US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

Obamanamics taking hold

You Idiots have been crying the same tune even as Obama has had 5 consecutive years of economic growth. Bush caused massive inflation, 12 million jobs to be lost, 2 recessions, one was a 2 year depression. But Bush's disasters get a pass. Your hypocrisy. is dually noted.

-We had the worst growth post recession of any period post war.
-Inflation was under3% and generally in the 2% range under Bush
-More people were working when Bush left office than for all of Obama's term until last month
-Bush solved the Clinton recession he inherited i short order and on the cheap

Your ignorance is duly noted.

- Bush exploded government, exploded subprime lending & still could not mach Obama's economy & job growth rate for working age population.

- CPI inflation is bogus bullshit. Bush caused Oil to increase 1,400%, Food to increase 400%, Gold to increase 600%, US Dollar index to tank 50%, House prices increased 400%, Utilities increased 400%, Gas price up 500%, Farm land prices up 400%, etc. Wages stagnate.

- 34 million Baby Boomers retire during Obama's term yet he has more people employed than Bush when he was thrown out. Obama's job growth rate for working age population is awesome.

- There were NO Clinton recessions. The first negative quarter was on Bush's watch.
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You Idiots have been crying the same tune even as Obama has had 5 consecutive years of economic growth. Bush caused massive inflation, 12 million jobs to be lost, 2 recessions, one was a 2 year depression. But Bush's disasters get a pass. Your hypocrisy. is dually noted.

-We had the worst growth post recession of any period post war.
-Inflation was under3% and generally in the 2% range under Bush
-More people were working when Bush left office than for all of Obama's term until last month
-Bush solved the Clinton recession he inherited i short order and on the cheap

Your ignorance is duly noted.

- Bush exploded government, exploded subprime lending & still could not mach Obama's economy & job growth rate for working age population.

- CPI inflation is bogus bullshit. Bush caused Oil to increase 1,400%, Food to increase 400%, Gold to increase 600%, US Dollar index to tank 50%, House prices increased 400%, Utilities increased 400%, Gas price up 500%, Farm land prices up 400%, etc. Wages stagnate.

- 34 million Baby Boomers retire during Obama's term yet he has more people employed than Bush when he was thrown out. Obama's job growth rate for working age population is awesome.

- There were NO Clinton recessions. The first negative quarter was on Bush's watch.

Your lies are duly noted.
How much did the economy shrink in 2007 before Obama took office? You know, the biggest financial crash since 1929? Overseen by fiscally Conservative George W. "I torture POWs over lies" Bush?

How much of our infrastructure could have been repaired with the $4t+ squandered on invading and torturing Iraq over lies?

Doesn't matter.

Obama owns this cluster..

Lets face it, your man Obama has FAILED

- There were NO Clinton recessions. The first negative quarter was on Bush's watch.

A lousy economy existed on Obama's "watch". I guess you blame him for that, right? I'll bet you're pretty angry with him about that.

Do any partisans understand that time and events flow, and what happens today is usually a result of what happened before today?

How much did the economy shrink in 2007 before Obama took office? You know, the biggest financial crash since 1929? Overseen by fiscally Conservative George W. "I torture POWs over lies" Bush?

How much of our infrastructure could have been repaired with the $4t+ squandered on invading and torturing Iraq over lies?

Doesn't matter.

Obama owns this cluster..

Lets face it, your man Obama has FAILED



Stocks put aside U.S. growth setback

By Patrick Graham

GLOBAL MARKETS-Asian shares up, bonds in demand amid hunt for returns Reuters
Asian stocks, bonds gain as investors hunt for returns Reuters
GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks, bonds gain as investors hunt for returns Reuters
Oil prices jump on Iraq anxiety, stocks fall Reuters
Asian shares retreat, oil near three-month high on Iraq concerns Reuters

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Stock markets in Europe and Asia looked past gains by Iraqi militants and poor first-quarter growth in the United States on Thursday, with some investors raising their forecasts for a U.S. economic bounce in coming months

Not sure what "success" looks like in your world.
And yet?

Market was up yesterday.

Looks like your gloom and doom predictions are having no effect.

The market is not tied to the economy. It's tied to the FED



Laugh now, cry later


Anyone Who Thinks Stocks Will Go Up If The Economy Grows Should Read This Quote From Warren Buffett

I'm cautious about the stock market these days.

Yes, stocks could keep going up, especially if the Fed keeps frantically pumping out money. But most valid valuation measures suggest that stocks are radically overvalued. And, in the past, radical overvaluation has led to crappy long-term stock performance.

And one of the arguments these bullish folks trot out when I mention my concerns is that the economy is growing nicely and is expected to continue to grow for the foreseeable future. And, hey, if the economy continues to grow, then stocks will go up!

That argument sounds compelling.

But there are two big flaws in it.

First, just because economists expect the economy to keep growing doesn't mean that the economy will actually keep growing. Economists have a terrible track record when it comes to predicting recessions (they almost never see them coming).

Second, and more importantly, even if the economy keeps growing, that doesn't mean that stocks will go up.

Don't believe it?

Let's go to the Oracle, Warren Buffett.

Read more: BUFFETT: Stock Market And Economy - Business Insider
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Don't be surprised if the next quarter's numbers are +3.0%, +3.5% or above.

The GOP may want to prepare itself for that.


Don't be surprised if the next quarter's numbers are -3.0%, -3.5% or below.

The DNC may want to prepare itself for that.

Don't be surprised if the next quarter's numbers are +3.0%, +3.5% or above.

The GOP may want to prepare itself for that.


Why would they be over 3%?

Simple, because our economy is so fragile that a bad winter caused by CC is the only reason the GDP dropped in the first quarter. Now that the air is fresh and the Sun is shining that will make the country produce more. Market demand has nothing to do with the GDP.

Don't be surprised if the next quarter's numbers are +3.0%, +3.5% or above.

The GOP may want to prepare itself for that.


Why would they be over 3%?

Simple, because our economy is so fragile that a bad winter caused by CC is the only reason the GDP dropped in the first quarter. Now that the air is fresh and the Sun is shining that will make the country produce more. Market demand has nothing to do with the GDP.

Typically you look at something to explain what happened or what will happen. I dont buy a severe winter (and it wasnt severe all over the country) cut GDP to negative territory. SOmeone posted the link that Obamacare spending played havoc. That makes sense.
I suspect they will massage numbers to show growth. OTherwise it will officially be a recession and the Democrats dont want that ahead of an election. So look for growth to return to 1-2%.
Get your Obama hate on while you can.........

The first quarter figures are all the more startling as the economy grew by 2.6% in the final three months of 2013.

But economists said more recent unemployment, manufacturing and service sector data all pointed to a sharp turnaround in the second quarter.

Analysts have forecast the economy could bounce back by as much as 4% in the second quarter.

Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial, said: "We have ample evidence that the first quarter was just a temporary setback for the economy, and we are climbing out of the hole in the current quarter."

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, said: "We should have a much better second half this year and a much better 2015 than 2014."

You gonna cry? Here's a tissue.
The economy is in the dumper. Obama is at the helm....Or in name anyway. He's busy playing golf or going on campaign trips stumping for the dems.

Well the second quarter is almost done so we will soon see if the predictions and assumptions that were made in the article were true about it being an anomaly, a temporary setback, wont we?
You Idiots have been crying the same tune even as Obama has had 5 consecutive years of economic growth. Bush caused massive inflation, 12 million jobs to be lost, 2 recessions, one was a 2 year depression. But Bush's disasters get a pass. Your hypocrisy. is dually noted.

-We had the worst growth post recession of any period post war.
-Inflation was under3% and generally in the 2% range under Bush
-More people were working when Bush left office than for all of Obama's term until last month
-Bush solved the Clinton recession he inherited i short order and on the cheap

Your ignorance is duly noted.

- Bush exploded government, exploded subprime lending & still could not mach Obama's economy & job growth rate for working age population.

- CPI inflation is bogus bullshit. Bush caused Oil to increase 1,400%, Food to increase 400%, Gold to increase 600%, US Dollar index to tank 50%, House prices increased 400%, Utilities increased 400%, Gas price up 500%, Farm land prices up 400%, etc. Wages stagnate.

- 34 million Baby Boomers retire during Obama's term yet he has more people employed than Bush when he was thrown out. Obama's job growth rate for working age population is awesome.

- There were NO Clinton recessions. The first negative quarter was on Bush's watch.

From one of the liberal's favorites: Bush inherited Clinton's recession

You were probably pretty young then and don't remember.
Why would they be over 3%?

Simple, because our economy is so fragile that a bad winter caused by CC is the only reason the GDP dropped in the first quarter. Now that the air is fresh and the Sun is shining that will make the country produce more. Market demand has nothing to do with the GDP.

Typically you look at something to explain what happened or what will happen. I dont buy a severe winter (and it wasnt severe all over the country) cut GDP to negative territory. SOmeone posted the link that Obamacare spending played havoc. That makes sense.
I suspect they will massage numbers to show growth. OTherwise it will officially be a recession and the Democrats dont want that ahead of an election. So look for growth to return to 1-2%.

There have been some numbers that indicate a strengthening foundation - I'm not saying robust growth, just some growth. The "experts" were predicting about 3.0% for the year, and that ain't gonna happen. I'm thinking maybe 1.8% to 2.2% when the dust settles. I'd love to be wrong.

Obviously we're not out of the woods. I'd put the chances of stagflation at about 20%, which is a helluva lot higher than I'd like.


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