US Grant Was Very Anti Slavery…. Yet


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In his younger days he was dirt poor selling firewood to support his family. He was willed a slave by his in-laws. A slave was worth a years wages.

Grant gave him his freedom rather than sell him.

Grant crushed Lee, basically ending the Civil War and liberating all slaves.

As President Grant spent much of his Presidency fighting thd Democrats KKK.


Leftist Democrats showed what side of slavery and racism they are on in San Francisco in 2020.


Slow propaganda day?

Anyways, the two parties switched sides, and now the Republicans support slavery and the KKK.
you weak spineless bastard....flipping partys to suit whatever you wish for 200 yrs you gutless cum guzzler

wilson and fdr were 2 of the fucking biggest racists you hamas loving pomfs

Slow propaganda day?

Anyways, the two parties switched sides, and now the Republicans support slavery and the KKK.
Come on man! Democrats today are just as pro-slavery, segregation and racism as they were in the 19th Century.

In his younger days he was dirt poor selling firewood to support his family. He was willed a slave by his in-laws. A slave was worth a years wages.

Grant gave him his freedom rather than sell him.

Grant crushed Lee, basically ending the Civil War and liberating all slaves.

As President Grant spent much of his Presidency fighting thd Democrats KKK.


Leftist Democrats showed what side of slavery and racism they are on in San Francisco in 2020.
View attachment 844552


The US flag. A cross. The Holy Bible. The Confederate flag. A sword.

This old time Klansman can't possibly be a right winger! No effing way!

I bet he loves the federal government, gun control, Obamacare, granting citizenship to illegal immigrants, and high taxes.

The US flag. A cross. The Holy Bible. The Confederate flag. A sword.

This old time Klansman can't possibly be a right winger! No effing way!

I bet he loves the federal government, gun control, Obamacare, granting citizenship to illegal immigrants, and high taxes.

Indeed. that is a photo of either the Dearly departed Democrat Robert Byrd or former Gov. Ralph Northam under that hood in full dress.
The US flag. A cross. The Holy Bible. The Confederate flag. A sword.

This old time Klansman can't possibly be a right winger! No effing way!

I bet he loves the federal government, gun control, Obamacare, granting citizenship to illegal immigrants, and high taxes.

If you want to play games, let’s look at my last Governor- a Democrat.

A picture of Halloween 50 years ago?
You know damn well that was a Halloween Party with a picture of Virginia Democrat Ralph Northam in Black Face.

Did the Democrats tell Blacks “it was taken out of context”?
What is of more significance? That southern Dems of the past were racist or that Repubs of the present are.
You know damn well that was a Halloween Party with a picture of Virginia Democrat Ralph Northam in Black Face.

Did the Democrats tell Blacks “it was taken out of context”?

50 years ago while he was in college?

You don’t believe he was really in the KKK do you?
50 years ago while he was in college?

You don’t believe he was really in the KKK do you?
No, I believe he was mocking Blacks. What is laughable is that it is you people that dig on all of your political enemies and regardless of age, if you find something racist, prejudice, or stereotypical they said or even thought, you resurrect it.

Today, I believe he and many other White Democrats view Blacks as useful rather than Americans and therefore subscribe to the Lyndon Johnson 200 Year Plan.

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