for almost a year, the US shale oil industry is on the brink of complete capitulation. The reason for its impending downfall is simple: the lowest cost producer always wins. In this instance the most profitable producers are Saudi Arabia and its close Gulf Arab allies, who effectively control the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec)."

"To their credit, shale drillers and operators in Texas and North Dakota have hung on for far longer than anyone expected after Opec launched its pre-emptive oil price war last November. However, a year of oil prices trading at an average of around $50 per barrel is finally succeeding in reversing the dramatic increases in US production that had been so troubling the Gulf’s oil-rich sheikhs."

It's not just me saying this. It's people who know about these sorts of things.

US shale to OPEC: We don't care!

"U.S. oil production could increase next year to levels not seen since the 1970s, despite OPEC's efforts to muscle out American shale producers."

OPEC Votes Not To Cut Production, Oil Prices Plummet - Business Insider

OPEC Votes Not To Cut Production, Oil Prices Plummet"

"Both Brent and WTI crude prices fell heavily after the meeting with Brent dropping below $72 a barrel and WTI falling to $68 for the first time since 2010 after the Kuwait oil minister told journalists that the cartel's oil production target would remain unchanged at 30 million barrels a day."
Ya bro OPEC is so badazz...

Good grief take their cock out of your mouth for Chrissake.

Perhaps, next time, speak in English.
There is no U.S. vs OPEC because we are not , by law, allowed to export our crude oil.

I don't see how that factors into this. Companies that get oil out of the ground still have to sell their oil. Whether it be in the US or outside, it's still for sale. If they sell it at $80 a barrel and the Saudis are $40 a barrel, Americas are not going to buy US oil, they're going to buy Saudi oil.

So they sell at the market price, and they can't afford to do this. This is the issue, this is why OPEC is increasing production, they want the US shale to go out of business.
It doesn't work like that. I'm tempted to call you stupid, but I won't. You're just under educated and/or ill-informed.

The best way to learn first-hand about this industry is to drill a hole in the ground for yourself.

I've been doing it for 38 years and believe me, you simply do not know about that which you are attempting to discuss here.

No, not under educated, not stupid, not ill informed at all. You don't need to be condescending in an attempt to put yourself on the upper hand in a debate.

If you think I'm wrong you're more than welcome to say WHY. That would be the educated decision, it might show that you are well informed too. But you choose to just show off your supposed CV at me, which makes me wonder.

What I do know is what OPEC is up to.

They're trying to put a lot of US oil production out of business.

Why do you think OPEC wanted high prices before, and now low prices?
I've tried engaging folks on these topics many times, and invariably they fall back on calling me a "mouth-piece" and "paid shill".

Yes, OPEC is doing its part to bring down our industry but so is Obama. He's already threatened to veto a lifting of the crude export ban. He more than OPEC wants to see us fail. Fuck him.

Again, if you want to know the true workings of this industry then go drill a hole in the ground.
There is no U.S. vs OPEC because we are not , by law, allowed to export our crude oil.

I don't see how that factors into this. Companies that get oil out of the ground still have to sell their oil. Whether it be in the US or outside, it's still for sale. If they sell it at $80 a barrel and the Saudis are $40 a barrel, Americas are not going to buy US oil, they're going to buy Saudi oil.

So they sell at the market price, and they can't afford to do this. This is the issue, this is why OPEC is increasing production, they want the US shale to go out of business.
It doesn't work like that. I'm tempted to call you stupid, but I won't. You're just under educated and/or ill-informed.

The best way to learn first-hand about this industry is to drill a hole in the ground for yourself.

I've been doing it for 38 years and believe me, you simply do not know about that which you are attempting to discuss here.

No, not under educated, not stupid, not ill informed at all. You don't need to be condescending in an attempt to put yourself on the upper hand in a debate.

If you think I'm wrong you're more than welcome to say WHY. That would be the educated decision, it might show that you are well informed too. But you choose to just show off your supposed CV at me, which makes me wonder.

What I do know is what OPEC is up to.

They're trying to put a lot of US oil production out of business.

Why do you think OPEC wanted high prices before, and now low prices?
I've tried engaging folks on these topics many times, and invariably they fall back on calling me a "mouth-piece" and "paid shill".

Yes, OPEC is doing its part to bring down our industry but so is Obama. He's already threatened to veto a lifting of the crude export ban. He more than OPEC wants to see us fail. Fuck him.

Again, if you want to know the true workings of this industry then go drill a hole in the ground.

To be honest I don't see how you're blaming Obama.

Bush allowed the country to produce too much oil bringing oil prices down, not Obama. Obama probably sees the US still importing oil.


So, the US saw an increase in production from about 5,000 barrels a day to close to 7,000 barrels a day, and is still importing more than 8,000 barrels a day.
Why would you exports when more than half of your oil is coming in from outside?


At present you can see the US producing slightly more than it's importing. But again. It's still 50/50, maybe it's changed slightly recently, but I see no reason why the US needs to export oil.

As for drilling holes being able to tell me the international state of affairs, is like saying that a grunt on the ground could tell you the inner workings of a General's mind. I doubt it very much.
Back in the day OPEC wanted oil prices to be as high as possible. Therefore they could make loads of money with less costs to boost their profits...

I realize this will make little sense to you, but all businesses want to maximize profits. In the case of most OPEC states, oil is their major export. For them lower oil prices means serious domestic troubles.

I don't see how that factors into this. Companies that get oil out of the ground still have to sell their oil. Whether it be in the US or outside, it's still for sale...

Didn't Mr. H just inform you that US oil cannot be exported? That US oil can only be sold here and the price is determined by domestic supply (regardless of source) and demand?
Are you always stuck on stupid?

Coalition of evil. Why? Because it has an agenda that isn't aligned with the US's agenda, so the US media goes off telling everyone how evil they are and how much they need to be invaded.
Sorry, you've been duped by the media. You'll believe anything they tell you.

So you believe an international price-fixing oil cartel is not an evil cabal?
Mr. H was wrong ... you really are every bit as stupid as your posts make you seem.

What I do know is what OPEC is up to.
They're trying to put a lot of US oil production out of business.
Why do you think OPEC wanted high prices before, and now low prices?

Really? OPEC wants low oil prices? Many OPEC members are in deep financial trouble thanks to the shale induced oil glut. If we shut our operations at $40/bbl we will reopen them @ $60/bbl. The oil will still be there.

The US stands behind Saudi Arabia, being psychopaths I'm not sure, but they're certainly not in line with US foreign policy at all, because the US wants to get OPEC countries on its side.
If it can't get them by being nice, then it bears its teeth, like in Iraq, Iran, Libya and Venezuela, the four counties who didn't take to the US's "nice" side.

Saudi Arabia OFFICIALLY sides with the US, but puts in place policies which aren't to the US's liking. The US can't do much, it needs Saudi Arabia as an ally. Saudi Arabia knows this and plays the game. The Saudis need the US too, but know the US needs them more.

So from one side of your monumentally ignorant mouth you claim the US "bears [sic] its teeth" to force OPEC states to cooperate and from the other side you claim "the US can't do much" to force that cooperation.

Frankly, if you tell me you only post here drunk you would at least have an excuse for that which rolls off your keyboard.
The problem has never been the amount of OIL, it is how much can be converted to gasoline.

Here in the US there is a serious bottleneck when demand out paces supply. The OIIL is not the problem it is the refinement process. In most cases we are hindered by old 70's laws put in place during the Carter administration. Many of the additives are more harmful to the environment than the actual fuel is. Yet they are approved by the EPA and many of the environmental groups.

However the far left can never understand anything based on logic..
See the far left is against the US from being energy independent..
No, that is just the far right projecting. Some on left want the equivalent to a Manhattan Project, for fusion (an energy with a future).

Only the right wants to waste our tax money on fossil fuels.

So yes the far left wants to have the problem of dealing with a by product that has a half life of 5000 years that is stored in containers rated to last only a 120 years..

Yep that makes sense..

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