I’m So Old I Remember When Only Statues of Confederates Was a Problem


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Now it’s Washington, Lincoln, McKinley, US Grant. They weren’t Democrats. Racists like FDR and Woodrow Wilson are still role models.

Only 12 years ago Obama modeled himself to Lincoln.

I guess US Grant freeing his one slave he inherited at great cost to himself when he was dirt poor and then fighting to end slavery followed by his entire time in the White House sending troops to crush the KKK would be a negative to Democrats

I am so old (83) that I remember when people in the 1960s applauded the Civil Rights laws and thought that everything would now be hunky dory in this country.

That all ethnicities would get along and all ethnicities would have good behavior.

That we would prove the feasibility of a multicultural nation.

That dream has turned into a nightmare.
Even the great writers of the past are being jettisoned. Shakespeare is outta here. Some African American Broad writer is in. So much foir that. the Pride cometh before the fall. The people of the village lives for the day while the people of foundation lives and prepares for bad times.

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