US governments banning use of "Jesus" in prayers!!!! In the USA??!!

Houston Veterans Claim Censorship of Prayers, Including Ban on 'God' and 'Jesus' -
Virginia governor endorses ban on 'Jesus' prayer

The first link is the Houston VA banning the use of "Jesus" or "God Bless You" on premises by pastors or by the volunteers who go to funerals of servicemen.

The second is the Virginia government banning the use of "Jesus" by the VA State Troopers chaplains, after which 6 trooper chaplains immediately resigned. In that same law, chaplains are also forbidden from using negative language towards "liberals" "homosexuals" or "atheists". So the law basically says "You can't mention Jesus, or talk badly about liberals, homos or atheists." WTF????

Freedom of speech is being fucking revoked. So whats gonna happen? If an Army chaplain says "Jesus" at a VA cemetery, is he gonna be arrested? If a VA State Trooper chaplain says "Jesus" in prayer, will he be fired and charged?

We are inching towards Communist Fucking Russia you morons.

so why should chaplins talk badly about liberals, homos or atheists in the performance of their job related duties?
Splain that to me.

And I will bet they can still eat catfish ;)

Well if they are Christian chaplans they sure can't preach about them going to hell anymore.
There are quite clearly legal precedents for religious expression on public grounds.

Do the anti-faith crowd object to public displays of a Menorah, which is clearly a religious symbol?

as opposed to christmas trees all over the place??
Most people do not even know the full language of the first amendment. Go out and ask people yourself. They almost always forget the part "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
There are quite clearly legal precedents for religious expression on public grounds.

Do the anti-faith crowd object to public displays of a Menorah, which is clearly a religious symbol?
(Photo Edit)

as opposed to christmas trees all over the place??

So in your opinion, the public space is some sort of battleground for religious symbols?
Why can't public space simply be public space?
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Houston Veterans Claim Censorship of Prayers, Including Ban on 'God' and 'Jesus' -
Virginia governor endorses ban on 'Jesus' prayer

The first link is the Houston VA banning the use of "Jesus" or "God Bless You" on premises by pastors or by the volunteers who go to funerals of servicemen.

The second is the Virginia government banning the use of "Jesus" by the VA State Troopers chaplains, after which 6 trooper chaplains immediately resigned. In that same law, chaplains are also forbidden from using negative language towards "liberals" "homosexuals" or "atheists". So the law basically says "You can't mention Jesus, or talk badly about liberals, homos or atheists." WTF????

Freedom of speech is being fucking revoked. So whats gonna happen? If an Army chaplain says "Jesus" at a VA cemetery, is he gonna be arrested? If a VA State Trooper chaplain says "Jesus" in prayer, will he be fired and charged?

We are inching towards Communist Fucking Russia you morons.

Hmmm, imagine that, writing laws against a non-existent guy & a burning bush. I guess anything is possible these days. Well, like murder, torture & rape of innocent detained & chained women & children. LOL!
This thread has deteriorated into oblivion. With all the sensible discussion gone I think ill follow.

But before I go don't forget we have to Impeach Obama the next time he says god bless America.
This thread has deteriorated into oblivion. With all the sensible discussion gone I think ill follow.

But before I go don't forget we have to Impeach Obama the next time he says god bless America.

Yeah, the next time he says Allah is great. What is a shame is that more people don't worship George Carlin's Sun God. You get two wives, 50% discount on booze, and fields of titties to walk on when you reach Paradise in Sky. And if you have succeeded in getting laid daily, you also will get a set of Ginsu Knives and a back scratcher.
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Do I see outrage from typical leftie posters? What's going on? The left wasn't too concerned when The ACLU managed to get a court order to dynamite a 50 year old Korean War monument because the Cross was too tall. Look around, Jesus has been banned in schools for years. You can't put a Christmas tree up on municipal property. The word Christmas has been all but banned on network TV. A moment of silence in schools has been deemed offensive by the government. A major news network left out the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and so did the president. This shit is gonna keep happening until we fire the A-holes responsible.
This thread has deteriorated into oblivion. With all the sensible discussion gone I think ill follow.

But before I go don't forget we have to Impeach Obama the next time he says god bless America.

Yeah, the next time he says Allah is great. What is a shame is that more people don't worship George Carlin's Sun God. You get two wives, 50% discount on booze, and fields of titties to walk on when you reach Paradise in Sky. And if you have succeeded in getting laid daily, you also will get a set of Ginsu Knives and a back scratcher.

I'll take mine without the titties. What are my other choices? :lol:
Do I see outrage from typical leftie posters? What's going on? The left wasn't too concerned when The ACLU managed to get a court order to dynamite a 50 year old Korean War monument because the Cross was too tall. Look around, Jesus has been banned in schools for years. You can't put a Christmas tree up on municipal property. The word Christmas has been all but banned on network TV. A moment of silence in schools has been deemed offensive by the government. A major news network left out the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and so did the president. This shit is gonna keep happening until we fire the A-holes responsible.

What’s going on? You’re doing an excellent job of exhibiting your profound and comprehensive ignorance of the law.

The cross monument was from World War I, and the issue was not the height of the cross but the fact the cross was on public land. The Court ruled the cross did not violate the Establishment Clause, allowing it to remain. ‘Jesus’ has been ‘banned’ from schools because conjoining church and State – in this case public schools – is a violation of the Establishment Clause, it is un-Constitutional. The same is true for a Christmas tree on public property.

Note, however, that there are circumstances by which religious displays may be placed on public/government property, provided Constitutional stipulations are met; so it is not true that all religious displays are forbidden.

Broadcasters not using the word ‘Christmas’ or leaving out "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance has nothing to do with the courts or government, as the Constitution applies only to law-making bodies and the government in general. Take that issue up with the networks.

The ruling in Illinois that a moment of silence was un-Constitutional was due to the fact that it was mandatory, it was a violation of the Establishment Clause and had noting to do with the government ‘deeming it offensive.’
I'd like to stick to the issue. I don't want to talk freaking sun gods or menorrahs vs christmas trees or any other idiotic game of religion vs religion vs athiests.

The VA Director Ocasio is one power tripping bitch from hell. And she better lose her job.

It's been brought up that this is a "State" issue. The Department of VA is Federal. The Judge is Federal. This is NOT a State Issue.

U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes told Ocasio and Department of Veterans Affairs officials that they could not block Houston pastor Scott Rainey from invoking the name of Jesus Christ in a Memorial Day prayer.

Judge Hughes told CNN that the government cannot “gag citizens when it says it is in the interest of national security, and it cannot do it in some bureaucrat’s notion of cultural homogeneity.”

He warned the VA that it had stepped too far, saying officials were essentially “decreeing how citizens honor their veterans.”

“But despite the judge’s warning, it seems the censorship has continued" reports KTRH radio in Houston.
YOU said we can't practice our religion inside the walls of the government. Abiding by Islam's dress code is the literal act of "practicing" that religion. So, following the Islamic dress code, on gov't property, is in fact practicing Islam on government property. YOU said we can practice any religion we want "outside their walls".

SO, are we gonna ban Islamic dress on gov't school campuses????

That's a bullshit analogy. Are we going to ban Skullcaps for Jews? Are we going to ban beads for American Indians? Dress has little to do with Practicing Religion. But you want to play this "I'm the victim" game? Sure... let's ban it all. No Crosses, No Skullcaps, no "Islamic Dress".

Skullcaps... Crosses.... Robes/turbans...Beads.

Geez... I am a Christian and I get it, why can't you? I know... because you are too busy slipping on your tin foil hat... which also ought to be banned.

The government has no right to show preferential treatment to one religion over another. WHich is what you want... You want an "official Religion of the United States Praying team". Too fucking bad. now it's "bullshit" to point it out? It was said to me that they can't practice their religion inside the gov'ts walls, thus, making it ok to ban saying "Jesus".

In Islam, women are FORCED to wear that garb. That is fact. So, if we "can't practice our religion inside the gov'ts walls" then that includes a religious dress code. So yes, we must ban Islamic garb, Jewish skull caps, and any other required dress of a religion.

Sound ridiculous? Almost as ridiculous as banning the phrase "Jesus" at a freakin' funeral.

So, if the gov't can't show preferential treatment, that also means they can't show it through exclusion. So if you ban the "practice" of a particular religion on gov't grounds, you can't show preference to other religions by allowing the practice of those while banning the practice of others.

So, if we can't practice Christianity out of respect for other religions on gov't property, THEN NO FUCKING MUSLIM CAN WEAR ISLAMIC DRESS IN FRONT OF ME OUT OF RESPECT FOR MY RELIGION.

You are wrong. I don't want an "official religion". I want it to be allowed that, God forbid, a Virginia Trooper dies, and that trooper is a Christian, that the trooper's funeral can include a pastor who mentions "Jesus" or "God Bless". But the law says that is ILLEGAL because it might offend someone in the crowd. So the dead (hypothetical) trooper can't have a Christian funeral because a guest might be offended.

You're wrong. You know it. And I pray to God that one day I'm in a situation where a fucking liberal causes a scene at a funeral or other religious ceremony because there is some bullshit law that forbids "Jesus" to be mentioned. I will go to jail for simple assault by punching that liberal's fucking teeth in. It's worth it.
its restricting the individual rights of freedom to choose a religion /or belief

i have decreed i dont want any religious stuff at my funeral im atheist and expect that wish to by honoured i have chosen songs i like to be played , a celebration of life
no flowers ( donations to a charity) cremation .

on the contrary my wifes parents are very religious and they want a religious funeral that wish* WILL *be honored by us ,we are both non believers

whats the govt state or federal doing interfering in personal choices ?
Why do so many citizens think everything is about THEM

A funeral is about the deceased NOT about a guest
That's a bullshit analogy. Are we going to ban Skullcaps for Jews? Are we going to ban beads for American Indians? Dress has little to do with Practicing Religion. But you want to play this "I'm the victim" game? Sure... let's ban it all. No Crosses, No Skullcaps, no "Islamic Dress".

Skullcaps... Crosses.... Robes/turbans...Beads.

Geez... I am a Christian and I get it, why can't you? I know... because you are too busy slipping on your tin foil hat... which also ought to be banned.

The government has no right to show preferential treatment to one religion over another. WHich is what you want... You want an "official Religion of the United States Praying team". Too fucking bad. now it's "bullshit" to point it out? It was said to me that they can't practice their religion inside the gov'ts walls, thus, making it ok to ban saying "Jesus".

In Islam, women are FORCED to wear that garb. That is fact. So, if we "can't practice our religion inside the gov'ts walls" then that includes a religious dress code. So yes, we must ban Islamic garb, Jewish skull caps, and any other required dress of a religion.

Sound ridiculous? Almost as ridiculous as banning the phrase "Jesus" at a freakin' funeral.

So, if the gov't can't show preferential treatment, that also means they can't show it through exclusion. So if you ban the "practice" of a particular religion on gov't grounds, you can't show preference to other religions by allowing the practice of those while banning the practice of others.

So, if we can't practice Christianity out of respect for other religions on gov't property, THEN NO FUCKING MUSLIM CAN WEAR ISLAMIC DRESS IN FRONT OF ME OUT OF RESPECT FOR MY RELIGION.

You are wrong. I don't want an "official religion". I want it to be allowed that, God forbid, a Virginia Trooper dies, and that trooper is a Christian, that the trooper's funeral can include a pastor who mentions "Jesus" or "God Bless". But the law says that is ILLEGAL because it might offend someone in the crowd. So the dead (hypothetical) trooper can't have a Christian funeral because a guest might be offended.

You're wrong. You know it. And I pray to God that one day I'm in a situation where a fucking liberal causes a scene at a funeral or other religious ceremony because there is some bullshit law that forbids "Jesus" to be mentioned. I will go to jail for simple assault by punching that liberal's fucking teeth in. It's worth it.
its restricting the individual rights of freedom to choose a religion /or belief

i have decreed i dont want any religious stuff at my funeral im atheist and expect that wish to by honoured i have chosen songs i like to be played , a celebration of life
no flowers ( donations to a charity) cremation .

on the contrary my wifes parents are very religious and they want a religious funeral that wish* WILL *be honored by us ,we are both non believers

whats the govt state or federal doing interfering in personal choices ?
Why do so many citizens think everything is about THEM

A funeral is about the deceased NOT about a guest

In this case the funeral is not about the deceased.

Not according to this bitch. It is all about this maniacal VA Director interfering in the most outlandish way the last rites of an individual.

I would be just as angry in this situation if the situation was reversed and VA Director was mandating that "God" and "Jesus" must be said in prayers at an atheists funeral.

It's surreal what power trip this woman is on.
If I want to say God bless you, I will say it.

Exactly. That's why these groups have launched this lawsuit. Here's some of the bs this VA Director has pulled on people who just wanted to honor veterans and reach out to the greiving families.

VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government:

For 30 years, the VFW District 4 burial team, at the request of the family of the deceased, has honored veterans by performing the VFW burial ritual during private burial services at the Houston National Cemetery.

For 20 years, The American Legion Post 586 has honored our veterans by performing its burial ritual for fallen veterans.

On at least four separate occasions, government officials told the burial teams that prayer and religious speech could no longer be included in the burial ritual unless the family submits a specific prayer or message in writing to Director Ocasio for her approval. Government official Jose Henriquez also told the VFW Honor Guard Commander, Junior Vice Commander and Chaplain that the word "God" is forbidden.


VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families:

American Heritage Funeral Home, which sits next to the Houston National Cemetery and specializes in veterans' funerals, was instructed by government officials that the funeral home may not inform the families that they have the option of requesting prayer in the VFW burial ritual.


VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families:

About a year ago, Director Ocasio instructed the president of the National Memorial Ladies that the words “God” and “Jesus” are forbidden and that "God Bless" could no longer be written in condolence cards to families.

Volunteers also were banned from speaking a religious message when talking directly to veterans' families on cemetery grounds.

An interesting side note about this piece of garbage:

VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage:

The chapel where families used to gather, pray and reflect has been closed and is now called a "meeting facility" and used for storage. The chapel cross and Bible have been removed and the bells that once used to chime are no longer used

Here's the link to the Liberty Institute who is handling this case against the VA.

Current Cases
I'd like to stick to the issue. I don't want to talk freaking sun gods or menorrahs vs christmas trees or any other idiotic game of religion vs religion vs athiests.

The VA Director Ocasio is one power tripping bitch from hell. And she better lose her job.

It's been brought up that this is a "State" issue. The Department of VA is Federal. The Judge is Federal. This is NOT a State Issue.

U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes told Ocasio and Department of Veterans Affairs officials that they could not block Houston pastor Scott Rainey from invoking the name of Jesus Christ in a Memorial Day prayer.

Judge Hughes told CNN that the government cannot “gag citizens when it says it is in the interest of national security, and it cannot do it in some bureaucrat’s notion of cultural homogeneity.”

He warned the VA that it had stepped too far, saying officials were essentially “decreeing how citizens honor their veterans.”

“But despite the judge’s warning, it seems the censorship has continued" reports KTRH radio in Houston.

So...the only people who have died for our country are Christian, eh?

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