US conservatives indebted to IS Iraq invading terrorists forever


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Gone are the days that Republicans can claim IS terrorists will take over Iraq and it is all Obama's fault.

Islamic State suffering setbacks in Syria and Iraq
Associated Press By ZEINA KARAM 9 hours ago

Gone are the days when IS was able to seize territory in both countries with relative ease. Its newfound problems, including a loss of oil revenue, raise questions about the extent to which it will be able to continue recruiting fighters who want to be with a winner.

Republicans are forever indebted to their IS terrorists for attacking Iraq in time for the US midterm elections.

[BEIRUT (AP) — For a force that has built its reputation on an aura of momentum and invincibility, the Islamic State group is now dealing with a series of military setbacks in Iraq and a prolonged stalemate in the small Syrian border town of Kobani.

Islamic State suffering setbacks in Syria and Iraq - Yahoo News
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WHI 9588048 "There are no solutions for Iraq. Not anymore"...
Democrats can't comprehend the concept of Military victory and they will never allow the United States to achieve victory in Iraq or anywhere else even if the power vacuum destabilizes the region.

Could you or any of the self-annointed Iraq experts on the USMB define "the concept of military victory in Iraq"'as US right wingers expect it to be.

Right now Obama has authorized over 200 non-combat US troops to assist and train Iraqis to finish the process of driving the IS terrorists out of Iraq or kill them.

Will it be a US military victory when the Iraqis defeat the IS terrorists and achieve a genuine political reconciliation between the Sunnis, Shia and Kurds. You know, the evasive internal Iraqi political reconciliation that the Bush/Petraeus surge did not achieve in 2008.

Is complete Iraqi political reconciliation the right winger concept of US military victory in Iraq.
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You were Notfooledbyw but Obama has sure fooled you.

If you can't answer the question or opine with some degree of intelligence, why do you reply at all? It just confirms the vapid mental state of the American right wing on the situation that emerged last June from that GW Bush nation-building (through US blood and money) project that launched in March 2003.

Is complete Iraqi political reconciliation between Shia Sunni and Kurd the right winger concept of US military victory in Iraq.
I don't read your op's. That's why I don't opine. I troll fools & engage everyone else. Now figure out where you fit into those two options & get back to your nonsense
US conservatives indebted to IS Iraq invading terrorists forever

Disgruntled liberal fanatics are coming up with weirder and weirder spews as they scrabble around to invent anything bad to say about conservatives, after being blown away in yet another election.
I don't read your op's. That's why I don't opine. I troll fools & engage everyone else. Now figure out where you fit into those two options & get back to your nonsense

I have figured out you are a non-engaging phony that has an exit ramp for when engagement would overwhelm your ability.

But if In wrong you can try again.

Is complete Iraqi political reconciliation between Shia Sunni and Kurd the right winger concept of US military victory in Iraq.

Maybe you can get someone to help you cone up with a minimal half baked response instead of something so embarrassing as nothing at all.
Disgruntled liberal fanatics are coming up with weirder and weirder spews as they scrabble around to invent anything bad to say about conservatives, after being blown away in yet another election.

I didnt invent US conservatives running around since June here declaring that IS terrorist were going to take control of. Iraq, and Bush was right that pulling troops out according to his own withdrawal plan woukd mean that the terrorists would take control of Iraq. And of course its all Obama's fault. American conservatives were not too keen to blame the terrorists or Maliki were they. US conservatives saw a political ally in IS terror and used it to the extreme, The beheadings were a godsend for the political right in the US.

I don't think that can be disputed.

The RNC could not have planned better timing.

US conservatives are indebted to IS Iraq invading terrorists forever
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Gone are the days that Republicans can claim IS terrorists will take over Iraq and it is all Obama's fault.

Islamic State suffering setbacks in Syria and Iraq
Associated Press By ZEINA KARAM 9 hours ago

Gone are the days when IS was able to seize territory in both countries with relative ease. Its newfound problems, including a loss of oil revenue, raise questions about the extent to which it will be able to continue recruiting fighters who want to be with a winner.

Republicans are forever indebted to their IS terrorists for attacking Iraq in time for the US midterm elections.

[BEIRUT (AP) — For a force that has built its reputation on an aura of momentum and invincibility, the Islamic State group is now dealing with a series of military setbacks in Iraq and a prolonged stalemate in the small Syrian border town of Kobani.

Islamic State suffering setbacks in Syria and Iraq - Yahoo News
Obama successfully ended Bush's Iraq war, what's going on now is his war. If he would've listened to his advisers and left a few soldiers in Iraq. He wouldn't have the problem he has now.
US conservatives indebted to IS Iraq invading terrorists forever

Disgruntled liberal fanatics are coming up with weirder and weirder spews as they scrabble around to invent anything bad to say about conservatives, after being blown away in yet another election.

Libs have become unhinged. They finally get someone as liberal as Obama elected president, they win the House and Senate, they gift the country Obamacare, and it blows up in their face. The nation rejects them, their agenda, their policies, so they flail about in disbelief. Tune in next week when they claim fossil fuel emissions have somehow resulted in people voting for Republicans.
JK 10131679 regarding NF 10123383.
Obama successfully ended Bush's Iraq war, what's going on now is his war. If he would've listened to his advisers and left a few soldiers in Iraq. He wouldn't have the problem he has now.

Actually Obama successfully end US ground combat involvement in Bush's dumb Iraq war. The Iraq civil war between Sunni and Shiite that was entirely aggravated by Bush's WMD driven war as it brought al Qaeda into the mix, was not ended by Bush not was it ended by Obama.

All that was ended was US combat operations in cities in June 2008 and all if Iraq at the end if 2011.

This current war is Obama's war on the US terrorist invasion into Iraq and therefore you should respect a much wiser president than Bush for not planning US ground troops to engage in combat directly with the enemy. That is for Iraqis to do.

And on your note about leaving a few soldiers in Iraq having made a difference. I can cite General Petraeus telling us that is not certain because no one actually knows if that would've stopped IS terrorists and the Iraq Army running away from a major fight.
JK 10131679 regarding NF 10123383.
Obama successfully ended Bush's Iraq war, what's going on now is his war. If he would've listened to his advisers and left a few soldiers in Iraq. He wouldn't have the problem he has now.

Actually Obama successfully end US ground combat involvement in Bush's dumb Iraq war. The Iraq civil war between Sunni and Shiite that was entirely aggravated by Bush's WMD driven war as it brought al Qaeda into the mix, was not ended by Bush not was it ended by Obama.

All that was ended was US combat operations in cities in June 2008 and all if Iraq at the end if 2011.

This current war is Obama's war on the US terrorist invasion into Iraq and therefore you should respect a much wiser president than Bush for not planning US ground troops to engage in combat directly with the enemy. That is for Iraqis to do.

And on your note about leaving a few soldiers in Iraq having made a difference. I can cite General Petraeus telling us that is not certain because no one actually knows if that would've stopped IS terrorists and the Iraq Army running away from a major fight.
Yeah and Obama is sending 1500 more troops, how long before he declares war?
BL 10131705
The nation rejects them, their agenda, their policies, so they flail about in disbelief.

I am definitely not flailing around in disbelief. I realize that only a little over a third of eligible voters made the many bad decisions on last Tuesday. I know the Tea Party was bound and gagged and kept under wraps rather successfully by the establishment Republicans this past political season. I realize you are so full of false assumptions on what the midterm vote means over the long term that I don't have to worry that the religious right or Tea Party whackos will be taking over our country anytime soon. So there is no panic in my world because something that's happened to every two term President since WwII just happened again.

I favor raising the minimum wage and so did voters in five states the voted for Republicans to Represent them. Won't it be grand if Newly elected Republicans decide to represent the people that elected them.
Liberal scum blaming Buuuuuuuuush for ISIL/ISIS when they were formed in Syria under Obama's watch.

Yeah, it's Buuuuuuuuush's fault that Obama did nothing in Syria early in their civil war thus allowing AQI to come back to life in Syria as ISIL and later ISIS.....fucking liberal insanity.

Oh, it's also Buuuuuuush's fault that he handed the keys of Iraq to Obama and Obama decided to fuck it all up.
BL 10131705
The nation rejects them, their agenda, their policies, so they flail about in disbelief.

I am definitely not flailing around in disbelief. I realize that only a little over a third of eligible voters made the many bad decisions on last Tuesday. I know the Tea Party was bound and gagged and kept under wraps rather successfully by the establishment Republicans this past political season. I realize you are so full of false assumptions on what the midterm vote means over the long term that I don't have to worry that the religious right or Tea Party whackos will be taking over our country anytime soon. So there is no panic in my world because something that's happened to every two term President since WwII just happened again.

I favor raising the minimum wage and so did voters in five states the voted for Republicans to Represent them. Won't it be grand if Newly elected Republicans decide to represent the people that elected them.

LOL lets test that. I'll shoot your "only a third of eligible voters" excuse talking point all to hell and see what happens. About the same number of people turned out to vote in the 2006 mid-term election and Democrats and the lying low life scum liberal media jumped up and down claiming this was huge, this is a mandate, the people had spoken and rejected Bush. Now you are saying this blow out win by the Republicans is meaningless, just a turn out issue? GOTCHA! :laugh:

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