US forces rape victims to have their babies

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
She may be a crazed and psychopathic Godless wretch but that was harsh mate.

All she wants is for thousands of raped and brutalised young girls to go through the absolute misery of having a daily and physical reminder of their rape until the child is born and then spend the next 50 or so years raising it. Thats not unreasonable.

If you and the admitted loser of the argument want to stroke each other, Taint, please do it elsewhere. Your fantasies that wrong is right, up is down, and ignorant evil trash like you are really compassionate heroes add as little to rational discussion as . . . well, everything else you ever say does.
Your crew are the losers babe. Abortion is still legal in the civilised world and an adult Pres will rip up all of trumps shit.
The right to choose between taking a pregnancy to term and having an abortion is an individual right, and therefore, not subject to geography. How did you get the idea that every person has the resources necessary to travel to another state and can afford to take the time off from work? A fetus is not a "person," yet; rather a potential person
Your choice, pro choice Spanky.
If you want your abortion but don't want to go through the ordeal of an inhuman process of actually going to a place where the options to killing your child are discussed then get in your car or bus or plane and go to a place where you aren't required to do a thing, you poor, poor victim.

OR you could go down to your abortion mill and sit there for a brief period of time while someone tells you something
while you pretend to care, just like in high school. Or not. Or just bitch about it. I don't care.

When was the last time you were forced by the government into "counseling" about a personal decision that you made? It's not "killing a child," despite your hysteria. A legitimate clinic is not an "abortion mill." They are staffed by legitimate doctors who are perfectly capable of counseling their patients.

You seem not to understand that this is a case of Big Government forcing a specific sectarian "religion" on unsuspecting people. No level of government should ever be involved in this type of set-up.

I looked it up once, and the only "counseling" centers approved by the state politicians are run by one particular cult with one particular ideology. Even if forcing someone into "counseling" would be acceptable, why are there no other options available that would give the woman a choice of whom to be "counseled" by according to her preferred ideology?
Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
She may be a crazed and psychopathic Godless wretch but that was harsh mate.

All she wants is for thousands of raped and brutalised young girls to go through the absolute misery of having a daily and physical reminder of their rape until the child is born and then spend the next 50 or so years raising it. Thats not unreasonable.

If you and the admitted loser of the argument want to stroke each other, Taint, please do it elsewhere. Your fantasies that wrong is right, up is down, and ignorant evil trash like you are really compassionate heroes add as little to rational discussion as . . . well, everything else you ever say does.
Your crew are the losers babe. Abortion is still legal in the civilised world and an adult Pres will rip up all of trumps shit.

Isn't going to happen. Abortion is going to the SCOTUS and by the time we have a baby killing traitor as president, it will be nothing but an embarassing memory.
The right to choose between taking a pregnancy to term and having an abortion is an individual right, and therefore, not subject to geography. How did you get the idea that every person has the resources necessary to travel to another state and can afford to take the time off from work? A fetus is not a "person," yet; rather a potential person
Your choice, pro choice Spanky.
If you want your abortion but don't want to go through the ordeal of an inhuman process of actually going to a place where the options to killing your child are discussed then get in your car or bus or plane and go to a place where you aren't required to do a thing, you poor, poor victim.

OR you could go down to your abortion mill and sit there for a brief period of time while someone tells you something
while you pretend to care, just like in high school. Or not. Or just bitch about it. I don't care.

When was the last time you were forced by the government into "counseling" about a personal decision that you made? It's not "killing a child," despite your hysteria. A legitimate clinic is not an "abortion mill." They are staffed by legitimate doctors who are perfectly capable of counseling their patients.

You seem not to understand that this is a case of Big Government forcing a specific sectarian "religion" on unsuspecting people. No level of government should ever be involved in this type of set-up.

I looked it up once, and the only "counseling" centers approved by the state politicians are run by one particular cult with one particular ideology. Even if forcing someone into "counseling" would be acceptable, why are there no other options available that would give the woman a choice of whom to be "counseled" by according to her preferred ideology?

That is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

Leftists are terrified at what will be exposed when people (aside from the racketeers, ghouls, and traffickers that currently *counsel* desperate pregnant women in the schools and abortion clinics) start to talk to the women they are exploiting.

They railroad this population of women, they treat them as chattel and possessions, and they are fiercely territorial is anybody dares to try to give them options. Just like the pimps and abusers they are.
Your crew are the losers babe. Abortion is still legal in the civilised world and an adult Pres will rip up all of trumps shit.
Abortion is legal in all fifty states here, asshole! Wake up and stop pretending Trump has done something to jeopardize that fact.
When was the last time you were forced by the government into "counseling" about a personal decision that you made? It's not "killing a child," despite your hysteria. A legitimate clinic is not an "abortion mill." They are staffed by legitimate doctors who are perfectly capable of counseling their patients.

You seem not to understand that this is a case of Big Government forcing a specific sectarian "religion" on unsuspecting people. No level of government should ever be involved in this type of set-up.

I looked it up once, and the only "counseling" centers approved by the state politicians are run by one particular cult with one particular ideology. Even if forcing someone into "counseling" would be acceptable, why are there no other options available that would give the woman a choice of whom to be "counseled" by according to her preferred ideology?

You'd think, given they are hell-bent on denying women the right to choose facing one of the most intimate, life-changing decisions she has to make in her life, they'd stop at denying them the choice of the propaganda they'd prefer to hear? When, in fact, getting women under religion- and resentment-driven control is all they have in mind?

Other than that, this thread is - repeating myself - supposed to be about women systematically raped in war zones, and the U.S. efforts to thwart the victims' reproductive health care. One might think females facing the ravages of war have enough on their hands without being forced to carry a rapist's child to term. Really, there aren't words, as far as I can determine, accurately to describe the utter absurdity and inhumanity of that effort, but there it is. It's patently incomprehensible anyone cannot see this. But there it is.
"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
She may be a crazed and psychopathic Godless wretch but that was harsh mate.

All she wants is for thousands of raped and brutalised young girls to go through the absolute misery of having a daily and physical reminder of their rape until the child is born and then spend the next 50 or so years raising it. Thats not unreasonable.

If you and the admitted loser of the argument want to stroke each other, Taint, please do it elsewhere. Your fantasies that wrong is right, up is down, and ignorant evil trash like you are really compassionate heroes add as little to rational discussion as . . . well, everything else you ever say does.

That is so typical of those with nothing. They declare victory (as if this is something more than a free exchange of ideas), and prance away. Well you can declare victory Cece, but you can’t stop abortions or change anybody’s mind on the topic. Your arguments are emotion based and you refuse to offer any alternative for unwanted children. Enjoy another weekend at home while the rest of us who know how to interact with people have a good time. I’d feel bad for you and the life you have if you weren’t such a toxic person.
Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
She may be a crazed and psychopathic Godless wretch but that was harsh mate.

All she wants is for thousands of raped and brutalised young girls to go through the absolute misery of having a daily and physical reminder of their rape until the child is born and then spend the next 50 or so years raising it. Thats not unreasonable.

If you and the admitted loser of the argument want to stroke each other, Taint, please do it elsewhere. Your fantasies that wrong is right, up is down, and ignorant evil trash like you are really compassionate heroes add as little to rational discussion as . . . well, everything else you ever say does.
Your crew are the losers babe. Abortion is still legal in the civilised world and an adult Pres will rip up all of trumps shit.

Isn't going to happen. Abortion is going to the SCOTUS and by the time we have a baby killing traitor as president, it will be nothing but an embarassing memory.

Do you really think Trump is anti abortion? I mean I voted for the guy (what choice did I have? Hellary! No.), but I’d bet he’s paid for more than a few abortions.
When was the last time you were forced by the government into "counseling" about a personal decision that you made? It's not "killing a child," despite your hysteria. A legitimate clinic is not an "abortion mill." They are staffed by legitimate doctors who are perfectly capable of counseling their patients.

You seem not to understand that this is a case of Big Government forcing a specific sectarian "religion" on unsuspecting people. No level of government should ever be involved in this type of set-up.

I looked it up once, and the only "counseling" centers approved by the state politicians are run by one particular cult with one particular ideology. Even if forcing someone into "counseling" would be acceptable, why are there no other options available that would give the woman a choice of whom to be "counseled" by according to her preferred ideology?

You'd think, given they are hell-bent on denying women the right to choose facing one of the most intimate, life-changing decisions she has to make in her life, they'd stop at denying them the choice of the propaganda they'd prefer to hear? When, in fact, getting women under religion- and resentment-driven control is all they have in mind?

Other than that, this thread is - repeating myself - supposed to be about women systematically raped in war zones, and the U.S. efforts to thwart the victims' reproductive health care. One might think females facing the ravages of war have enough on their hands without being forced to carry a rapist's child to term. Really, there aren't words, as far as I can determine, accurately to describe the utter absurdity and inhumanity of that effort, but there it is. It's patently incomprehensible anyone cannot see this. But there it is.
All murder is intimate. That doesn't make it AOK.

People like you are incapable of separating out the concept of "abortion on demand at any point of the pregnancy" from "health care".

You've been convinced that abortion is *health care* and by golly nothing anybody says is going to sway you from that. Because *strong brave women* are the ones who fed you that lie. Btw, their strength and their bravery is also a lie.

The ONLY people who benefit from huge abortion factories and government funded baby killing abattoirs are abusers, pimps, traffickers, the porn industry and the ghouls who abuse the women in order to get $$$ for abusing them...and to get the money for selling the dead babies.

That is the ONLY purpose of state sanctioned abortion for all.

And if you support it, that's exactly what you support. Human trafficking, incest, rape, and murder.
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When was the last time you were forced by the government into "counseling" about a personal decision that you made? It's not "killing a child," despite your hysteria. A legitimate clinic is not an "abortion mill." They are staffed by legitimate doctors who are perfectly capable of counseling their patients.

You seem not to understand that this is a case of Big Government forcing a specific sectarian "religion" on unsuspecting people. No level of government should ever be involved in this type of set-up.

I looked it up once, and the only "counseling" centers approved by the state politicians are run by one particular cult with one particular ideology. Even if forcing someone into "counseling" would be acceptable, why are there no other options available that would give the woman a choice of whom to be "counseled" by according to her preferred ideology?

You'd think, given they are hell-bent on denying women the right to choose facing one of the most intimate, life-changing decisions she has to make in her life, they'd stop at denying them the choice of the propaganda they'd prefer to hear? When, in fact, getting women under religion- and resentment-driven control is all they have in mind?

Other than that, this thread is - repeating myself - supposed to be about women systematically raped in war zones, and the U.S. efforts to thwart the victims' reproductive health care. One might think females facing the ravages of war have enough on their hands without being forced to carry a rapist's child to term. Really, there aren't words, as far as I can determine, accurately to describe the utter absurdity and inhumanity of that effort, but there it is. It's patently incomprehensible anyone cannot see this. But there it is.
All murder is intimate. That doesn't make it AOK.

People like you are incapable of separating out the concept of "abortion on demand at any point of the pregnancy" from "health care".

You've been convinced that abortion is *health care* and by golly nothing anybody says is going to sway you from that. Because *strong brave women* are the ones who fed you that lie. Btw, their strength and their bravery is also a lie.

The ONLY people who benefit from huge abortion factories and government funded baby killing abattoirs are abusers, pimps, traffickers, the porn industry and the ghouls who abuse the women in order to get $$$ for abusing them...and to get the money for selling the dead babies.

That is the ONLY purpose of state sanctioned abortion for all.

And if you support it, that's exactly what you support. Human trafficking, incest, rape, and murder.

Every medical procedure is "on demand" unless you are out cold in the ER. Where are these "huge abortion factories" and "government-funded baby-killing abattoirs"? Any you know of? What state?

If you think that all women are under the thrall of "pimps" etc. you must have spent quite a while in either the criminal underworld, the world of human trafficking, incest, rape, and murder, or the world of bar pickups at closing time. Normal heterosexual women and men do not live in your world. Don't you know any normal people?
government-funded baby-killing abattoirs"? Any you know of?
Planned Parenthood: largest government funded abortion provider

House Democrats seek to protect Planned Parenthood from Trump's funding cuts

Providing abortions is a very, very minor part of what PP does.

But what's it to ya? When are you going after the people who are selling and buying the automatic weapons? If you are so against keeping decisions out of the legitimate decision-makers hands with regard to abortion, just what are you doing to keep such weapons as AR 15s and AK 47s out of people's hands so that the decisions to possess such weapons are made by the government or a religious group rather than the person who wishes to purchase such weapons?

No, this is NOT a separate subject or a comment on the wrong thread. It is a comment on the hypocrisy of people who are dead-set against a woman terminating a pregnancy occurring inside her own body, which has no separate existence outside of her body, but are all for the "freedom" to possess a tangible commodity that exists outside their own bodies solely for their personal pleasure.

Moreover, PP is not government-funded. That cheap trashy pigpence took care of what was left over after the disastrous Hyde amendment, and you love this queerdo.

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