US forces rape victims to have their babies

Now I KNOW you're the one who needs psychiatric help, Tommy, you slithering phylum that wormed out of the UK. I've read A LOT of your fecal matter over the years but I've never seen such incoherent, paranoid, disjointed delusions on your part, my Islamic-human-condom-friend. Abortion is 100% legal in all 50 states, that is a FACT. It is also a FACT that your churning, melting slush of a mind is touring our solar system's Oort cloud at this most ultimate 100% example of a horse's ass I've ever seen fart from the UK's anus. Why don't you grow the fuck up, you most pitiful thing that ever lived?
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion.
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

Fifth Amendment to the Constitution…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
The really sad part is that Republicans don’t even care about the baby. It’s all about legislating women. Putting them in their place. Letting them know who they are.
If Republicans were really antiabortion, they would produce legislation that helps women and babies. But they don’t. They do tax cuts for needy billionaires.
The entire abortion thing is nothing more than a sham. A trick Republicans have discovered that they can use and pretend to be moral.

Remember this?

Obama sure liked to keep kids in cages, he was deplorable and wicked.
“Until the Trump administration, we could always count on the Americans to help us defend it. Now the Americans have switched camp,” the diplomat said. “Now it’s an unholy alliance of the US, the Russians, the Holy See, the Saudis and the Bahrainis, chipping away at the progress that has been made.”

It truly takes a sick, evil mind, to see the cold-blooded murder of innocent children as “progress”.
The thread title and message are a lie. When do you think you will correct the lie?
It's not a lie. The US policy under the filthy hoodlum-whores who now direct the executive branch of the U.S. enslaving rape victims into forced births, and this same trash has NO PLAN for how the resultant infants will be raised and cared for.

I guess some fuckhead like pigpence is planning how many infants created by soldiers raping women in places like Africa can fit into HIS house so that he can change all of those diapers and then go through all it takes to care for an infant right through to adulthood. After all, he is so wise.
Another liberal follower of Margaret Sanger.
Notice she singles out Africa. We're not aborting enough African babies. Hysteria and Sanger need to rid the world of these "human weeds"
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion. And for you Republicans who think there is, well the great legal mind Anthony Scalia agrees with me.

For those with short attention spans, fast forward to 2:30 mark on the video.

other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

So you disagree with Justice Scalia? You shouldn’t be expecting a nomination to SCOTUS anytime soon.

that same body once thought slavery was legal,,,

Actually the constitution left the issue of slavery up to the individual states until 1864. ROE v Wade has made it illegal for any state to outlaw abortion. I am in favor of throwing out RvW and letting states outlaw abortion if they choose.

only if you lift one leg and squint really hard,,,

the constitution makes all men equal and in no way allows slavery,,,

and based on science abortion is murder so it should be illegal nation wide

Science? There’s no link, so we know it’s your unsubstantiated opinion. Welcome to the abortion debate, where religion and morality collide with freedom.
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

So you disagree with Justice Scalia? You shouldn’t be expecting a nomination to SCOTUS anytime soon.
that same body once thought slavery was legal,,,

Actually the constitution left the issue of slavery up to the individual states until 1864. ROE v Wade has made it illegal for any state to outlaw abortion. I am in favor of throwing out RvW and letting states outlaw abortion if they choose.

only if you lift one leg and squint really hard,,,

the constitution makes all men equal and in no way allows slavery,,,

and based on science abortion is murder so it should be illegal nation wide
How come men’s bodies aren’t legislated?
If Republicans force women to have the babies of the rapist, will more Republican men rape because they want kids?

This is how remarkably worthless you are DEANTARD- you and I are both Pro-choice, but your arguments in favor make me wish you’d just go away.
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion.
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

Fifth Amendment to the Constitution…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.
“Until the Trump administration, we could always count on the Americans to help us defend it. Now the Americans have switched camp,” the diplomat said. “Now it’s an unholy alliance of the US, the Russians, the Holy See, the Saudis and the Bahrainis, chipping away at the progress that has been made.”

It truly takes a sick, evil mind, to see the cold-blooded murder of innocent children as “progress”.

What gets me is he has to lie about things. If ignorance is bliss, tommy is the happiest guy on earth.
And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

History is littered with human rights abuses, perpetrated by those who excused their horrific crimes by denying that their victims were humans.

You are no different, if you defend the murder of innocent children, by denying that they were human.
And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

History is littered with human rights abuses, perpetrated by those who excused their horrific crimes by denying that their victims were humans.

You are no different, if you defend the murder of innocent children, by denying that they were human.

You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
I have to give you credit for identifying yourself as a moron. We can do nothing about a miscarriage. Abortions, not so much.
Miscarriage is an act of nature. Abortions are elective medical decisions to terminate a pregnancy. Duh....
And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

History is littered with human rights abuses, perpetrated by those who excused their horrific crimes by denying that their victims were humans.

You are no different, if you defend the murder of innocent children, by denying that they were human.

You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
How many miscarriages are premeditated?
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

So you disagree with Justice Scalia? You shouldn’t be expecting a nomination to SCOTUS anytime soon.
that same body once thought slavery was legal,,,

Actually the constitution left the issue of slavery up to the individual states until 1864. ROE v Wade has made it illegal for any state to outlaw abortion. I am in favor of throwing out RvW and letting states outlaw abortion if they choose.

only if you lift one leg and squint really hard,,,

the constitution makes all men equal and in no way allows slavery,,,

and based on science abortion is murder so it should be illegal nation wide

Science? There’s no link, so we know it’s your unsubstantiated opinion. Welcome to the abortion debate, where religion and morality collide with freedom.

"There's no link" apparently means "I've had it explained to me a million times, but I don't want to believe it, so I just pretend I didn't see it".
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion.
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

Fifth Amendment to the Constitution…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

Really? Now we think it's the job of the Constitution to establish word definitions and scientific facts? And we apparently think scientific fact is ALSO determined by votes and laws and birthday celebrations and whatever other weird arbitrary excuses you want to apply. Oh, and then the treasured argument of pro-aborts, "Well, unborn babies die on their own, so that makes it okay to kill them."
And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

History is littered with human rights abuses, perpetrated by those who excused their horrific crimes by denying that their victims were humans.

You are no different, if you defend the murder of innocent children, by denying that they were human.

You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage

This from the guy who posted that babies aren't humans because the Constitution doesn't declare that they are, because we celebrate the day of birth instead of the day of conception, because he thinks that processing oxygen with the lungs instead of another way is somehow significant, and because he personally believes that they don't think or having feelings, and that's required for life and humanity.

Yeah, hon, you're ALL about the unemotional logic, science, and facts. :auiqs.jpg:

And I gotta admire the cold, hard logic of your Miss Cleo act, where you definitively state what other people think and care about as if you somehow "know" this, based on your desire to believe that's how it is.

Btw, you're the only person I currently see talking about "religious beliefs". That tells me you're responding to the arguments you WISH people were making, because you can't respond to the ones they actually make.
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You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
I have to give you credit for identifying yourself as a moron. We can do nothing about a miscarriage. Abortions, not so much.
Miscarriage is an act of nature. Abortions are elective medical decisions to terminate a pregnancy. Duh....

Exactly. We don't assume that because old people die of natural causes, that makes it okay to go to a nursing home and start shooting the residents.

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